
yī diàn yuán
  • the Garden of Eden;paradise;Eden
伊甸园 [yī diàn yuán]
  • (1) [Garden of Eden]∶基督教圣经中指人类祖先居住的乐园

  • (2) [Paradise]∶极乐地

伊甸园[yī diàn yuán]
  1. 孩子,那里就像伊甸园一样。

    It 's more like the garden of eden , son .

  2. 海明威所写的最后一部小说《伊甸园》评述

    A Critical View of Hemingway 's Last Novel The Garden of Eden

  3. 第二种说法是上帝把伊甸园(GardenofEden)交给亚当掌管,并取下他的一根肋骨,他创造了伴侣夏娃。

    In the second , Adam is placed in the Garden of Eden , and Eve is later created from his rib to ease his loneliness .

  4. 补充伊顿的FCNVH能力是一个内部半电波暗室中的伊甸园大草原,锰,与专有软件。

    Complementing Eaton 's FC NVH capabilities are an in-house hemi-anechoic chamber in Eden Prairie , MN , and proprietary software .

  5. 之后,她开始从更宽泛的角度思考花园:《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘梦想爱情的那个花园以及伊甸园(GardenofEden)。

    And she began thinking more broadly about gardens : the one where Du Liniang of " The Peony Pavilion " dreams of love , and the Garden of Eden .

  6. 这条计划长达278公里的运河连接加勒比海(CaribbeanSea)和太平洋(PacificOcean),从尼加拉瓜湖穿过,可能导致附近的雨林消失并威胁到附近的原住民部落。这条运河还会使得超大型油轮从奥梅特佩岛的伊甸园旁边经过。

    The proposed 278km route , connecting theCaribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean , will carve through Lake Nicaragua , potentiallydisplacing the surrounding rainforest and threatening indigenous communities.The route will also bring the supertankers right past Ometepe 's Eden .

  7. 在过去的十年里,随着奥梅特佩岛(IslaOmetepe)自然风光堪比伊甸园的消息不胫而走,该岛的旅游业发展迅速。

    Over the past decade , tourism to Isla Ometepehas grown as word of its Eden-like natural beauty has spread .

  8. Tess丧失伊甸园的原因是因为她所犯的原罪,由此也直接导致了她的谋杀罪,她后来所经历的救赎与再生则是她为了自己的谋杀罪所需付出的代价。

    The cause for her loss of the Garden is her original sin , which leads to her murdering of Alec . Afterwards , her redemption and regeneration are the price she must pay for her crime .

  9. Fowler先生目前将种子卖给了英国康沃尔郡的(环境工程)伊甸园工程、爱丁堡园艺学会以及阿富汗农民以作为罂粟的替代作物。

    Mr Fowler has sold chilli seeds to the Eden Project in Cornwall , to the Edinburgh Horticultural Society , and to farmers in Afghanistan , as an alternative to growing poppies for opium .

  10. 尽管我们面临着预示灾祸的剧本,我足够勇敢地声明,Urantia确实将重返伊甸园。

    And although we are facing this apocalyptic scenario I " m couraged enough to claim , that it " s exactly a garden of Eden which Urantia is going to be again .

  11. 你这种人可不能生活在伊甸园里。

    Eden Valley will never stand for your kind of scum .

  12. 但是伊甸园正在燃烧,二者其一准备好被终结。

    But Eden is burning , either get ready for elimination .

  13. 我在伊甸园的风眼里焚烧所有的好东西!

    I burned all the good things in the eden eye !

  14. 非常美丽的名字!那里一定象伊甸园一样美。

    The pretty name ! It must be beautiful as eden .

  15. 质疑伊甸园在云南之说

    Questioning the view that the Garden of Eden is in Yunnan

  16. 第二部分为迷失的伊甸园。

    Part two is " The Missing Garden of Eden " .

  17. 埕岛油田海水钻井液对钻具的腐蚀及防护从伊甸园到大海&解读艾米莉·迪金森夜夜暴风雨,夜夜暴风雨

    Corrosion of sea water mud on drill pipe and its control

  18. 带她到只有他们俩的伊甸园。

    Take her to another Eden wherever there 's themselves only .

  19. 我们将一同奔赴伊甸园。

    There is a place in heaven where we 'll go .

  20. 普吉岛:海上伊甸园

    Phuket Island : the garden of Eden on the ocean

  21. 亚当:她出现在哪儿,哪儿便是伊甸园。

    Adam : where so ever she was , there was eden .

  22. 伊甸园与乌托邦:人类美好家园的永久想象

    Eden and Utopia : Permanent Imagination of Human Perfect Homeland

  23. 对我们来说,却没有静谧可爱的伊甸园。

    There is no silent and lovely garden of Eden for us .

  24. 一个完美的伊甸园,未曾有过暴力或流血历史。

    A perfect Eden with no history of violence or bloodshed ever .

  25. 有一天撒旦来到伊甸园。

    One day Satan came to the Garden of Eden .

  26. 其后,他在1951年发表了《伊甸园以东》。

    Then in 1951 , he published East of Eden .

  27. 海水珍珠产业化发展方向与对策从伊甸园到大海&解读艾米莉·迪金森夜夜暴风雨,夜夜暴风雨

    Direction and Approaches to Industrializing of Sea - pearl Industry

  28. 上帝让他们住在一个美丽的花园中,叫“伊甸园”。

    God let him live in beautiful garden called Eden .

  29. 就是他让他们离开了伊甸园。

    He made them leave the Garden of Eden .

  30. 饥饿的土地与焦黑的树木却开出花朵,即使伊甸园中也从未看见。

    But famished field and blackened tree Bear flowers in Eden never known .