
xiū mián tǐ
  • hypopus
  1. 菌丝休眠体的形态是区分各近似种的重要形态鉴别特征,酯酶同工酶电泳图谱可作为辅助鉴别特征。从其电泳图谱发现LDH同工酶的变异体。

    The morphology of resting structure of mycelium could be used to identify the species , and the electrophoretogram of esterase isoenzymes could help in their identification .

  2. 培养物中间日疟原虫不同分离株休眠体的观察

    Observation on hypnozoite of different isolates of Plasmodium vivax in cultured materials

  3. 环境与遗传基因的相互作用是决定休眠体形成与解除的关键。

    The interaction of genetic and environmental factors plays a key role in the process .

  4. 一些易形成休眠体的螨类是生产和生活中的重要害虫,它们表皮构造特殊、个体微小,给防治和检疫工作造成了很大困难。

    Many of these miles are closely related to our lives and have brought difficulties to manage and quarantine due to their highly scleritized cuticle and small size .

  5. 在高等植物占据的大多数生境中,以休眠繁殖体形式存在的个体远远超过地上植株的数量;

    The number of reproductive individuals existing in a dormant state is significantly greater than that of aboveground individuals in most habitats dominated by higher plants .

  6. 菌丝碳源营养中甘露醇、葡萄糖和可溶性淀粉生长最适。初侵来源试验表明:土壤、病残体中的微菌核、厚垣孢子和休眠菌丝体是呼、包两市茄黄萎病的初侵来源。

    The primary sources of infection for verticillium wilt of eggplant in Huhehot and Baotou are microsclerotia , chlamydospores and resting mycelium in soil and diseased residual plants in fields .

  7. 在休眠期间,龟体的耗损量也随环境温度的升高而增加。

    In the dormant period , the tortoise consumes more energy as ambient temperature rises .

  8. 探讨休眠期苹果树体不同器官生物量与氮素分布的规律。

    The objective of this study was to find biomass and nitrogen distribution in different parts of dormancy apple trees .