
  • 网络government property rights
  1. 排他成本可分为界定成本和实施成本以及政府产权制度因素。

    The exclusive cost is divided into the defining cost and the implementation cost as well as the government property system factor .

  2. 政府产权是政府所拥有的财产权利,它既具有一般产权的性质,又具有特殊性。

    Governmental property , which has both the property of common property right and special property , is the property right which is owned by governments .

  3. 计划经济体制条件下的政府产权是公有产权主要的甚至是唯一的代表,政府产权与国家权力相结合,又成为计划经济体制的主要基础和保障。

    Under the plan economy system , the property right of governments is the main or even only representative of public property right , the combination of governmental property right and the right of a country becomes the main basis and insurance of plan economy system .

  4. 政府间产权交易的分析框架及改革推进

    An analytical framework for the inter-government transactions of property rights and its reforms

  5. 其产生的根由则在于流域政府权力产权界定不清导致了相互间正交易成本的出现。

    The cause is that the obscure boundary of power between basin governments increases the transaction cost .

  6. 粤港政府知识产权保护与管理的比较研究

    A Comparative Study between the Governments of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong on Intellectual Property Protection and Management

  7. 科学发展观视野下的政府知识产权绩效管理初探

    Study on Chinese Governmental Performance Management of Intellectual Property Right in the View of Scientific Outlook on Development

  8. 第二阶段则将动态比较优势转化为竞争优势,这个阶段需要政府提供产权明晰的制度保障。

    The second stage will transfer the dynamic advantage into competitive advantage , which requires the government to provide clear property rights system guarantee .

  9. 政府介入产权实施机制可以取得更高的效率,但政府对产权制度的干预也表现出了负效应。

    The reasons of government intervening the property rights enforcement mechanism are to get more efficient . In fact , it also produces negative effect .

  10. 在此基础上,深入研究了产业集群的政府知识产权管理体系。

    The fourth chapter thereafter studied the intellectual property based on industry colony management system , which started from the system view , and an overall perspective .

  11. 我们发现,经济中掠夺性家户的比例及生产性家户最优的生产和保护时间取决于政府的产权保护力度,而与时间无关。

    We find that the ratio of the predatory household and the productive household 's optimal production time depend on government 's protection and will not change with time .

  12. 从政府、产权、市场和企业文化四个方面研究了军事技术创新主体的激励机制,特别是军事技术创新战略联盟和产学研一体的技术创新协同机制。

    Studied incentive mechanism of military subjectivity innovation from government , property rights , markets and corporate culture , Particularly the strategic alliance of military technological innovation and the mechanisms of " R & D " integration .

  13. 为此.本研究从筹资机制、管理体制、竞争机制、考核监督机制、与新农合制度衔接等方面进行尝试性设计,提出了适合欠发达地区的政府购买产权基础上农村社区卫生服务站的发展模式。

    This study , from financing mechanism , management system , the competition mechanism , check supervision mechanism , and new farming system aspects of cohesion tentative design is going to find out a suitable model of development for underdeveloped region government property .

  14. 由于传统较单一的以政府公有产权形式无偿提供农业技术体系的僵化,制约了私有及混合等多种形式农业技术创新活动积极性的提高,最终导致农业技术创新总量的有限性和难以产业化。

    As the agricultural technology system of government owned property is a single and rigid , and constraints the positive such as private and mixed forms of agricultural technology innovation activities , lead to limited and difficult to industrialization of total amount in agricultural technology innovation .

  15. 论政府在知识产权战略中的作用

    On the Government 's Roles in Intellectual Property Strategy

  16. 农业科技示范园建设的政府定位与产权设置

    Agri-science demonstration farm : the role of government and arrangement of property right

  17. 政府往往是产权规则的提供者。

    Government is frequently the provider of property rules .

  18. 政府在教育产权制度变革和执行中占优势主导地位,政府意志决定学校的产权行为和产权制度执行效果,规范政府行为由此成为公立学校产权制度需要解决的问题。

    Since government plays a predominant role in institution reformation and execution and its will decides the effect of institution action and execution .

  19. 国家、市场与公共教育关系的重新定位使得政府主导、产权明晰、主体多元和服务公益成为新型公共教育体制的突出特征。

    The re-evaluation of the relations of country , market and public education enables the new public educational system to have clear property rights and multi-subjectives .

  20. 大概意思是政府直接向产权所有者(也属于本国公民)提出获得知识产权的要求,因为这涉及所有公民的利益。

    Status Offline they publicly engage the owners of the intellectual property with a demand , which it believes is in the best interest of their citizens .

  21. 由于在地方保护中央政府赋予的产权存在一定难度,在华采矿项目还存在额外的风险。

    Mining projects in China carry an extra level of risk for foreigners because of the difficulty of protecting title rights granted by the central government at a local level .

  22. 而政府行使国有产权时产权经营的代理性、使用权排他性、收益归属确定性所导致的剩余索取权的不可转让性正是国有企业发挥以上功能的优势所在。

    Property rights management agency , its use right exclusiveness and its income distribution certainty make the government to exercise the state-owned property rights and the non-transferrable residual claim is the advantage for the state-owned enterprises to function above characteristics .

  23. 乡镇企业产权关系的这种扭曲,形成了乡镇企业与乡镇政府特定的产权关系,也就构成了乡镇政府与乡镇企业之间一系列不合理的传统关系的基础。

    This kind of distortion has formed the specific relations between township enterprise and township government on property rights . And meanwhile , it has formed the foundations of a series of unreasonable traditional relations between the government and the enterprise .

  24. 从改革农村土地产权制度、重新定位政府在土地产权交易中的角色、促进农村产权交易市场化这三个方面作出了充分的理论分析,提出了一些实际的建议。

    This part gives thoroughly theoretical analysis from the reformation of rural land property systems , re-orientation the role of government in transaction of land property , and the promotion of the property transaction in country . At last the paper gives some practical suggestions on this issue .

  25. TPP有望包含政府采购和知识产权保护等非关税事宜。

    The TPP is supposed to incorporate non-tariff issues , such as government procurement and intellectual property protection .

  26. 彼得森国际经济研究所专家FREDBERGSTEN:中国政府有保护知识产权的相关法律。但是在实践方面,执法情况非常松散。

    FRED BERGSTEN , PETERSON INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS : The Chinese government has laws that protect intellectual property , but in practice , is very lax .

  27. 政府对森林资源产权市场的干预

    Interference in the Forest Resources Property Right Market from the Government

  28. 唐政府对私人土地产权的保护,有着细致、缜密的规定。

    Tang government had careful and meticulous provisions on private land property rights protection .

  29. 乡一级政府无权颁发房屋产权证。

    Countryside one class government has no right to issue card of building property right .

  30. 市政府与国家知识产权局建立了合作会商制度;

    The Municipal Government and State Intellectual Property Office established the cooperation and consultation system ;