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lǜ sè
  • green;green color
绿色 [lǜ sè]
  • (1) [green color]

  • (2) 一种比刚长的嫩草的颜色深些的颜色或呈艳绿,或在光谱中介于蓝与黄之间的那种颜色

  • (3) 在正常条件下一般正常的观察者由波长530毫微米的辐射能所引起的心理学上的四种元色感之一

  • (4) 六种心理学上客观的元色之一

绿色[lǜ sè]
  1. 这个岛在地图上是一个绿色的小点。

    The island is a small green dot on the map .

  2. 这种植物的茎上长有绿色细长条纹。

    The plant 's stem is marked with thin green longitudinal stripes .

  3. 这房间是把不同的绿色和蓝色搭配起来装饰的。

    The room was decorated in a combination of greens and blues .

  4. 超市已开始宣传他们的产品是绿色环保的。

    Supermarkets have started proclaiming the greenness of their products .

  5. 池子里满是淤泥和绿色的污水。

    The pond was full of mud and green slime .

  6. 绿色和棕色是里贝拉的主色调。

    Greens and browns are typical of Ribera 's palette .

  7. 画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。

    The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns .

  8. 他画了一个怪物,把它涂成绿色。

    He drew a monster and coloured it green .

  9. 20世纪80年代绿色运动的势头开始增强。

    During the 1980s the green movement gathered momentum .

  10. 他们把门漆成了翠绿色。

    They painted the door a luminous green .

  11. 你认为它是蓝色还是绿色?

    Would you call it blue or green ?

  12. 萨拉想把厨房刷成绿色,而她说什么,就得照办。

    Sarah wanted the kitchen painted green , and what she says , goes .

  13. 这些叶子聚在一起,像是一朵深绿色的玫瑰。

    The leaves formed a dark green rosette .

  14. 房子的外面漆成了绿色。

    The house is painted green outside .

  15. 房间仍然很简朴,四面都是饰有圆点的绿色空墙。

    The room remains simple with bare , stippled green walls .

  16. 这棵树的树枝扭曲多瘤且呈红色,树叶则是深绿色。

    The tree has gnarled red branches and deep green leaves .

  17. 他单肩挎着一个绿色的帆布小背包。

    He had a small green rucksack slung over one shoulder .

  18. 低矮的群山上,绿色和棕色混杂着。

    The low mountains were a patchwork of green and brown .

  19. 从我们的窗口能看见一片美丽的绿色田园风光。

    The view from our window was one of beautiful green countryside

  20. 玛格丽特公主那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。

    Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress .

  21. 海港的水面上闪烁着绿色和黄色的灯光。

    Green and yellow lights blinked on the surface of the harbour

  22. 所有绿色和平组织人士表现出了超乎寻常的克制和大度。

    All the Greenpeace people behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity .

  23. 珊瑚有黄色的、蓝色的或绿色的。

    Coral can be yellow , blue , or green .

  24. 他有一个高挺的希腊式鼻子和一双墨橄榄绿色的眼睛。

    He had a strong Greek nose and olive-black eyes .

  25. 绿色和平组织设法聚集起足够数量的小船在海上拦截该船。

    Greenpeace managed to assemble enough boats to waylay the ship at sea

  26. 人们想要做正确的事,于是购买“绿色”产品。

    People want to do the right thing and buy ' green '

  27. 这个木制品现在是绿色的。我更喜欢它是蓝色的。

    The woodwork 's green now . I preferred it blue

  28. 墙壁是用深浅两种绿色油漆的。

    The walls were painted in two shades of green .

  29. 我穿着平时那套绿色套装。

    I was rigged out in my usual green suit .

  30. 穿着绿色军服的人星星点点地分布在整个大礼堂中。

    Men in green army uniforms are sprinkled throughout the huge auditorium .