
xiū sī dūn
  • Houston
  1. 她给像惠特尼·休斯敦这样的人写了很多当代音乐作品。

    She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston

  2. 休斯敦被选作大会的会址。

    Houston was chosen as the site for the convention

  3. 特里·皮尔为休斯敦太空人队率先击球。

    Terry Puhl leads off for the Houston Astros .

  4. 休斯敦不安地扫视着这个房间。

    Houston 's eyes roved restlessly about the room

  5. 他能听到希尔顿在同休斯敦激烈争吵时的咆哮声。

    He could hear Hilton 's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston .

  6. 那他们住哪儿呢他们住在德克萨斯州休斯敦市的Spring

    And then where did they live ? They live in Spring Texas Hunston .

  7. 第二年,《中国学生保护法案》(ChineseStudentsProtectionAct)获得通过,萝丝王获得了休斯敦大学的计算机科学硕士学位。

    The next year , the Chinese Students Protection Act was passed and Wang got her master 's in computer science at University of Houston .

  8. 查理·杜克(休斯敦Cap通信):我们把你拍摄下来,鹰。

    Charlie Duke ( Houston CapCom ): We copy you down , Eagle .

  9. 2014年3月,休斯敦的一对情侣走进WholeFoods超市,那是他们在周日早上的惯例。

    In March 2014 , the Houston couple walked into a Whole Foods as part of their Sunday morning routine .

  10. 得克萨斯州休斯敦Rice大学的一个学生小组研发了一种低成本的设备,以帮助协助呼吸困难的新生儿。

    A student team at Rice University in Houston , Texas , developed a low-cost device to assist newborns with breathing problems .

  11. 据休斯敦消防部门表示,这名男孩随后被送往林顿B·约翰逊医院,在那里经抢救无效去世。

    The boy was taken to the Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital , where he later died , according to the Houston Fire Department .

  12. 休斯敦市享受公费医疗的HIV感染者肺炎疫苗、流感疫苗接种情况

    Coverage of Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination in HIV-infected persons receiving public health services in Houston area

  13. 他还将一幅19世纪的英国犬画出售给了休斯敦艺术博物馆(HoustonMuseumofFineArts)。

    He has also sold a 19th-century English dog painting to the Houston Museum of Fine Arts .

  14. 总部位于美国休斯敦的远东能源公司(FarEastEnergy)刚刚就山西省一个煤层气开发项目签署了天然气销售协议。

    And Far East Energy , a Houston-based firm , has just signed a gas sales contract for a coal bed methane project in Shanxi province .

  15. 但大多数的休斯敦人已经在他们的文化DNA中吸收了拉美裔的饭菜、音乐,至少还有一丁点儿西班牙语。

    But most Houstonians have already absorbed into their cultural DNA Hispanic food , music , and at least a little of the language .

  16. 加利福尼亚州北部的杜克(Duke)大学和休斯敦的莱斯(Rice)大学等均增加了奖学金的投入。

    Universities such as Duke in North Carolina and Rice in Houston are devoting more money to scholarships .

  17. 他们上的是休斯敦地区最富名望的大学预备学校,JohnCooper。

    They attend one of the Houston area 's most prestigious college prep schools , John Cooper .

  18. 她9岁起在女孩时间(GirlsTyme)乐团唱歌,那个乐团是她和朋友们在故乡休斯敦组建的。

    She was 9 when she began singing with Girls Tyme , the group she formed with friends in her hometown , Houston ;

  19. 德克萨斯州休斯敦的乔治·巴拉斯(GeorgeBallas)走过了漫长人生。

    George Ballas of Houston , Texas , lived a long life .

  20. 但是我们发现,这些SeaBrat4就被放置在德克萨斯州休斯敦城外的工业园区。

    But we found the Sea Brat 4 just sitting here in an industrial park outside of Houston , Texas .

  21. Apostolia-MariaTsimberidou来自得克萨斯大学位于休斯敦的MD安德森癌症中心,也抱有相同的看法。

    One such is Apostolia-Maria Tsimberidou of the University of Texas 's MD Anderson Cancer Centre , in Houston .

  22. 根据联盟的消息,休斯敦火箭队主力姚明已决定结束他在NBA九年的职业生涯。

    According to league 's sources , Houston Rockets'center Yao Ming has decided to retire after nine seasons in the NBA .

  23. 更熟悉墨西哥烤肉,但如今他经营总部位于休斯敦的公司CheniereEnergy,该公司有望成为第一家从美国本土出口天然气的公司。

    Charif Souki , a Lebanese immigrant and former restaurateur who knew more about fajitas than fracking , today runs Cheniere Energy , a Houston-based company that is on track to become the first to export gas from the contiguous U.S.

  24. 20世纪90年代末,希腊牧羊人的儿子乔治?米切尔(GeorgeMitchell)在休斯敦经营一家名为米切尔能源(MitchellEnergy)的中型公司,当时这家公司面临天然气产量不断减少的局面。

    In the late 1990s , George Mitchell , the son of a Greek goatherder , ran a midsize Houston-based company with shrinking natural-gas production .

  25. 周五,黄欣将在休斯敦同萨拉·路德维格(SarahLudwig)举行婚礼,萨拉也是一名小提琴演奏家,任职于休斯顿歌剧院(HoustonGrandOpera)。

    On Friday , Mr. Huang is to be married in Houston to Sarah Ludwig , a violinist with the Houston Grand Opera .

  26. 在休斯敦的扫描停止期间我们会把一些块儿的高放大倍数影片上传供VM搜索。

    While scanning in Houston is shut down we will be uploading high magnification movies from several tiles for searching in the VM .

  27. 根据休斯敦一家行业组织&国际设施管理协会(InternationalFacilityManagementAssociation)在2010年对424位办公空间管理者进行的调查,只有32%的员工拥有私人办公室,这一比例低于1997年的36%。

    Just 32 % of employees have private offices , down from 36 % in 1997 , according to the 2010 survey of 424 office-space managers by the International Facility Management Association , Houston , a professional group .

  28. 休斯敦市长发起的绿色办公室挑战(GreenOfficeChallenge)项目,利用该市企业的好胜心,促使它们争相减少能源使用。项目优胜者仅有的奖赏就是政府的认可,可能还有一点现金奖励。

    The mayor 's Green Office Challenge harnesses the competitive spirit of the city 's businesses to drive down their energy use , with recognition and the possibility of some small cash grants its only rewards .

  29. 我要感谢NBA和休斯敦火箭队的管理层,今天非常感谢他们的到来。

    I also want to thank the NBA and the Houston Rockets manager . Thanks for their presence , and thank you Daryl Morey .

  30. 在加入休斯敦交响乐团前,黄欣在应氏四重奏(theYingQuartet)中担任第一小提琴手。而后,2010年成为休斯敦交响乐团首席。

    He was first violinist of the Ying Quartet before joining the Houston Symphony , where he became concertmaster in 2010 .