
lǜ féi zuò wù
  • green manure crop;cover-crop
  1. 一年生苜蓿植株低矮,产草量低,是混播牧草的主要成员和填闲播种、改土肥田的优良绿肥作物。

    It is considered that the annual alfalfa with dwarf stands and low yields is a main component of any mixed swards and is also a good alternate , green manure crop .

  2. 种植绿肥作物主要是为使土壤更加肥沃。

    A green manure is a crop grown mainly to improve soil fertility .

  3. 应用绿肥作物抑制旱稻田杂草研究初报

    A Preliminary Study on Controling Weed by Green Manures in Perenial Upland Rice Fields

  4. 柽麻是山西棉麦集中产区主要速生豆科肥效较高的夏季绿肥作物。

    Crotalaria juncea is a main green manure in cotton and wheat producing areas of Shanxi .

  5. 结果表明:在绿肥作物上增施磷肥增产效果极为显著。

    Results showed that application of phosphate fertilizer significantly increased the yield of three green manure crops .

  6. 光叶紫花苕子是湖北省烟田的重要绿肥作物。

    Vicia villosa Roth var is one of the main green manures in tobacco field in Hubei Province .

  7. 播量对绿肥作物养分含量影响不大,但显著影响养分累积量。

    There was no significant influence of seeding quantity on nutrients content , but had obvious effect on nutrients accumulation .

  8. 海南岛几种绿肥作物丛枝病病原体的电子显微镜研究

    An electron microscopic study on the pathogens of the witches ' broom disease of several green manure crops in Hainan Island

  9. 绿豆兼有食用、药用、饲用和蔬菜(绿豆芽)、绿肥作物的优点,也是我国重要的出口创汇作物。

    Mungbean has advantages of edible , medical , forage vegetable and green manure crops and is also an important export crop in china .

  10. 猪屎豆属的各种植物,在膨胀的荚里种子哗哗响;用作牧草和绿肥作物。

    Any of various plants of the genus Crotalaria having inflated pods within which the seeds rattle ; used for pasture and green-manure crops .

  11. 蚕豆营养丰富,是豆类作物中仅次于大豆的一种植物蛋白资源,也是重要的粮食、蔬菜、副食、绿肥作物。

    Faba bean is a nutrient-rich plant protein resource next to soybean , which is also an important food , vegetable , subsidiary food and green manure .

  12. 绿肥作物轮作覆盖在免耕中的重要性&巴西和巴拉圭免耕发展经验

    The Importance of Green Manure Cover Crops and Crop Rotation in the No-tillage System & Experiences in the development of the No-tillage System in Brazil and Paraguay

  13. 有粉紫杂色花的欧洲多年生植物;有时作为饲料或绿肥作物种植。

    European perennial with mottled purple-pink flowers ; sometimes cultivated for fodder or as green manure . Any of certain coarse , weedy plants of the genera Ambrosia , Erigeron , or Heracleum .

  14. 本文介绍了加拿大有机农业生产中防治杂草的各种措施,包括作物轮作、绿肥作物、可持续土壤管理、适度机械耕作等。

    This article introduces many kind of weed controlling measures in Canadian organic agriculture , including well-designed crop rotation , green manures , sustainable soil management , and moderate use of mechanical cultivation .

  15. 南非常绿半木本植物,有类似食荚菜豆的可食豆荚;也作绿肥作物种植;有时被归为藊豆属。

    South African evergreen partly woody vine grown for its clusters of rosy purple flowers followed by edible pods like snap beans ; also grown as green manure ; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos .

  16. 按农艺学和用途可将中国作物分为8大类即粮食作物、经济作物、蔬菜作物、果树作物、饲用和绿肥作物、花卉作物、药用作物和林木作物。

    The8 kinds : food crop , economic crop , vegetable crop , fruit crop , forage and manure crop , flower crop , medicine crop and forest crop in China , according to agronomy and use were differentiated .

  17. 在我国南方地区存在着大面积的冬闲田,只种植了小面积的油菜、绿肥等作物,大面积的田块都处于闲置状态。

    And there is only a small plantation area of rape , green manure . Most of the area remains the state of disuse or inactivity .

  18. 紫花苜蓿是一种重要的牧草和绿肥兼用作物,含氮量高,饲用价值是牧草中最高的,有牧草之王的美称。

    Alfalfa is known for " the king of forage ", and is an important forage and green manure crop because it is rich in nitrogen content and its feeding value is the highest in the pasture .

  19. 苜蓿、草木樨是东北地区主要的绿肥兼牧草作物。

    Alfalfa and sweet clover are the main green manure and forage grass crops in the Northeast .

  20. 两年生欧亚植物,花黄色,其叶芳香,用做祛风剂或调味品;广泛栽培,尤其作绿肥或覆盖作物。

    Biennial yellow-flowered Eurasian plant having aromatic leaves used as carminative or flavoring agent ; widely cultivated especially as green manure or cover crop .

  21. 森林覆盖率低、疏林、灌木林比重大;土地利用中存在结构不合理,特别是林业、畜牧业比重偏低,绿肥和饲料作物面积过小;

    Land utilization rate are low , and the proportion of open forest and shrub wood is high , the forest cover rate is very low etc.