
yí shī wù
  • Lost Property;lost item/thing
  1. 遗失物的主人必须在一年零一日内提出权利请求。

    The owners of estray must claim them within a year and a day .

  2. 实验证明,改进后结合SVM分类结果的基于双重背景的遗失物检测方法应用于抛洒物交通事件检测,可以很好的适应公路交通这一特殊环境,达到了很好的检测效果。

    Experiment shows that the improved dual background detection algorithm which is combined with the classification results of SVM and applied to abandoned object incident detection , can well adapt to the traffic environment and achieve a good detection results .

  3. 论盗赃物、遗失物的善意取得

    ON the Bona Fide Acquisition of Thief Booty and Lost Property

  4. 浅谈遗失物拾得制度的完善

    On the Improvement of the System of Picking-up Lost Property

  5. 遗失物与遗忘物法律制度研究

    Study on Legal System of Lost Things and Forgotten Things

  6. 遗失物拾得人的权利和义务研析

    Humans Analyses of Lost Property Keepers ' Rights and Duties

  7. 浅论拾得遗失物的相关法律问题

    On the Relevant Legal Issues of the Lost Property

  8. 对于遗失物一般不适用善意取得。

    Generally does not apply for the lost property acquired in good faith .

  9. 拾得遗失物与盗窃罪界限研究

    Research on the Demarcation Line between Picking up the Lost Articles and Larceny

  10. 拾得遗失物制度研究

    Study on the System of Picking up Lost Property

  11. 随之而来的是因遗失物拾得而引发的法律纠纷也日益增多。

    Followed was caused by the laws of Lost Property disputes are increasing .

  12. 遗失物回复请求权问题探析&对《物权法》第107条的解构与反思

    An Analysis on the Repossessing Right of Lost Property

  13. 我国历来重视对拾得遗失物引起的社会关系的规范。

    China has always attached importance to regulate the social relations from missing thing .

  14. 从冲突走向交融是遗失物拾得立法过程的基本走向。

    The way from conflicts to blending is the basic trend of the legislation .

  15. 论遗失物之法律界定

    On the Legal Definition of the Lost Property

  16. 《物权法》关于拾得遗失物制度的缺陷与完善

    The Deficit and Perfect of Picking up Loss System about the Law of Property

  17. 遗失物概念之解析

    Analysis of the Concept of Lost Property

  18. 论无主物与遗失物的区别及无主物的推定

    Discussing on the Difference Between Bona Vacantia and Lost Property and Presumption of Bona Vacantia

  19. 遗失物拾得制度的立法路径选择

    Selecting a Way to Create Laws for the System of the Finding of Lost Property

  20. 论拾得人应有条件取得遗失物所有权

    Discussion on pickup person should have the condition to acquire the property of lost property

  21. 这些规定对处理和协调遗失物拾得法律关系发挥了一定的作用,但存在较大不足。

    These rules play a role for regulating and coordinating the legal relationship of lost property .

  22. 细化遗失物悬赏广告法律责任的规定。

    5th , the refinement loses the lost object advertisement offering a reward legal liability the stipulation .

  23. 怎样确立该物品的归属和利用是遗失物法律制度的核心。

    How to establish the ownership and usage of lost property is the core of the legal system .

  24. 拾得遗失物是生活中时常发生的事情,由此引起的民事纠纷也时有发生。

    People occasionally lose personal property in life . Therefore , the civil disputes caused by lost property often happen .

  25. 占有赃物如为诈骗物,应参照对待遗失物来处理。

    Possession of stolen property case of fraud , he should be treated with reference to deal with lost property .

  26. 寻找道德与利益的平衡点&遗失物拾得之立法思考

    Finding the Balancing Point Between Morality and Benefit & Thinking of the Legislation for Picking - up the Lost Property

  27. 其次,顺应现代民法保护交易安全的法理念,完善遗失物的善意取得制度。

    Second , follow the modern civil law concept of transaction security protection and improve the lost property of the Innocent .

  28. 我国《物权法草案建议稿》中遗失物拾得人的权利与义务

    The right and obligations of Finders of lost property in 《 the proposals 》 of property law draft of our country

  29. 在分析遗失物的三个构成要件后,厘清了遗失物和一些相关概念的区别。

    In the period of analyzing the constitution of a lost property , the paper distinguishes it from the other definitions related .

  30. 文章结合我国具体国情,提高对重构制度必要性的认识,并提出完善遗失物拾得制度的建议。

    Based on China 's specific condition , this article analyzes the necessity of rebuilt of the system and gives some advices .