
lǜ sōng shí
  • turquoise;agaphite;calaite;johnite
绿松石[lǜ sōng shí]
  1. 那些女人戴着由绿松石和粉色珊瑚制成的精美项链。

    The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral .

  2. 美丽的银饰和绿松石珠宝与陶器

    beautiful silver and turquoise jewelry and pottery .

  3. 那些女人戴着由绿松石制成的精美项链。

    The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise .

  4. 分析,G.绿松石颜色指数分析

    The color index analysis of turquoise ANALYZE

  5. 针对该类型绿松石的特征,采用X射线粉晶衍射、红外吸收光谱、化学全分析、差热分析等分析测试方法,重点对其宝石矿物学特征进行了初步研究。

    The X-ray powder diffraction analysis , infrared absorption spectrum , chemistry analysis and differential thermal analysis have been employed to discuss the features of gem-mineralogy of this kind of turquoise in this paper .

  6. 绿松石是一种由含铜、铝和水的磷酸盐矿物(CuAl6[PO4]4(OH)8·4H2O)组成的天然玉石原料。

    Turquoise is a kind of natural jade and stone stuff which consists of Cu , Al and H_2O bearing phosphate ( CuAl_6_4 ( OH ) _8 · 4H_2O ) .

  7. 绿松石的颜色主要由其中CuO和Fe2O3的含量比值变化决定,比值由大至小,实现了绿松石颜色由天蓝色到绿色的转变。

    The color of turquoise depends on the content ratio of CuO and Fe_2O_3 and the color changes from sky-blue to green with the decrease of the [ w ( CuO ) / w ( Fe_2O_3 ) ] ratio .

  8. 到目前为止,去除中间业务行动主要是在欧洲,欧洲绿松石计划的目标交易是顶尖的350只股票,纽约证交所则在欧洲收购了大陆交易所运营商泛欧交易所(euronext)。

    So for now , the disintermediation action is mainly in Europe , where turquoise is targeting trading in the top 350 Stocks - and where the NYSE has taken over Euronext , operator of continental bourses .

  9. 她今天穿上了绿松石色的背心和印花短裤,还戴了一顶白色的Tilley帽子,正等着乘坐城市公交车前往86号病区。

    Today , she was waiting in a turquoise tank top , floral shorts and a white Tilley hat , ready to ride a city bus to Ward 86 .

  10. 在100个水平房鲈鱼上方的绿松石泻湖高跷。

    The100 over-water bungalows perch on stilts above the turquoise lagoon .

  11. 绿松石及其处理品与仿制品的红外吸收光谱表征

    IR Absorption Spectrum Representation of Turquoise , Treated Turquoise and Imitation

  12. 利用稀土等微量元素示踪鄂西北一带古代绿松石的产地

    Provenance-tracing of Turquoise in Northwest Hubei Using Rare Earth Elements

  13. 绿松石的某些磁性、光谱特性和颜色的研究

    Magnetic properties , characteristic spectra and colour of turquoise

  14. 河南淅川的绿松石研究

    The Research of the Turquoise in Xichuan of Henan

  15. 绿松石与铀矿找矿方向的研究

    Study on prospecting targets of TURQUOIS and uranium mineralization

  16. 绿松石呈色机理初探

    Elementary research on color - forming mechanism of turquoise

  17. 不同产地绿松石无损检测及岩相结构特征研究

    Study on Mineralogical Characteristics of Turquoise Samples from Different Provenances by Non-destructive Analysis

  18. 具磷灰石假象绿松石的宝石矿物学特征

    Features of Gem-Mineralogy of Apatite - Pseudomorphic Turquoise

  19. 切割粗糙的绿松石成细小的圆宝石,以镶嵌在银饰里面。

    Turquoiserough . A stone cutter and stone setter to set cabochons in silver .

  20. 有些装饰着羽毛,有些装饰着绿松石和银首饰。

    Some were adorned with feathers , others with tiny turquoise and silver jewelry .

  21. 秦岭东段绿松石成矿特征

    The Minerogenetic Characteristic of Turquoise in East Qinling

  22. 陕鄂相邻地区绿松石矿地质特征

    Geological characteristics of turquoise ore in the areas adjacent to Shaanxi and Hubei Provinces

  23. 海滩冲击着脚趾和温暖的绿松石之间的沙粒。

    Powder-perfect sand squishes between the toes and warm turquoise waves lap the beach .

  24. 这种流行风格的设计灵感来自海洋,设计元素包括充满活力的深浅不一的蓝、绿松石和水鸭。

    Inspired by the ocean , this trend features vibrant blues , turquoises and teals .

  25. 所以,铁线是不能作为绿松石判断真伪的标准的。

    Therefore , the wire is not to judge the authenticity of a turquoise standard .

  26. 绿松石的品质分级及定量评估

    Quantitative grading and evaluating system of turquoise

  27. 避免蛋白石,绿松石和孔雀石,因为他们太容易被焚毁环。

    Avoid opal , turquoise and malachite as they are too easily damaged in a ring .

  28. 玉石类有独山玉、绿松石、虎睛石、密玉和玛瑙等。

    The jades mainly are the Dushan jade , turquoise , pseudocrocidolite , aventurite and agate etc.

  29. 绿松石玉古文化初探

    Study on Ancient Culture of Turquoise

  30. 因此,顺理成章地,她选择了这件简单的格子呢连衣衬裙,外加一条比较另类的镶嵌绿松石的腰带。

    Naturally , then , she accented a simple plaid shirtdress with an off-beat turquoise-studded belt .