
xiū mián huǒ shān
  • dormant volcano
  1. 托马斯•曼(ThomasMann)相信慢走的力量:“一个人走路时,思维变得清晰。”然而,对于直到近期一直置身于夏威夷一座休眠火山上的圆顶基地里的三男三女来说,情况并非如此。

    Thomas Mann believed in the power of perambulation : " Thoughts come clearly while one walks . " Not for three men and three women who , until this week , were incarcerated in a dome erected on a dormant volcano in Hawaii .

  2. 这座高三千七百七十六公尺的休眠火山对日本人而言是国家的象征。

    The3,776-meter dormant volcano is a national symbol for Japanese people .

  3. 这次旅程包括攀登那座休眠火山。

    The trip includes a climb up the dormant volcano .

  4. 这是一个巨大的休眠火山所创建的碗状高原。

    This plateau is the created bowl of a huge sleeping volcano .

  5. 位于勘察加半岛的休眠火山。

    An inactive volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula ; last erupted in 1946 .

  6. 大宝山其实是一座休眠火山。

    Daebong mountain is actually a dormant volcano .

  7. 这座休眠火山突然爆发了。

    This dormant volcano suddenly fired up .

  8. 位于南秘鲁安第斯山脉的休眠火山。

    An inactive volcano in the Andes in S Peru ; last erupted in 1783 .

  9. 位于厄瓜多尔中部的安第斯山脉的休眠火山。

    An inactive volcano in the Andes in central Ecuador ; last erupted in 1946 .

  10. 位于南哥伦比亚安第斯山脉的休眠火山;最后一次喷发在1950年。

    An inactive volcano in the Andes in S Colombia ; last erupted in 1950 .

  11. 这座休眠火山不会流淌熔岩,但散发出的热量或热蒸汽足够烹制菜肴。

    The dormant volcano doesn 't spew lava but bursts enough heat or hot vapor to cook dishes .

  12. 在美国加州与怀俄明州的地底深处,埋伏著两座休眠火山,其狂暴的程度可是超乎想像。

    Lurking deep below the surface in California and Wyoming are two hibernating volcanoes of almost unimaginable fury .

  13. 然而,对于直到近期一直置身于夏威夷一座休眠火山上的圆顶基地里的三男三女来说,情况并非如此。

    Not for three men and three women who , until this week , were incarcerated in a dome erected on a dormant volcano in Hawaii .

  14. 希洛位于夏威夷两个著名的火山之间。不要担心,它们现在是休眠火山。

    Nestled between two of Hawaii 's famous volcanoes don 't worry , they 're currently dormant the city is located on the calm waters of the Hilo Bay .

  15. 尽管腾冲的火山都是休眠火山,随时都有再爆发的可能,但是当地老百姓并不惧怕它们,而是与它们相依相伴。

    Dormant as they are , the volcanos in Tengchong are likely to erupt at any time . However , the local people just live with them peacefully instead of being frightened .

  16. 在雄伟而神秘的火山群里,休眠火山地貌已被植被覆盖。

    Of the conic volcanoes , looking majestic as well as mysterious , the older ones are now almost completely covered with plant life and so have lost the typical geomorphological features of volcanoes .

  17. 火山热(温)泉的观测与研究,对掌握休眠火山的活动状态、评估其潜在喷发危险性及火山喷发预测预报具有重要意义。

    The Observation and research on hot and warm spring of volcano are of great significance to monitoring the activity of dormant volcanoes and to the evaluation and prediction of the potential risk of volcanic eruption .

  18. 这些地震学参数分布的差异,一方面反映出腾冲地区作为火山区的固有特征及其地域分布的大小,同时也揭示出腾冲火山在近代仍然表现出一定的活动性,是近代休眠火山。

    These differences of seismological parameters reflect the natural features and size of area of Tengchong volcanoes . They also show that Tengchong volcanoes are active to some extend in modern times , the dormant volcanoes .

  19. 手上拿着热情的说明(含有牛奶巧克力芳香,中性的口感,柔和的酸度),我尝出三个不同品种的混合咖啡,这些品种生长在休眠火山的高海拔山坡上。

    There are solicitous notes on hand ( Milk chocolate flavour with medium body and soft acidity ), and I savour a blend of three different varietals , grown at altitude on the slopes of a dormant volcano .

  20. 一座曾一度休眠的火山不时传来不祥的轰隆隆声这可是个不好的预兆。

    The ominous rumblings from a once-dormant volcano were a bad omen .

  21. 这座长期休眠的火山太小了,人们在周围建房子时都毫无顾虑。

    So small is the long-dormant volcano that no-one thought twice about building around it .

  22. 这是座休眠的火山。

    This is a dormant volcano .

  23. 这些景点包括受到保护的珊瑚礁、休眠的火山,以及像阿拉伯豹和猎鹰这样稀有野生动物的自然保护区。

    Among the attractions will be protected coral reefs , dormant volcanoes , and a nature reserve inhabited by rare wildlife like Arabian leopards and falcons .

  24. 意大利有两个著名的火山:一个是位于那不勒斯并在目前处于休眠状态维苏威火山,另一个是位于西西里岛上的活火山埃特纳火山(Etna)。

    Italy is more typically associated with two famous volcanoes : the currently dormant Vesuvius near Naples and the very active Etna on Sicily .

  25. 在联盟成立以前,这个议院的所在之处曾是一座强力(但现在处于休眠状态)火山的心脏部位。

    Before the time of the League , the Chamber was the heart of a powerful , but now dormant , volcano .