
  1. 资金信托受益权转让问题研究

    Research on Beneficial Right Transaction of Capital Trust

  2. 第二,证券化基础资产转让过程中涉及的法律问题:笔者对基础资产转让的通行方式分析比较,并着重分析了从属参与、信托、债权转让三个方面,提出我国的可行性作法;

    The second issue is mainly concerned with legal issues arising out of transfer process of basic assets under securities .

  3. 二级市场是解决资金信托受益权转让问题的基本出路。

    This paper explains that the establishment of secondary market is the key resolution to solve the problems of beneficial right transaction .

  4. 在融资策略上,针对宏观调控对蓝图公司造成的融资难问题,应采取项目信托、股权转让等措施扩大融资渠道;同时与其它企业结成战略联盟,做大做强,提高自力更生能力。

    On the financing strategy , against to the problem of financing in the contest of macro-control , the company should be take project trust , stock transfer and other measures to increase financing channels .

  5. 在契约内容上,霍布斯认为人们通过授权的方式转让了自己全部的权利;而洛克则强调人们通过信托的方式转让自己部分的权利。

    Through the authorized way , Hobbes thought that people have transferred the complete right ; but Locke stressed what transfer is partial rights , and the transfer is completes the through the way of trust .