
  • 网络ISIS
  1. 在太阳型薄饼上的字母IHS代表伊西斯,何鲁斯和SEB。

    The letters IHS on the sun-shaped wafers stood for Isis , Horus , and Seb ( later , Roman Catholics claimed they were the first three letters of Jesus'name in Greek ) .

  2. 这位悉尼母亲是一份网上请愿书的第56个签名者。这份请愿书,由一个名叫伊西斯·马丁内斯的美国女人发起,恳请媒体不要将伊西斯(ISIS)作为这个组织的代号。

    They Sydney mother was the 56th signatory to an online petition started by a U.S. woman , Isis Martinez , imploring the media to stop using the acronym ISIS for the group .

  3. 棺木铭文中的伊西斯女神

    Goddess Isis in the Coffin Text

  4. 奥西里斯死后,其妻子伊西斯通过祈祷竟然神奇的怀孕了,并在一个岛上生下了何鲁斯。

    Horus was conceived magically after the death of Osiris and brought up by Isis on a floating island .

  5. 在古代埃及众神中,有些女神比其它的神灵拥有更高的地位并博得更多人的爱戴。例如:努特、哈托尔、穆特、伊西斯。

    In the pantheon of ancient Egypt , some goddesses held higher status and gained more devotion than others , for example : Nut , Hathor , Mut , Isis .

  6. 雷斯琴女士说伊西斯很喜欢她的名字,她目前还不知道,与她的名字联系在一起的邪恶意思。但是由于她的名字包含着邪恶的意思,她的家人已经开始受到影响。

    Leskien says Isis , who loves her name , is so far unaware of the evil it 's now associated with , but it 's beginning to affect the rest her family .

  7. 希腊女神伊西斯寻找她爱人的肢体碎片,欧西里斯,因为她对他强烈的感情,也因为她觉得有可能再见到完整的他的欲望。

    The Eyptian goddess Isis seeks out the mangled body of her lover , Osiris , because of her powerful affection for him and because of her desire presumably to see him whole again .

  8. 但是伊西斯找到了尸体碎片,并把它们重新拼到一起,并且到一个庙宇中祈祷并给尸体绑上亚麻绷带,他使奥西里斯重新获得呼吸。

    But Isis found the pieces , made wax copies of them to be worshipped in a temple and , preserving Osiris ' body with linen bandages ; she breathed life back into him .

  9. 历史学家则把圣母玛丽的尊崇与某些基督教之前宗教的女性神祗联系起来,如埃及的伊西斯神;追随者心目中,她是哺育着神圣婴孩的女性形象。

    Secular historians would link the veneration of Mary to the pre-Christian cult of female divinities , such as the Egyptians ' isis-who was conceived by her followers as a Madonna figure nursing a holy child-or the Romans ' Diana .

  10. 第三章则通过分析古埃及人神授的王权观以及金字塔铭文中奥西里斯、荷鲁斯和伊西斯不同的角色作用,探讨奥西里斯神话是如何被改编从而为宣传和巩固王权服务。

    The third chapter gave an exploration on Osiris Myth how to be adapted so as to publicize and strengthen the kingship by analyzing the conception of devine kingship of ancient egyptians as well as the different roles of Osiris , Horus and Isis in The Pyramid Texts .

  11. 直到几个月前,母亲雷斯琴在介绍女儿的名字时得到的回应还是:“多美的名字呀!”这个父母特意‘借用’了古埃及女神的名字——伊西斯的名字,很受人们喜欢。

    When Sydney mum Sheridan Leskien would introduce her daughter , up until a few months ago , the response would always be the same . " What a beautiful name , " strangers would coo . People would admire the name the parents had borrowed from an ancient Egyptian goddess and given their daughter : Isis .