
  • 网络tumet;tumed;Tumd
  1. 在整个民国时期,土默特旗财政收入规模日益缩减。

    The financial revenue scale of Tumed Banner reduces gradually in the entire Republic of China .

  2. 这样,造成土默特旗旗库如洗、债台高筑,其财政陷入了严重危机。

    Thus , it causes the serious financial crisis , the storehouse of Tumed Banner likes to wash and to be in debt heavily .

  3. 基于调查自内蒙古土默特平原的原始数据,编写SAS语言程序,建立了多元时间序列模型。

    We established the time series model by writing SAS program and using original data .

  4. 与此相反,民国时期土默特旗财政支出不断膨胀。

    On the contrary , the expenditure of inflation rises increasingly .

  5. 入清至绥远建城期间土默特地区移民的缘起与发展

    The Origin of Migration and Development on the T ü med Area Entry Qing Dynasty to Set Up Suiyuan City

  6. 从一定意义讲,移民活动是明代土默特地区社会生活与民俗文化变迁的主要原因。

    To some sense , immigration activity is the main cause of the change of social life and custom culture .

  7. 绥远建城百年来土默特地区移民的民族构成与社会影响

    The Ethnic Composition of Immigrants and the Social Impact of T ü med Area Set up Suiyuan City Hundreds of Years

  8. 20世纪中叶,土默特地区藏传佛教寺院经济普遍陷入困境。

    Along with pauperization of Inner Mongolia in mid-20th century , monasteries in Tumed area was caught in difficult situation in terms of economy .

  9. 民国时期土默特旗财政管理机构设置复杂,与当时省县政府具有密切联系。

    The complicated financial management organization is also closely connected with the local authority around county and province of Tumed Banner in the Republic of China .

  10. 清末土默特地区的移民问题,是土默特地区史研究中的重要问题之一。

    Immigration of T ü med area in late Qing dynasty is one of the important issues in the study of T ü med regional history .

  11. 满族人由于军事驻防原因,迁入土默特地区,对土默特地区政治上层影响极大。

    Manchu people because of the reasons for the military garrison , move into T ü med region , great impact on the regional upper politics .

  12. 另外,文中运用实证分析和统计分析等方法建立了一系列图表,以分析归化城土默特财政演化的事实。

    In addition , I give a series of charts using the method of example and statistic analysis to illustrate the fact on the Tumed Banners financial changes of Guihua Cheng .

  13. 论文解读了民国时期土默特旗财政管理体制,并以财政收支体系为核心,进一步深入分析其财政收支规模、结构的变化和变动,最后重点讨论民国时期土默特旗财政危机及其社会历史根源。

    Further thoroughly analyzes its financial revenue , expenditure scale , and the structure change . Finally , It mainly discusses the financial crisis and the social historical reasons in Tumed Banner .

  14. 以档案史料为中心的研究地区财政史的方法,为全面了解民国时期土默特旗财政演变铺垫出一条小径,为蒙古族经济史研究领域的拓展提供了更为广阔的空间。

    Based on the historical file data , the method of the financial history study paves the way for fully learning the financial evolution , and provides a broader space for the development of the economic history of Mongolia .

  15. 本文紧紧围绕土默特旗在民国各阶段财政收支体系,对其历史由来、基本内容以及演变等方面作深入剖析。

    This paper makes the thorough analysis of historical origin , basic content as well as evolution , which is closely regarded the various stages of financial revenue and expenditure system of Tumed Banner in the Republic of China .

  16. 由于土默特地区特殊的地理位置和所处的环境,清代至民国时期一直走在历届中央政府实行移垦、同治以及推行一体化政策和进程的前沿,成为整个内蒙古地区社会经济变迁最为典型的地区。

    Owing to the special geographical position and environment , Tumed , which is carried out the One System Policy , all along walked as the pioneer of immigration and cultivation area under the leading of the several central governments , from Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China .