
tǔ bà
  • earth dam;fill dam;earth-filled dam;causey
土坝 [tǔ bà]
  • [earth dam;earth-filled dam] 由土、砂或石块构成主体部分和不透水材料(如粘土或混凝土)构成坝心的坝

土坝[tǔ bà]
  1. 用Visualc.NET开发土坝渗透数据处理系统

    Development of the earth dam permeable data process system with Visual C # , NET

  2. 土坝剖面CAD系统的设计

    Design of Earth Dam Section with CAD System

  3. FLAC~(3D)在土坝劈裂灌浆防渗稳定性分析中的应用

    Application of FLAC ~ ( 3D ) to stability analysis of splitting grouting for earth dam

  4. LowerSanFernando土坝破坏及加固的完全耦合分析

    Fully coupled analysis of failure and remediation of Lower San Fernando Dam

  5. 基于ANSYS温度场模拟的均质土坝稳定渗流数值计算

    Computation of stable seepage flow of the homogeneous earth dam based on the ANSYS function of temperature field analysis

  6. B油田开发中后期储层特征及渗流规律研究非稳定渗流期骤降判别及均质土坝稳定分析

    Research on the Reservoir Characteristics and Percolation Rule in Middle-later Development Phase , B Oilfield Judgment of Reservoir Water level Sudden Drop and Stability Analysis of Homogeneous Earth Dam during Unsteady Seepage

  7. 混凝土坝渗流场与温度场相关性研究ANSYS热分析在土坝渗流计算中的应用

    Study on Correlation between Seepage Field and Temperature Field of Concrete Dams ; Application of ANSYS to the seepage flow calculation of embankment dams

  8. 以土坝渗透系数反分析为实例,结合二维渗流有限元法的BP神经网络,提出了一种新的水工渗流反分析方法。

    Taking the anti-analysis of earthfill dam permeability coefficient as an example , a new anti-analysis method of hydraulic seepage flow for the BP nervous network of resultant two-dimensional seepage flow finite element method is proposed .

  9. 在自重荷载的情况下考虑地下水的组合,用ANSYS有限元分析软件对32°边坡和挡土坝进行了简化为平面应变问题的应力和位移场的分析。

    Considering gravitationally the groundwater distribution , the finite element analysis of ANSYS software is used to simplify the 32 ° slope and bulkhead dam into a planar stress problem to analyze stress and displacement field .

  10. 采用弃单元法,用ANSYS中热分析模块来模拟土坝的渗流场,求出在稳定渗流条件下土坝的浸润面,并计算出孔隙水压力。

    Using Abandoning Element Method , the seepage field of earth dam is simulated with thermal analysis module in ANSYS software , the saturation surface of earth dam under steady seepage is analyzed , and the pore water pressure is calculated .

  11. 土坝劈裂灌浆技术以往大都在坝高低于50m的均质坝和宽心墙坝中使用,且要求在水库低水位期进行。

    In the past , splitting-grouting technique for earth dams was usually adopted for homogeneous dams and thick core dams with the height lower than 50 m , running with low-water level .

  12. ANSYS在土坝渗流场和应力场及其耦合分析中的应用研究采用国际大型通用有限元软件ANSYS建模与自主开发主体计算程序相结合的办法来实现高寒地区碾压混凝土坝底孔温度应力的仿真计算。

    The Application and Study of ANSYS on Seepage Field , Stress Field and Coupling Analysis for Earth Dam Through the adoption of finite element software ANSYS and simulation and analysis program to realize the calculation of high latitude RCC gravity temperature field stress field .

  13. 本文采用理想弹塑性本构模型和D-P准则,建立了渗流作用下土坝边坡有限元分析模型。

    Basing on the elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive model and D-P criterion , the FEM analysis model on earth dam slope is built on the condition of seepage .

  14. 文中还详述了在国产TQ-16型计算机上实现具有一定规模的土坝三向稳定渗流问题有关的技术。

    It also states some techniques of three-dimensional steady seepage flow problem within finite region that being carried out on TQ-16 electronic computer .

  15. 继而,将其应用于一实际均质土坝,并与Kanai谱和马尔柯夫谱进行了比较,验证了该模型的合理性。

    The calculated results were compared with those obtained from Markov spectrum and Kanai spectrum . The rationality of the present stochastic seismic motion model was examined and certified .

  16. 对无黏性土,通过与前人的试验资料和用MeyerhofandAdams理论得出的结果进行了比较,表明了建议方法是正确可行的.饱和非粘性土坝坡地震稳定性的分析

    To the cohesionless soils , through the comparision of results which obtained with predecessor 's experiments and Meyerhof and the Adams 's computation theory , the correction and feasibility is indicated . Analysis to the Seismic Stability of Dam Slope Made of Saturated Cohesionless Soils

  17. 本文根据土坝沉陷过程的一般规律,提出了预测沉陷量的生长曲线模型(R.Pearl模型)。

    According to the settlement regularity of earth dams , this paper puts forward a new model for predicting the settlement & growing curve model ( R.Pearl model ) .

  18. 本文采用三维排水(考虑孔隙水压力扩散与消散)有效应力动力分析方法,研究了美国奥罗维尔(Oroville)土坝在7度地震作用下的动力反应。

    Dynamic response of the Oroville Earth Dam in U. S. A. under an earthquake of intensity ⅶ is investigated by using 3-D analysis of effective stress considering the diffusion and dissipation of seismic pore water pressure .

  19. 本文通过分析研究强夯法加固湿陷性黄土土坝地基的施工试验,总结应用Menard公式的经验取值,成功地设计了施工参数,为后续的正式施工打下了坚实的基础。

    On the basis of analysis and study on construction experiences of reinforcing collapsible loess foundation of earth dam with dynamic compaction method , the construction parameters are designed with the empirical values of Menard formula , laying a solid foundation for later construction .

  20. 已建水库土坝下涵管的安全评价

    Safety appraisal on culvert below earth-fill dam in earlier constructed reservoir

  21. 岳城水库土坝非线性地震反应分析

    Non-Linear Earthquake Response Analysis of Earth Dam of Yuecheng Water Reservoir

  22. 土坝劈裂灌浆技术及其发展

    The Technique of Splitting Grouting in Earth Dams and its Development

  23. 崂山水库土坝上游坡变形原因的分析

    Causes and analysis of upstream face deformation of Laoshan earth dam

  24. 对南部引嫩工程分散性粘土坝的分析

    Analysis on Dispersal Clay Dam of Southern Nen River Diversion Engineering

  25. 层状地基对土坝振动模态特性的影响

    The Effects of Layered Foundation on Mode Characteristics of Earth Dams

  26. 浅谈土坝除险加固工程地质勘察工作

    The geologic exploration work of the strengthening project of earth dams

  27. 土坝块石护坡破坏原因及改建措施

    Damage reason and reformation measure of earth-dam block stone slope protection

  28. 土坝震害和抗震分析评述

    Review on the earthquake damage and aseismic analysis of earth dams

  29. 土坝在水库水位下降期的滑坡机理

    Mechanism of Earth Dam Landslide during Reservoir Water Level Descending Period

  30. 土坝渗透观测资料滞后性的实用分析

    Analysis on Hysteresis Nature of Permeation Observation Data of Earth Dam