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  • credit rating
  1. 这样做的成本很高(银行+存储费用)而且将降低你的信用评级。

    Doing so is costly ( bank + store fees ) and damages your credit rating .

  2. 保险代理公司信用评级的特殊性保险代理公司有区别于其他金融机构的特性,相对的,对其进行信用评级也要体现出这些特殊性。Agent的体系结构

    The credit rating system also helps select the agent . The Architectures of Agent

  3. 即要在防范风险和营销客户之间寻求一种平衡,这对信用评级工作提出了更高的要求

    By the ranking of credit achieve to a balance between risks elusion and client exploitation .

  4. 如今的欧洲危机中,评级公司更是在债券市场意识到违约风险之前years,就开始降低欧元区外围国家的信用评级。

    In the current European crisis , ratings firms had begun to downgrade peripheral euro-zone countries years before bond markets woke up to default risk .

  5. 标准普尔(StandardPoor's)周五以担忧资本外流为由将俄罗斯信用评级下调至仅较垃圾级高一档的水平。

    Standard Poor 's cut Russia 's credit rating to one notch above junk on Friday morning citing concerns about capital outflows .

  6. 伴随着中国加入WTO及经济全球化的进程,以及巴塞尔协议的要求,中国的商业银行逐步引入信用评级制度。

    With China accession WTO and economic globalization process and Basel requirements , China commercial banks gradually introduce credit rating system .

  7. 债信评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoor's)将其对通用汽车的信用评级前景从稳定调降为负面,并表示通用当前的投资级评级“岌岌可危”。

    Standard Poor 's rating agency revised its outlook for GM 's credit from stable to negative , and said the present investment-grade rating was " tenuous " .

  8. 但《财富》杂志(Fortune)经回顾发现,标普和穆迪其实经常在主权信用评级上产生分歧。

    But a review by fortune shows that the two agencies regularly disagree over sovereign credit ratings .

  9. 斯皮策在华盛顿对众议院金融服务委员会(housefinancialservices)下属的资本市场委员会表示,债券保险公司时间紧迫,必须找到新资金,避免信用评级被下调。

    The clock was ticking for bond insurers to find capital to avoid credit downgrades , Mr Spitzer told the US House Financial Services Sub-Committee on capital markets in Washington .

  10. 在2003年,纽约住宅贷款银行(NewYorkHLB)曾在一只债券上亏损1.83亿美元,该债券的信用评级原为AAA,但后来被大幅降级。

    In 2003 , the New York HLB lost $ 183m on a bond that was originally AAA-rated but was heavily downgraded .

  11. 这五个州仍在当前拥有卓越AAA信用评级的15个州之列。

    The five are among the 15 states currently with stellar triple-A credit ratings .

  12. 只有少数支持这一基金的欧元区成员国拥有AAA信用评级。

    Only a minority of eurozone members backing the fund have a triple A rating .

  13. 勾销QE债务的主要障碍在于市场和信用评级机构。

    The main obstacle to retiring the debt lies with the markets and credit rating agencies .

  14. 我国企业债券信用评级的因素分析&基于Altman的Z计分模型的实证研究

    Factors Influencing Credit Rating on Corporate Bonds in China : Empirical Study Based on Z Model of Altman

  15. 这种对信用评级的过度依赖与他们渴望的3A评级的稀释同步。

    This over-dependence on credit ratings coincided with the dilution of the coveted triple A rating .

  16. 首先,市场和信用评级机构应该认识到,qe债务并不是真实的债务。

    First , the markets and credit rating agencies should recognise that QE debt is not real debt .

  17. 评级机构称,即使新增1万亿美元债务也不会影响美国政府的AAA信用评级。

    Adding even $ 1 trillion shouldn 't affect the U.S.government 's AAA credit rating , according to rating services .

  18. 信用评级在CCC或以下的债券为具有最高违约风险的垃圾债券。

    Credit ratings of CCC or below are reserved for junk bonds with the highest risk of default .

  19. 本周,惠誉国际评级(FitchRatings)称,日本若继续提高债务水平,惠誉将重新评定其主权信用评级。

    This week Fitch Ratings said it may review Japan 's debt rating if the government issues substantially more debt .

  20. 标普计划把rac比率用作未来信用评级分析的一项要素。

    S & P plans to use its RAC ratio as an element of future credit ratings analysis .

  21. 标准普尔今天称,该机构确认其对美国的“AAA”长期主权信用评级和“A-1+”短期主权信用评级。

    Standard & Poor 's Ratings Services said today that it affirmed its'AAA'long-term and'A-1 + 'short-term sovereign credit ratings on the U.S.

  22. 这些抵押贷款都具有高信用评级,贷款额与抵押物价值之比较低,实际上整个投资组合的信用评级都是AAA级。

    The mortgage holdings are in high-credit-score , low loan-to-value programmes , and virtually the entire investment portfolio is AAA rated .

  23. 已有多家评级机构宣布,美国的AAA信用评级正面临危险&这在美国的历史上是不可想象的。

    Already , the rating agencies have announced that our triple A credit rating is at risk – which was historically unthinkable .

  24. 德国人有效地控制着欧洲央行(ecb),同时还拥有最高等级的信用评级,因此它可能决定如何运作纾困资金。

    Germany effectively controls the European Central Bank . It also has the strongest credit rating . So it can decide how the rescue facilities will work .

  25. 尽管评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoor's)上周针对公债攀升现象发出了警告,但(迄今为止)英国仍保持着AAA的信用评级。

    In spite of last week 's warning from Standard Poor 's , the rating agency , about rising public debt , Britain has ( so far ) retained its triple A credit rating .

  26. 去年,大公发布了50个国家主权信用评级的报告,其中排名最低的是厄瓜多尔,评级为ccc。

    Last year , when Dagong published a list of 50 sovereign ratings , the lowest ranked country was Ecuador on CCC .

  27. 那时,该公司盈利,中等规模,拥有BB信用评级,有大约25亿美元的离岸债务。

    It was profitable , medium-sized , possessed a BB credit rating , and held around $ 2.5bn in offshore debt .

  28. 重点介绍了如何运用Logistic回归模型对客户进行信用评级以及通过设置过滤器来检测用电异常的方法。

    This paper introduces the design principle and realization techniques of the system , and lays emphasis on how to apply Logistic regression model to credit rating and the approach on detecting electro-abnormity through the filters .

  29. 去年大型银行倒闭的原因之一,是许多银行持有数量惊人的高信用评级CDO及其它不良证券。

    One reason why large banks crumbled last year was that many were carrying vast quantities of highly-rated CDOs and other toxic paper .

  30. 法国试图影响结果,但它最终必须向德国屈服,因为法国获得AAA信用评级,靠的就是与德国的紧密联盟。

    France tries to influence the outcome but in the end must yield to Germany because its triple A rating is dependent on being closely allied with Germany .