
yí chuán wù zhì
  • genetic material;hereditary substance;genic material
  1. 结论长时间航天飞行可引起番茄遗传物质DNA水平上的变异。

    Conclusion Long-duration spaceflight can cause variation of hereditary substance DNA of tomato .

  2. DNA是生物体主要的遗传物质,有关DNA的研究是揭示生物遗传奥秘的基础。

    DNA is the main hereditary substance of biological object . The study on DNA is the basis of exposing biological heredity secrets .

  3. 这些化合物在肝脏中与遗传物质实现结合。

    These compounds bind with genetic material in the liver .

  4. 研究人员们观察了这些女性细胞内的遗传物质,尤其是她们端粒的长度。

    The researchers looked at the genetic2 material inside the women 's cells , specifically the length of their telomeres .

  5. 一支由多国科学家组成的团队已成功破解了海蟾蜍超过90%的基因组信息,即其遗传物质。

    An international team of scientists has succeeded in unlocking more than 90 % of the toad 's genome – its genetic8 material .

  6. DNA是存储基因信息的遗传物质。

    DNA is heredity substance for storing gene information .

  7. 昆虫线粒体DNA是昆虫分子系统学研究中应用最为广泛的遗传物质之一。

    DNA-sequence data from the mitochondrial genome are widely used in insect molecular systematics .

  8. 基因组DNA包含了绝大部分的遗传物质,对于真核生物而言,DNA缠绕组蛋白八聚体形成核小体,进而被包装在染色质内。

    In eukaryote , genomic DNA is packaged in chromatin by twining with histone octamer .

  9. 分子信标荧光探针用于遗传物质的超灵敏检测及超微型DNA、pH传感器的研究

    Ultrasensitive Detection of Gene Expression Based on Molecular Beacons and Ultrasmall DNA pH Sensors

  10. 植物细胞除细胞核外,叶绿体和线粒体也含有遗传物质DNA。

    In plant cells , except nucleus , chloroplast and mitochondria also contain genetic material DNA .

  11. F对遗传物质损伤的机制尚不清楚。

    The mechanism of fluoride damaging heredity material had not been clear .

  12. 同DNA一起组成细胞遗传物质的一类核酸。

    A category of nucleic acids which along with DNA forms the genetic material of a cell .

  13. 根据一些理论,衰老是由于人体内的遗传物质DNA的损害引起。

    According to some theories , aging is caused by damaged DNA , the genetic material of humans .

  14. 跨界原生质体融合产物细胞遗传物质整合过程中DNA含量变化

    DNA content variation of protoplast fusion products during the process of genetic substance integration between inter Kingdom cells

  15. DNA是生命的遗传物质,DNA的损伤引发多种疾病。

    DNA is the genetic matter of life and the damage of it can induce many kinds of disease .

  16. 应用泥鳅外周血红细胞微核试验,研究了维生素C对3种除草剂诱发泥鳅遗传物质损伤的影响。

    Effect of vitamin C on genetic material damage by three herbicides in the peripheral blood erythrocytes of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus was studied .

  17. DNA疫苗是由遗传物质的环组成,其中插入了来自致病微生物的基因。

    DNA vaccines are made up of rings of genetic material into which genes from the disease-causing microbe are inserted .

  18. DNA是生命体重要的遗传物质,它的损伤可能直接导致生命体的死亡。

    DNA is important genetic armamentarium of life ; it injured may be a direct result of the deaths life .

  19. 脱氧核糖核酸(简称DNA)是生物体内的一种具有双螺旋结构的遗传物质。

    Deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA for short ) is a kind of germ plasm with the structure of double helix .

  20. 染色体是通过缠绕蛋白质而被包装、压缩而成的遗传物质或DNA长链。

    Chromosomes are long strands of genetic material or DNA that have been packaged and compressed by wrapping around proteins .

  21. 生物体的遗传物质DNA中四种碱基G、C、A、T的排列和比例是DNA特性的决定因素。

    DNA property is determined by the order and proportion of four bases called G , C , A , T.

  22. 其中两种药物是“整合酶抑制剂”,它可以阻止艾滋病病毒的遗传物质附加到宿主细胞的DNA中。

    Two are " integrase inhibitors " that block the HIV genetic material from attaching to the host cell 's DNA .

  23. DNA是生命体的基本遗传物质,是基因表达的基础。

    DNA is the basic genetic material of living and the basis of gene expression , and its structure is polymorphic .

  24. 这种测试使用一种荧光材料,它是由金属纳米颗粒和聚合物组成的,与一段“引物”(符合病原体遗传物质特定部分的一段DNA或RNA)连接。

    A segment of DNA or RNA that matches a specific part of the pathogen 's genetic material .

  25. 结果表明,长期接触焦炉逸散物可损伤作业工人的遗传物质DNA,影响工人的健康。

    It showed that the worker 's DNA may be damaged and their health affected due to exposure to coke oven emission .

  26. DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)是活性生物体内最基本的遗传物质,在自然界中广泛分布。

    DNA ( Deoxyribonu-cleic acid ) is the fundamental hereditary material of living organisms and is widely distributed in the natural world .

  27. RNA是最早出现的遗传物质

    RNA Is the Earliest Genetic Substance

  28. 目的从分子水平证实经太空飞行处理的菜豆种子后代突变系的遗传物质(DNA)确实发生了基因突变。

    Objective To identify the occurance of gene mutant in mutant lines in the offspring of Kidney bean seeds under space flight condition .

  29. 澳大利亚已经禁止研究人员发表有关土著人DNA的研究成果,印度禁止出口该国国民的遗传物质。

    Australia has banned researchers from publishing work involving Aboriginal DNA , and India bars the export of its citizens ' genetic matter .

  30. 在这一过程中,细胞的遗传物质(DNA)经过复制平均分配到两个子细胞中。

    During these courses , the cellular genetic materials , for instance DNA , are equally assigned to two daughter cells after replication .