
  • 网络Uruguay River;Río Uruguay
  1. 他们称,纸浆工业会对乌拉圭与阿根廷之间的天然边界&乌拉圭河(UruguayRiver)造成污染,而且还会影响当地的旅游业。

    They claimed that the industry would pollute the Uruguay River , the natural border between Uruguay and Argentina , and harm the local tourism industry .

  2. 当乌拉圭计划在拉普拉塔河己方一侧建设一个由芬兰Botnia公司投资的约12亿美元的纸浆厂时,发生了一场与基什内尔总统领导下的阿根廷的激烈争端。

    Uruguay has ridden out a bitter dispute with Mr Kirchner over a $ 1.2 billion cellulose factory on its side of the border river .