
  • 网络organization marketing;Organizational Marketing
  1. FFI是一家具有15年成功管理组织营销组织市场经验的专业公司。

    The FFI is a furniture to has15 years to manage an empirical professional company of the organization marketing organization market successfully .

  2. 国外营销学界关于非营利组织营销的研究及启示

    Research and Implication of Foreign Marketing Circles about Nonprofit Organization Marketing

  3. 基于非营利组织营销理念的Z学院营销策略研究

    The Analysis of Marketing Strategy for Z College Based on Marketing Theory of NPO

  4. 非营利组织营销的思想最早出现在1969至1973年科特勒(Kotler)和利维(Levy)等学者所撰写的一系列文章。

    The concept of nonprofit marketing appeared first in some paper written by Kotler and Levy between 1969 and 1973 . Kotler and Levy think marketing is a very universal social activity .

  5. 根据援助工匠组织营销主管科琳彭德尔顿(ColleenPendleton),如今市场对传统技能和材料有一种真正的兴趣。

    According to Aid to Artisans ' marketing director Colleen Pendleton , there is now a genuine blossoming of interest in traditional skills and materials .

  6. 第一部分介绍了非营利组织营销理念与博物馆营销。

    The first section mainly introduces marketing idea and Museum Marketing .

  7. 在组织营销中,信任机制发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Trust system plays a very important role in organizational marketing .

  8. 然后分析了组织营销和目标市场营销理论。

    Theories of organizational marketing and objective marketing are analyzed .

  9. 国外非营利组织营销的状况分析(一)国外非营利组织的发展。

    Analysis on marketing situation of foreign nonprofit organization .

  10. 个人营销是知识经济时代营销理论在个体行为的扩展,较之于组织营销既有相同点,也有明显不同的特点。

    Person marketing is the extension of marketing theories in the knowledge era .

  11. 美国各体育组织营销转播权得到一些法律条例的保护;

    American every sport organization marketing rebroadcast authority obtains some statue rules protections ;

  12. 农业合作经济组织营销渠道力现状与对策

    Power of Marketing Channels of Agriculture Cooperative Economic Organizations

  13. 市场营销的反思与非营利组织营销原则浅析

    Research in the Idea of Marketing and the Principle of Non - profit Organizations

  14. 论志愿者组织营销的4p+s+v理论

    The " 4p + s + v " Marketing Theory of the Volunteer Organization

  15. 负责营销推广:组织营销推广活动,与各部门协作完成销售指标。

    Responsible for marketing : marketing organizations , in collaboration with the departments sales targets .

  16. 非营利组织营销价值探析

    Analysis on marketing value of non-profit organization

  17. 非营利组织营销的发展动态概述(一)问题的提出。

    The development of nonprofit marketing .

  18. 风景区的营销必须以消费者(游客)的需要为导向,根据市场需求来制定其经营目标和策略,根据自身供给条件组织营销。

    The management objective and the marketing strategies must be developed in accordance with the market demand .

  19. 组织营销过程管理的研究

    Organizational Marketing Process Management

  20. 笔者于是选取这个角度进行深入的研究。第二部分为非营利组织营销概述。

    Then I selected this point to research . Part ⅱ is the overview for non-profit organizations ' marketing .

  21. 近年来,市场营销思想不断得到丰富和创新,其应用领域也不断扩大,非营利性组织营销已成为市场营销的一个重要研究课题。

    In recent years , Marketing has been rich in thought and innovation , its application fields are expanding .

  22. 我们可以在那边设一个办事处。它可以通过外面的营销代理公司组织营销和销售活动。

    Susan : We can establish a small office there that can organize marketing and sales campaigns through outside marketing agencies .

  23. 战略变革期组织营销变革管理不仅需要了解外部环境变化对营销的影响,而且应根据企业内部环境的变化,在营销变革方面上保持与战略变革具有一致的逻辑性。

    We should not only know how the external change influences organizational marketing , but also make marketing revolution to match the strategic revolution .

  24. 产业集群的组织营销,由于其交易关系具有较强程度的嵌入性和网络性,组织间的信任机制尤为突出和重要。

    Trust system of organizational marketing in industrial clusters is more important , for the transaction relations in industrial clusters are more embedded and networked .

  25. 接下来文章提出了跨组织营销团队的定义及本文研究的跨组织营销团队的侧重点:制造企业与下游经销商、分销商组成的跨组织营销团队。

    Then the author gives the definition for the Cross - corporation marketing team : consisted by the manufacturer and its backward dealers and distributors .

  26. 作者希望通过这次对组织营销过程管理的尝试性的研究,能够起到丰富组织营销的理论的些许作用,并对中国企业的组织营销管理实践起到一定的参考作用。

    The author wishes this study to enrich the organizational marketing theory , and can be a reference for the enterprises to practise the process management .

  27. 营销的理论从二十世纪初期萌芽到现在,经历了产品营销、市场营销、组织营销、社会营销直至全球营销的发展阶段。

    The theory of marketing emerged in the first of the 20th century , passing from product marketing , market-oriented marketing , organization marketing , social marketing to global marketing .

  28. 跨组织营销团队的管理机制包含了文化统一机制、沟通机制及激励机制。

    This dissertation divides the management mechanism for the Cross - corporation marketing team into three parts : the coordination of culture mechanism , the communication mechanism and the incentive mechanism .

  29. 第二章主要讲的是早教市场营销的一些基础理论,如非营利组织营销理论、早期教育市场阐述和早期教育市场营销观察。

    The second part elucidate the basic theory of the early education market marketing . As the non-profit organization marketing theory , the early education market presents and the early education market marketing observation .

  30. 想要帮助非营利组织营销走出现实困境,要内外结合对其进行治理。

    Non-profit organization must be out of marketing predicament , so people must take measures . Generally speaking , non-profit organization has to be governed in the way of the combination of internal and external .