
  • 网络Wusu;wusu city
  1. 目的进一步明确乌苏市高砷、高氟区分布范围,为防治工作提供科学依据。

    Objective To deepen the depth and widen the range of the surveillance on the distribution of high arsenic and high fluoride in Wusu City thus to provide scientific basis for prevention .

  2. 对乌苏市农用地的优化利用有指导作用。

    Fixed the grade of farmland has guiding function on its optimization use .

  3. 新疆乌苏市羁押人员中肺结核发现模式及防治效果分析

    Discovery Model and Analysis of Control Effect on Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Detained People in Usu City , Xinjiang

  4. 通过对乌苏市资源的开发利用和城镇发展,可以使民族地区高度分散的人口向中心城镇和市区集聚,并促使分散的农牧民向城镇聚居。

    Through the development and utilization of Usu and urban development , it can be highly dispersed population from minority areas , and move to the center of town and urban agglomeration , and to promote decentralized to towns inhabited by farmers and herdsmen .