
lù yínɡ
  • Green Camp;Chinese troops identified by green banners, as distinguished from Manchu troops identified by white, yellow, red, and blue banners
绿营 [lù yíng]
  • [green camp] 清代由汉人编成的分驻在地方的武装力量,用绿旗做标志

  1. 清代云南绿营兵研究

    A Study of Green Standard Army in Yunnan during the Qing Dynasty

  2. 清前期贵州绿营营制及布防

    The System and the Defensive Arrangement of Guizhou Green-flag Military Camp in the Early Qing Dynasty

  3. 清代绿营的管辖区域与区域社会&以江南三角洲为中心

    The Limits of Green Standard 's ( Iuying ) Jurisdiction and Regional Society In the Qing Dynasty

  4. 其二,从人口成长的数字,显示出台湾绿营一万馀名的兵力,决不可能单独控制超过它数百倍以上的人口。

    Secondarily , it was not possible to effectively control the population several hundreds times larger with just ten thousand strong soldiers .

  5. 马队于清代兵制中占有重要地位,是清朝经制军队八旗、绿营的主要组成部分。

    Cavalry troop was the important arm of the services , And also the major component of the state military organization in Qing dynasty .

  6. 阿扁的继任者蔡英文,作为“绿营”的领袖人物,在一月的总统选举中颇有与马英九分庭抗礼之势。

    Mr Chen 's successor as leader of the greens , Tsai Ing-wen , is running against Mr Ma in the presidential election in January .

  7. 本章关注了这些问题,并在第四节对清王朝所建立的八旗驻防及绿营镇戍制度在江南地区的实施情况作了具体的论述。

    This thesis focused on these problems , and discussed the system which was implemented by the Qing to the area of jiangnan in the section four .

  8. 在军事方面,这里既有清政府的绿营兵、淮军,还有团练,在太平军中,也存在着不同的派系,犬牙交错,互相争斗。清代云南绿营兵研究

    In the military field , there were the conflicts in armed forces of Qing government and factional conflicts in Taiping army . A Study of Green Standard Army in Yunnan during the Qing Dynasty

  9. 晚清时期的军事变革,不仅有新式军队的编练,还包括勇营、绿营等旧式军队的改良。

    Revolution in military affairs in the late Qing period , not only the organization and training of the new army , but also including the improvement of the old army Yong Ying Green Camp .

  10. 晚清清军马队营制经历了两次变化,第一次是湘、淮军的勇营制代替了八旗、绿营的马队营制;

    The evolution of cavalry battalion system in the late Qing period went through two stages : the first was the substitution of the cavalry of Yong battalions for the cavalry of Eight-Banners and Green-vests ;

  11. 相比较而言,甘肃等西北、北方地区的绿营兵区域性研究尚付阙如;另外,学术界对西北边疆史的研究,也缺乏从绿营兵角度加以探讨的尝试。

    In comparison , the Green Standard Army regional research of northwest and northern areas as Gansu province etc. is still sadly lacking . In addition , the academic study of the history of the Northwest Frontier is a lack from the perspective of the Green Standard Army .

  12. 在这样的学术背景下,本文借鉴吸收学术界已有相关成果,搜集了实录、档案、史志中的相关资料,对甘肃绿营兵的发展历程、布防情况、作用等作了一点力所能及的研究。

    In this academic context , this paper absorbed the relate academic results , and collected related information from the record , files , and history of description , and try my best to study the developed course , deploy feature and function of the Gansu Green Standard Army .