
  • 网络Ismail;Ismael;Valerien Ismael
  1. 我含糊地告诉伊斯梅尔说,我们的行动是我国舆论所能容许的最低限度的行动。

    I told Ismail ambiguously that our actions were the minimum that public opinion would tolerate .

  2. 哈马斯警察总部及总理伊斯梅尔•哈尼亚的办公室在别的空袭中也被铲平。

    Other attacks destroyed Hamas police headquarters and the office of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh .

  3. 美国人来了以后,孩子们就到伊斯梅尔那里去了。

    When the Americans got here , they went to esmaeel .

  4. 伊斯梅尔叫住我,又打了我两个耳光,就象这样。

    Esmaeel called me and slapped me again twice , like this .

  5. 伊斯梅尔杨恳求的口吻使柯林斯让步了。

    The appealing tone of ishmasl young 's voice made Collins capitulate .

  6. 伊斯梅尔博士则表示,漠然无感是常见的症状之一,不过他也见识过截然不同的转变。

    Dr. Ismail said apathy was a common symptom , but he has seen starker changes .

  7. 不过伊斯梅尔的目标是挖掘更深层次的主题,希望该剧能超越黑客文化。

    But Esmail is aiming for larger underlying themes , hoping that the show digs into more than just the culture of hacking .

  8. 哈马斯政府总理伊斯梅尔哈尼亚,哈马斯高级领导人,出席在拉法口岸举行的官方红地毯仪式,欢迎卡塔尔元首来访。

    Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haneya and senior leaders of the Islamic movement attended an official red-carpet reception for the Qatari dignitaries at the crossing .

  9. 安全分析专家伊斯梅尔说,梭罗长期以来被认为是活跃的武装份子招募中心,但不是会遭受恐怖袭击的地方。

    Security analyst Noor Huda Ismail says Solo has long been identified as an active militant recruitment center , but not a place for terrorist attacks .

  10. 伊斯梅尔表示,去年对这个行业来说是艰难的一年,东方造船实现营收1.27亿美元,税前利润150万美元。

    Mr Ismail described last year as tough for the industry , and the company made pre-tax profits of $ 1.5m on revenues of $ 127m .

  11. 伊斯梅尔表示,不论在失智症中损害记忆与思考能力的因素是什么,都可能影响脑部调节情绪与自制的系统。

    Whatever is eroding memory and thinking skills in the dementia process may also affect the brain 's systems of emotional regulation and self-control , he said .

  12. 裸体主义团体的主席伊斯梅尔•罗德里戈称:“我们想通过这些活动日宣传裸体主义的价值,使人们可以接受它。裸体主义价值属于西方价值观。”

    Nudist president Ismael Rodrigo said : ' What we want to do with this day is to educate and transmit our values , which are Western values .

  13. 全世界穆斯林人都杀羊,牛,骆驼庆祝宰牲节,以纪念先知亚伯拉罕&心甘情愿听从神的命令牺牲自己的儿子伊斯梅尔的性命的。

    Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Adha by sacrificial slaughtering of sheep , goats , cows and camels to commemorate Prophet Abraham 's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail on God 's command .

  14. 现在,尽管伊斯梅尔•哈尼亚呼吁停止紧张关系的继续升级,他谴责以色列发动的暴力活动。但是他称,加沙地带的好战组织也必须停止发射火箭弹。

    Now though the Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has called for an end to the escalation , he blamed Israel for the violence , but said all militant groups in Gaza must also stop firing .

  15. 伊斯梅尔博士强调,要确定有轻度行为障碍,某个症状必须持续至少六个月,“不仅仅是行为偶尔失常而已,而是彻底的改变。”

    Dr. Ismail emphasized that , to be considered M.B.I. , a symptom should have lasted for at least six months and be " not just a blip in behavior , but a fundamental change . "

  16. 但这也并非绝对,因为奥古斯都-凯撒、费斯帕斯、法兰西的菲利普王、英格兰的爱德华四世、雅典的阿尔西巴底斯、波斯的伊斯梅尔等既是大丈夫,又是美男子。

    But this holds not always : for Augustus Caesar , Titus England , Alcibiades of Athens , Ismael the Sophy of Persia , were all high and great spirit ; and yet the most beautiful men of their times .