
jià gé
  • price;rate;tariff;price-tag
价格 [jià gé]
  • [price] 商品价值表现在货币上的数量

价格[jià gé]
  1. 这种型号是价格和质量间的最佳折中方案。

    This model represents the best compromise between price and quality .

  2. 价格取决于你挑选额外收费项目的多少。

    The price is dependent on how many extras you choose .

  3. 我们预计这个月食物价格会上涨。

    We are expecting a rise in food prices this month .

  4. 他们想在价格合适的时候卖掉股票。

    They want to unload their shares at the right price .

  5. 到12月为止的年度价格上涨了2%。

    Prices edged up 2 % in the year to December .

  6. 价格高是使潜在买主却步的主要因素。

    The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers .

  7. 国内价格已调整到与世界市场一致。

    Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets .

  8. 大多数房子都超出我们的价格范围。

    Most of the houses are out of our price bracket .

  9. 显然,价格低是一大卖点。

    The price is obviously one of the main selling points .

  10. 小麦价格降低了15%。

    The price of wheat has decreased by 15 % .

  11. 一餐通常的价格为10元左右。

    A typically priced meal will be around $ 10 .

  12. 自从价格上涨以来我们失去了很多生意。

    We 've lost a lot of custom since prices went up .

  13. 这些价格在付印时是准确无误的。

    These prices are correct at the time of going to press .

  14. 房屋价格包括固定装置和附加设备。

    The price of the house includes fixtures and fittings .

  15. 预计今年的价格将涨得更高。

    Prices are expected to rise even higher this year .

  16. 今天,这家超市打响了价格战的头一炮。

    The supermarket fired the first shot in a price war today .

  17. 这一型号有一系列可供选择的附件,价格另计。

    This model comes with a number of optional extras .

  18. 我们的产品销路好,靠的是质量,而不是价格。

    It is quality not price that sells our products .

  19. 城市的房地产价格令人望而却步。

    The price of property in the city is prohibitive .

  20. 因为成本日益上涨,我们不得不提高价格。

    We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs .

  21. 因为有擦痕他们将价格降了60元。

    They knocked off $ 60 because of a scratch .

  22. 我们可以就价格问题达成一项协议。

    We can come to an arrangement over the price .

  23. 他们的价格比竞争者的要优惠。

    Their prices compare favourably with those of their competitors .

  24. 他把价格从80元降到了50元。

    He knocked down the price from $ 80 to $ 50 .

  25. 价格并不总是质量的准确标志。

    Price is not always an accurate marker of quality .

  26. 尼克总能找到价格便宜的航班。

    Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights .

  27. 我们能以低于我们的欧洲对手5%的价格出售。

    We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5 % .

  28. 利率的提高将促使价格上扬。

    The rise in interest rates will push prices up .

  29. 受德国市场影响,股票价格出现下跌。

    Share prices slipped in sympathy with the German market .

  30. 在我们的价格范围以内,很难找到房子。

    It 's difficult to find a house in our price range .