
  • 网络Testamentary Trust
  1. 遗嘱信托,顾名思义,是指通过遗嘱的方式设立的信托。

    A testamentary trust is one created by a valid will .

  2. 主要介绍了信托制度的起源,遗嘱信托制度的发展现状及其功能。

    It will introduce the origin of trusteeship , development and function of Testamentary Trust system .

  3. 遗嘱信托的历史非常悠久,早在罗马时代就有类似的制度。

    Testamentary Trust has a very long history ; there was similar system since Roman Age .

  4. 这个部分有针对性的提出了完善我国遗嘱信托制度的建议和构想。

    This part is to put forward the targeted suggestions and ideas to improve our testamentary trust system .

  5. 遗嘱信托具有家族财富传承的功能,在英美信托实务上被广泛运用,使家族资产长久性传承。

    The testamentary trust takes on the family wealth inheritance function ; it is widely applied in the UK-US country .

  6. 首先介绍了遗嘱信托的设立,主要包括遗嘱信托的生效要件、各关系人的资格。

    First introduce the establishment of testamentary trust , including entered into force elements , the qualifications of each relationship .

  7. 最后,通过案例引出遗嘱信托的概念、优越性以及实际操作中遇到的问题。

    At last , we put forward the concept of testamentary trust , its superiority and the problem encountered in actual operation .

  8. 随着中国现代化进程的展开,在处理遗产的问题上,越来越多的人开始关注遗嘱信托制度。

    The Testamentary Trust system has drawn increasing attention in dealing with legacy problems due to the reform of modernization process in China .

  9. 遗嘱信托制度的具体内容包括:遗嘱信托的关系人,遗嘱信托的信托财产,以及遗嘱信托的设立、变更、终止。

    The content includes the relative parties and trust estate of Testamentary Trust , and the establishment , change and termination of Testamentary Trust .

  10. 遗嘱信托中的主体指遗嘱信托的委托人、受托人及受益人,遗嘱信托中的客体主要指遗嘱信托财产。

    Subject in the Testamentary Trust means trustor , trustee and beneficiary of the Testamentary Trust , and object means the estate of Testamentary Trust .

  11. 我国遗嘱信托在成立生效制度上存在的缺陷制约了遗嘱信托功能的发挥,为此,必须对信托法的相关内容进行适当修改。

    The defaults on China 's trust created by will confine the function of it , so we must amend the contents concerned in trust law .

  12. 该部分主要为构建我国遗嘱信托制度法律框架,并对一些重点问题提出建议。

    This part purports to put forward suggestions with respect to the establishment of legal framework of the Testamentary Trust system and to some key problems .

  13. 在个人财富日益增长和理财需求日益深化的今天,遗嘱信托应当成为人们合理安排身后事的一种理性选择。

    Since the growing of personal wealth and the deepening needs of financial services today , testamentary trust should become a rational choice for the after-death arrangements .

  14. 遗嘱信托具有独特的理论构造,可以成为克服继承法缺陷的工具。

    Trust created by will has special structure in theory , which makes it become a instrument to overcome the main defaults which lie in the law of succession .

  15. 首先介绍了我国现行遗嘱信托制度的法律渊源,然后介绍我国现行遗嘱信托制度的具体内容,并与英国、美国、日本和我国台湾地区做比较。

    It will introduce the law source of our current Testamentary Trust system , and then the specific content will be introduced , comparing with the system in UK , US , Japan and Taiwan .

  16. 遗嘱信托的关系人主要包括委托人、受托人和受益人,笔者分别对其资格和权利义务进行介绍,旨在确定与遗嘱信托主体相关的各项内容。

    The relative parties include trustor , trustee and beneficiary , their qualification , right and obligation will be introduced respectively , in order to confirm all the contents related to the subject of Testamentary trust .

  17. 改革开放以来,个人财富不断增加,随之而来的遗产继承纠纷问题也越来越突出,遗产的被继承人应如何防范风险,保证财富的稳定安全呢?遗嘱信托将会是一个非常明智的选择。

    Since the reform and opening up and increasing in personal wealth , inheritance dispute has become increasingly prominent . The decedent should be how to prevent risks , ensure the wealth of stable and secure . The testamentary trust will be a very wise choice .

  18. 遗嘱信托能够很好的尊重委托人的意志,为其规划出量身定做的遗产管理方案,在执行遗嘱、遗产长期管理规划、避免继承纠纷等方面较之大陆法系的遗嘱继承制度有明显的优势。

    Testamentary trust is well respected client will work out tailor-made for its heritage management program , in the implementation of wills , estate planning long-term management to avoid inheritance disputes and other aspects of the system than the civil law of intestate succession have significantly advantage .

  19. 因此,有必要对生前遗嘱代用信托制度进行全面、系统的研究,以解除其面临的困境。

    Therefore , it is necessary to inter vivos trusts system comprehensive , systematic research , to relieve the dilemma that its face .

  20. 在生前委托人自己是受益人,而在其死后则由信托文件中指定的受益人享有受益权,所以被称为生前遗嘱代用信托,和一般遗嘱信托不同。

    In his clients ' own is a beneficiary , but after his death by the trust documents specified beneficiary beneficiary , so called " inter vivos trusts ", and general trust in different .

  21. 生前遗嘱代用信托是遗嘱信托的一种,是指基于生前与受托人设立的信托文件,委托人把自己享有的财产权移转给受托人,由受托人处分、管理。

    Inter vivos trusts is a testamentary trust , is defined based on the life and the trustee trust set up client files , their property rights transferred to the trustee , trustee disposition , management by .

  22. 委托管理的全部财产的保有、管理和分配都将根据规章执行,不能视为单独的依遗嘱建立的信托基金。

    All such assets shall be held , managed and distributed as a part of said Trust according to its terms and not as a separate testamentary trust .

  23. 除了在遗嘱中提到的信托基金外,我是有意识的没有留遗产给我的继承人以及前妻子戴布拉-简-罗薇-杰克逊(DEBORAHJEANROWEJACKSON)。

    I have intentionally omitted to provide for my former wife , DEBORAH JEAN ROWE JACKSON .