- 名chlorite

Effects of ball milling process on the X - ray diffraction intensity of talc , chlorite , magnesite and corundum
Paleozoic rocks were affected by low-grade metamorphism ( chlorite zone ) during Variscan orogeny ( M1 ) .
E. Mg chlorite + illite + montmorillonite + halloysite ;
XRD analysis shows that the mineral composition of the chlorite jade is mainly chlorite .
The XRD test result manifests that the unit cell values of chlorite are both lower than standard .
With the intermittent activity of hot fluid containing CC ^ , ferrous carbonate minerals dissolved and precipitate repeatedly many times .
K-rich illite . Mg - , Ca - , Na - , Zn-rich smectite , Mn - and Fe-rich chlorite produce a clear coupling relationship between clay minerals and chemical compositions of clay fraction .
Sediments off Wrangel Island in the west of the study area enrich chlorite , Na , Sr and Zr , indicating an elevated influences from Siberian continent and shelves .
Results of differential thermal analysis and X diffraction analysis show that the mineral compositions of the clay particles in . five soils obtained in Shaanxi Province are chiefly of illite with certain amount of kaolinite , chlorite and montmorillonite .
The Phyllite is picked form Xixiang region in Shanxi province . We find out the sericite content is 29.9 % by microscope and XRD , there are some other minerals in the rock , such as quartz 、 feldspar and chlorite .
The development of chlorites are unlikely to have much impact on the K-Ar system of authigenic illites .
Results of X-ray diffraction tests show that the main component minerals of sliding zone soils are quartz , feldspar , calcite and clay minerals such as montmorillonite , illite and chlorite , the total amount of clay minerals is40 % ~ 45 % .
Use saturated NaCl solution to saturation chlorite schist and red sandstone , do uniaxial and triaxial compression tests for these rocks , get the influence of saturated NaCl solution to the rock mechanical properties . 4 .
Furthermore , a good correlation between w ( chlorite + kaolinite ) / w ( illite ) ratio and climate parameters ( mean annual temperature and precipitation ) indicates a spatial gradient of chemical weathering intensity of chlorite closely related to summer monsoon circulation .
Low pH fluid can destroy the crystal microstructure of chlorite , which makes the Fe 2 + , Fe 3 + , Mg 2 + within the structure separate to cause Fe ( OH ) _3 and Mg ( OH ) _2 deposit and plug up pore throat .
The results of XRD analysis and whole pattern fitting quantitative calculation indicate that the sample for this study from Linze , Gansu is composed of palygorskite 70.1 % , ankerite 15.7 % , quartz 6.6 % and a small amount of muscovite , albite and chlorite .
When the subduction depth is near 50km , the voluminous lower grade metamorphic hydrous minerals ( e.g. chlorite , epidote , actinolite ) undergo dehydration forming an aqueous fluid flux .
The second is the constructive diagenesis are high quality reservoir and favorable distribution region of large oil-gas fields such as secondary corrosion facies , dolomite lithification facies , weathering leaching facies , chlorite thin film cementation facies and TSR facies ;
Compressive rheological experiments were carried out on chlorite-schist and sericite-schist respectively to study their time-effect by using rock rheological test equipment CSS-1950 .
This paper presents the results of analysis , identification and estimation of the clay minerals in Jiangsu offshore quaternary sediment of using PY-19 core as a representative .
In the district of Orani , central Sardinia , several talc-chlorite-feldspar bodies , hosted in Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks and granites , have long been mined by open - pit operations .
It becomes difficult to discriminate between weathered epidote and chlorite .
Selective hydrophobic flocculation-flotation separation of fine rhodochrosite , chlorite and quartz
Mg chlorite + illite + Fe-Mg chlorite + halloysite ;
The Discovery of a Uranium-related 1:1 Regular Interstratified Chlorite-Montmorillonite Mineral
Minor chlorite and vermiculite can also be identified in some sa-mples .
Optics and micro-shape characters in the process of biotite transforming to chlorite
Separation of clinochlore from powder quartz by reverse flotation and its mechanism
The gangue minerals include quartz , calcite , sericite and chlorite .
Clay minerals illite , chlorite and illite mixed layers .