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  1. 然后,他会将我的陈述整理成文字,每星期在BBC的乌尔都语网站上更新一次。

    Then he wrote up my words and once a week they would appear on the BBC Urdu website .

  2. 医生们去见他时,他办公室里两台电视都打开着,一台是讲乌尔都语的本地电视台,另一台是英文播报的SkyNews(英国卫星电视台),两个台都在报道关于我的枪击事件。

    When they went in to see him he had two televisions on , one tuned to a local channel in Urdu and the other to Sky News in English , with news of my shooting .

  3. 我们的一位乌尔都语老师也被捕了。他拒绝为女孩们上课,跑去帮法兹鲁拉的手下搜集并摧毁CD和DVD。

    One of the people arrested was our old Urdu teacher who had refused to teach girls and had instead gone to help Fazlullah 's men collect and destroy CDs and DVDs .

  4. 一天,我跟着父亲去白沙瓦上BBC的乌尔都语谈话节目,节目的主持人是知名的专栏作家瓦沙图拉•汗。

    One day my father and I went to Peshawar to appear on a BBC Urdu talk show hosted by a famous columnist called Wasatullah Khan .

  5. 早在2009年,她就开始用笔名写作,为BBC乌尔都语频道讲述塔利班统治下一名年轻女孩的生活。

    Early in 2009 she began writing , using a pen name , about life for a young girl under the Taliban for the BBC 's Urdu service .

  6. 伯恩斯的母亲在自家的廉价公寓里替人看护小孩,靠着这点积蓄,她却把乌尔苏拉送进天主教学校,之后是纽约大学工学院(PolytechnicInstituteofNYU),直至进入哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)就读,并最终获得了机械工程硕士学位。

    With savings from a child-care service that she ran out of their tenement apartment , she sent Ursula to Catholic school and then Polytechnic Institute of NYU and Columbia University . Ursula got her Masters in mechanical engineering .

  7. 时过境迁,而今女性毫无疑问可以经营公司:想象百事可乐公司的英德拉•努依(IndraNooyi),雅虎的卡罗尔•巴茨(CarolBartz)或者施乐公司的乌尔苏拉•伯恩斯(UrsulaBurns)。

    Times have changed . These days no one doubts that women can run companies : think of Indra Nooyi at PepsiCo , Carol Bartz at Yahoo ! or Ursula Burns at Xerox .

  8. 据BBC乌尔都网报道,警方表示,18岁的仁娜特·拉菲克尸体上有遭受折磨和勒颈的痕迹,尸体解剖后也许可以判断她是否是活活被烧死的。

    Zeenat Rafiq , who was 18 , had been burnt and there were signs of torture and strangulation , police told BBC Urdu . A post mortem examination may establish if she was still alive when she was set on fire .

  9. 当乌尔苏拉•伯恩斯得知自己即将被任命为施乐公司(Xerox)CEO时,她明白要想获得成功,最简单的方法就是延续前任的老路。她的前任梅卡尼深受爱戴,正是她力挽狂澜,使公司摆脱了濒临破产的困境。

    When Ursula Burns learned that she was going to be named CEO of Xerox ( XRX ) , she knew that one of the easiest ways to succeed would be to act like her popular predecessor , who brought the company back from near-bankruptcy .

  10. 许多会说当地语言的本地人都被雇佣起来了,包括阿拉伯语,波斯语,乌尔都语,Pushup和保加利亚语。其中一部分的人说纽约警方所雇佣的阿拉伯人比FBI还要多。

    Scores of native speakers of around 50 languages , including Arabic , Dari , Persian , Urdu , Pushup and Bengali , have been hired - some say the NYPD has more Arabic speakers than the FBI .

  11. 他用乌尔都语跟我说话。

    He spoke to me in Urdu .

  12. 数学、物理、乌尔都语、英语、普什图语、化学、生物、伊斯兰米亚特(Islamiyat,伊斯兰宗教研习。),以及巴基斯坦研究。

    Maths , physics , Urdu , English , Pashto , chemistry , biology , Islamiyat , Pakistan studies .

  13. 菲利普笑了。他比拉乌尔大20岁,与其说是拉乌尔的兄长,倒不如说是他的父亲。

    Philippe laughed . He was twenty years older than Raoul , and was more like a father than a brother .

  14. 当一名部落男孩查看他所在村子里的死者时,我听到所有人说的都是乌尔都语,而不是该地区的普什图语。

    When a tribal boy examines the dead in his village , I hear everyone speaking Urdu , not the region 's Pashto .

  15. 有专家相信起源于乌尔都语——chiz,意思是一种东西。

    Some experts believe it comes from a word in the Uersian or urdu languages -- chiz . The meaning is a thing .

  16. 被捏造出来的假消息很多,特别是来自乌尔都媒体的报道,比如他们说我批评蓄须习俗。

    All sorts of stories were made up , particularly in the Urdu press , such as one that claimed I had criticised the growing of beards .

  17. 以印式英语为例,印式英语是北印度语、旁遮普语、乌尔都语和英语的混合语,它使用很广泛,甚至被教给英国外交官。

    Take Hinglish . Hinglish is a blend of Hindi , Punjabi , Urdu and English and is so widespread that it 's even being taught to British diplomats .

  18. 在我们的文化中,演讲稿往往由父亲、叔伯或是老师帮你写好,通常是用英文或乌尔都语,而不会是我们的母语--普什图语。

    In our culture speeches are usually written by our fathers , uncles or teachers . They tend to be in English or Urdu , not in our native Pashto .

  19. 当她听到我受伤的消息时,正在跟乌尔法老师学认字,努力辨认着“书”“苹果”这些字。

    When she heard that I had been hurt she was having her reading lesson with Miss Ulfat and struggling to learn words like ' book ' and ' apple ' .

  20. 仿佛是用一柄看不见的羽毛弹子掸掉了一些微尘。那微尘就是哈喇帕,就是迪尔底亚的乌尔,一点蜘蛛网;

    and it was as though , with an invisible feather wisk , he had brushed away a little dust , and the dust was Harappa , was Ur of the Chaldees ;

  21. 那天是母亲的大日子。当天下午,她要开始跟着我幼儿园的老师乌尔法小姐学习读、写我们的语言。

    It was a big day for my mother as she was going to start lessons that afternoon to learn to read and write with Miss Ulfat , my old teacher from kindergarten .

  22. 有些女老师,例如乌尔法小姐,经常把我抱起来,放在她的腿上,好像我是她的宠物一样。女老师们有时甚至会把我带回她们家里照顾。

    Some of the female staff like Miss Ulfat would pick me up and put me on their lap as if I was their pet or even take me home with them for a while .

  23. 虽然相较而言,他说起母语来更具诗意,但他的官方语言,乌尔都语,以及英语都非常流利,这使他无论对内或对斯瓦特以外的人,都能顺畅地交流沟通。

    Though he was more poetic in Pashto , he could speak our national language , Urdu , and English fluently , which meant he was an effective communicator outside Swat as well as inside .

  24. 真纳住在这里,并将卡拉奇立为巴基斯坦第一个首都。很快,数百万穆斯林难民就从印度来到这里,他们被称为穆哈吉尔人(mohajirs,即“移民者”的意思),都说乌尔都语。

    Jinnah lived there and made it our first capital , and it was soon flooded by millions of Muslim refugees from India known as mohajirs , which means ' immigrants ' , who spoke Urdu .

  25. 当然,这不包括由乌尔善执导的《鬼吹灯之寻龙诀》。这部电影刚一推出就广受欢迎,到本文付印时票房已超过十亿大关。

    That , of course , is not counting Mojin : The Lost Legend , directed by Wuershan , which is hot in release and has just exceeded the billion-yuan benchmark by the time this article goes to print .

  26. 虽然我们都是普什图人,但因为这个博客用乌尔都语撰写,所以,通常我们会用乌尔都语聊上30或45分钟。他认为,这样博客就会呈现出更真实的面貌。

    We would speak for half an hour or forty-five minutes in Urdu , even though we are both Pashtun , as the blog was to appear in Urdu and he wanted the voice to be as authentic as possible .

  27. 或是像我的幼儿园老师乌尔菲特小姐告诉他的,在班上开始学乌尔都语时,我在黑板上写下“请只讲乌尔都语”,以便大家能更快地学习这门语言。

    Or the day our kindergarten teacher Miss Ulfat told him I had written , ' Only Speak in Urdu , " on the blackboard for my classmates at the start of an Urdu lesson so we would learn the language faster .

  28. 随着动画片《姜子牙》和乌尔善导演的《封神三部曲》也将陆续出来,“封神系列”最有可能成就中国的超级英雄宇宙。

    With the animated film Legend of Deification and director Wuershan 's Fengshen Trilogy , the Fengshen stories - both adapted from Fengshen or The Investiture of the Gods - will be the most likely Chinese counterpart to the US superhero cinematic universe .

  29. 有一天,我们的乌尔都语老师纳瓦.阿里告诉父亲:我明天没办法来学校。父亲问他为什么,他解释说这次轮到他的村落要去帮法兹鲁拉盖房子。

    One day one of our Urdu teachers , Nawab Ali , told my father , ' I won 't be coming to school tomorrow . " When my father asked why , he explained it was his village 's turn to work on Fazlullah 's buildings .