
  • 网络Hume's problem;hume problem;The problem of Hume
  1. 关于休谟问题的新思考

    New Consideration on " Hume 's Problem "

  2. 休谟问题及其现代性

    Hume 's Problem and Its Modernity

  3. 西方现代意识形态困境中的休谟问题

    The Question of Hume in the Modern Ideological Dilemma in the West

  4. 论波普尔对休谟问题的解决及其理论效用

    Resolution to Hume problems by Popper and its theoretical effect

  5. 赖欣巴哈在对休谟问题的辩护中存在的困难;

    The difficult in Reichenbach 's justification for Hume problem .

  6. 休谟问题振动了整个哲学界。

    Hume Problem stirred in the whole philosophy world .

  7. 休谟问题和归纳问题刍议

    On hume 's problem and the problem of induction

  8. 休谟问题解决方案的逻辑哲学解读

    An Analysis in Philosophy of Logic on the Solutions to Hume 's Problem

  9. 用拓扑学对休谟问题的尝试性解答

    Using Topology To Getting Out of Humes Problem

  10. 詹姆士对休谟问题的解决

    On Solution of W.James to D.Hume 's Problem

  11. 休谟问题是逻辑哲学上的一大难题。

    Humes problem is a quite difficult one in the history of philosophy of logic .

  12. 第二部分主要描述了康德对休谟问题的延续。

    In the second part , the writer mainly discussed how Kant resolved Hume Problem .

  13. 休谟问题及其启示

    Hume 's Question and Its Revelations

  14. 休谟问题组与浑沌理论

    Hume 's Problems and Chaos Theory

  15. 麦金太尔将休谟问题置于西方伦理思想史发展的整个过程之中,用历史主义的观点来论述这个问题。

    Macintyre analyzed Hume Problem from the aspect of historicism and the development of west ethnics .

  16. 于是,休谟问题成了知识的可能性问题。

    Hume Question is , thus , equal to the question of the necessity of knowledge .

  17. “休谟问题”的提出对后世影响重大。

    The raising of Hume ′ s Problem has exerted an immeasurable influence on later philosophy .

  18. 论价值论领域的休谟问题

    On Hume 's problem in axiology

  19. 所以,要真正解决休谟问题,就必须跳出经验主义的牢笼。

    In conclusion , to solve the Hume 's question , we must abandon the empiricism .

  20. 试论科学中的非理性因素与怀疑精神&评休谟问题及其影响

    On Irrational Factors of Science and Skepticism & " Hume Problem " and It 's Influence

  21. 质疑批判消解&休谟问题的波普尔方案及哲学反思

    Suspicion , Criticism and Elimination & On Popper 's solution of Hume 's Problem and Criminal Reflections

  22. 休谟问题是道德哲学领域的主要问题之一。

    The problem of Hume is one of the main problems in the field of moral philosophy .

  23. 在近代认识史上,休谟问题是向人类理性提出的最大挑战。

    The hume 's question is the greatest challenge to the human rationality in the modern cognition history .

  24. 背景之二是为解决休谟问题而出现的局部归纳逻辑。

    The other background is the logic of local induction , which came forth for the solution of the Hume problem .

  25. 波普尔把休谟问题界定为:归纳逻辑是否得到证明,或者在什么条件下得到证明的问题。

    Popper defined Hume problems as that whether the inductive logic can be verified or on what conditions can it be verified .

  26. “休谟问题”使归纳法的合理性遭到质疑,知识可靠性的基础产生了动摇;

    " The problem of Hume " made the rationality of the inductive method oppugned , the foundation of the credible knowledge agitated ;

  27. 归纳推理的合理性问题最早由体谟提出,故又称休谟问题。

    The issue of the rationality of inductive inference was first raised by David Hume , so it is also called " Hume 's problem " .

  28. 休谟问题的焦点可以集中在所谓的自然齐一律的假定不可证明的问题上。

    " Hume 's Problem " might be focused on the unproved ones of the so called " Assumption of the Law of the Natural Consistency " .

  29. 休谟问题首先建立在经验主义对于事实概念的特殊定义,认为经验以外没有实体存在。

    The problem of Hume firstly established at a particular definition for the fact in the meaning of empiricism , which denied any existence beyond the experience .

  30. 罗素为解决休谟问题而提出归纳原则。金岳霖等人力图证明归纳原则是永真命题,但未对可能命题作出语义解释。

    Other philosopher such as Jin Yulun tried hard to confirm that inductive principle was a tautology proposition , but didn 't give semantic interpretation for possible proposition .