
  • 网络government marketing
  1. 第四部分为我国政府营销的问题及建议。

    The fourth part is our country government marketing problems and suggestions .

  2. 提高城市营销的效率,必须全方位对城市政府营销能力进行加强和培育。

    The validity of city marketing lies in an all-around improve - ment of city government marketing capacity .

  3. 政府营销着重要解决五大方面的问题。

    Government 's marketing should solve the problems of five major respects .

  4. 浅析城市营销中的政府营销能力

    Government Marketing Capacity in City Marketing

  5. 采取政府营销、事件营销、媒体营销、价格营销等方式;四是培养旅游人才。

    Adopt government marketing , event marketing , medium marketing , price marketing etc. Fourthly : cultivating tourist talents .

  6. 在很多地方,灌溉与施肥补贴、政府营销和其他机制都直接或间接地有利于种植谷物的农户。

    In many places , irrigation and fertiliser subsidies , government marketing and other schemes implicitly or explicitly favour cereal farmers .

  7. 主要采取实证研究和规范研究相结合的方法,研究我国地方政府营销的问题以及对策。

    Writer mainly combined to the empirical and normative research methods to study the questions and suggestions of our local government marketing .

  8. 第二章、第三章分析研究区域技术创新与政府营销的相关理论,为后文的展开奠定理论基调。

    Chapter two and three analyzes theories about regional technology innovation and government marketing , which lays a solid foundation for further research .

  9. 政府营销是支持旅游发展的重要手段,近年来,旅游对社会经济发展具有突出的作用。

    Government marketing is an important means to develop tourism in recent years . There is a prominent role of tourism to socio-economic development .

  10. 主要包括对于我国政府营销问题的总结,以及针对四个问题,尝试提出的四条相辅相成的解决路径。

    For the problem of government marketing mainly includes the summary of our country , and to solve the four problems , try to solve four paths proposed .

  11. 本文最后为参考文献,是写作过程中收集到的有关政府营销近几年来的较新的论著和文献,他们给了我很大的启示和帮助。

    They are collected in the writing course about government 's marketing newer treatises and documents in recent years , which have given me very great enlightenment and help .

  12. 第一章对国内外在技术创新和政府营销的研究进行综述,在此基础上提出主要研究问题和研究设计。

    The first chapter summarizes research results on technology innovation and government marketing ; on the basis of this , the paper shows its main problem and research design .

  13. 广西北部湾经济区各市都开展过一些政府营销工作,并取得一定成效,但是也存在一些问题。

    Governments of those cities in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone have already made some efforts in marketing and have obtained certain achievements , but still they are facing some problems .

  14. 第二部分主要是阐述我国地方政府营销的现状,论述我国地方政府营销的实践、取得的成效以及经典案例分析。

    In the second part , we will explain the status of local government marketing , discuss marketing of our local government practice , and study the achievements and the classic case .

  15. 政府营销理论源自市场营销理论,其核心是通过顾客(在公共部门可以视为公众)需求分析,进行一系列营销活动,继而促成交换机制更好的运行。

    Its core point is a series of marketing procedure to make the exchanging mechanism work well , which is based on the analysis of consumer demand ( or citizens ' demand ) .

  16. 政府旅游营销推广研究

    Research on Government 's Tourism Marketing Popularizing

  17. 政府市场营销与总部经济

    Governmental Marketing and HQ Economy

  18. 要运用政府市场营销手段吸引总部进驻,突破狭隘的政策价格战;

    It should apply the governmental marketing means to attract HQ to garrison , break through the narrow policy price war ;

  19. 本文就是政府应用营销理念,探索运用网络营销的策略塑造政府形象的研究。

    This article is the application of marketing concepts , and exploring the use of network marketing strategy to shape government image .

  20. 虽然政府应用营销理念塑造政府形象的研究尚处于起步阶段,但研究它是一个重要的趋势,并且也有很大的研究空间。

    Government application of marketing concepts to shape the image of the government is still in its infancy , but research it is an important trend , and also has a lot of research space .

  21. 自20世纪90年代以来,特许经营逐渐成为我国社会投资、政府、营销学者和企业家共同关注的焦点,被视为竞争优势的新来源。

    Since 1990s , franchising has become a hot topic in China and become the common focus of the investors , governments , market researchers and entrepreneurs . Franchising is regarded by companies as a new way of winning competitive advantages .

  22. 另外,第五章根据上述已采取的措施提出了相应的建议举措,包括加强建设跨文化管理团队;重视规范,加强专利保护意识;加强政府关系营销,促进海外并购。

    In addition , the author carries out relevant proposals based on the study of the above measures , including strengthening the construction of cross-cultural management team , emphasizing the standardization management and awareness of patent protection and strengthening government relationship building to promote the overseas mergers and acquisitions .

  23. 众所周知,公共关系的类别很多,主要有政府公关、营销公关、危机公关、国际公关等。

    It is well known that there is a variety of public relations mainly including governmental , marketing , crisis and international relations etc.

  24. 竞争的加剧,引起城市内外环境的急剧变迁,迫使政府必须运用营销手段来刺激和推动地区发展。

    The urban environment has been changed by the serious competition ; so the government has to take the marketing methods to stimulate the economy .

  25. 城市政府在城市营销中起主导的地位和作用,城市政府营销能力的强弱直接关系到政府能否综合运用城市营销战略和策略,从而影响到城市在竞争中的地位。

    Now that city marketing becomes a general trend the government need play a leading role in this aspect . It directly influences whether it can adopt synthetical marketing strategy and tactics to influence the city competitiveness .

  26. 但是,目前我国旅游营销活动整体上还处于初级阶段,政府的旅游营销职能还没有得到完全的发挥,在旅游营销实践中仍存在一些问题。

    But , at present our country tourism marketing activities , on the whole , is still at the primary stage , the government tourism marketing function has not been fully play in tourism marketing , but there are still some problems in practice .

  27. 以数据分析为基础,本文提出了以企业为主体,政府支持的绿色营销策略,同时提出绿色营销的4Ps策略。

    According to data analysis , the paper presents the green marketing strategy & " enterprise plays a leading role , government support " and pur forward the green marketing strategic suggestions .

  28. 地方政府在区域旅游营销中的作用及行为研究

    A Study on Local Government 's Function and Behavior in Local Tourism Marketing

  29. 政府采购对企业营销策略的影响

    The Influences of Government Purchase on Enterprise Marketing Tactics

  30. 第三部分为绿色营销的宏观管理分析部分,由绿色营销的政府规制与绿色营销的宏观创新体系构成。

    The third - the last part , concerns macroscopic management of green marketing .