
  • 网络Self-marketing;Self marketing
  1. 成功的自我营销&对马来西亚导游的现场考察评析

    Success of Self-Marketing & Analyzing the Tour Service of One Malaysia Guide

  2. 自我营销与大学生职业生涯设计

    Self-marketing and Career Design of University Students

  3. 而新创企业们纷纷支付费用,希望能在TechCrunch举办的自我营销大会TechCrunchDisrupt上,将自己和TechCrunch挂钩。

    Startups are paying money for the privilege of being associated with techcrunch , via its self-promotional techcrunch disrupt conference .

  4. rhG-CSF动员自体骨髓基质细胞治疗鼠局灶性脑缺血实验研究以自我营销为主;犹太人的管理精髓

    Experiment Studies of Recombiant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in Mobilization of Self-marrow Stromal Cells and the Treatment of Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats

  5. 自我营销的第一步就是让大家对你有印象。

    The first step in self marketing is visibility .

  6. 面对就业压力,作为劳动力商品的大学生需要树立自我营销意识;

    Facing to the intense pressure of employment , university students who are also some kind of labour commodity need a sense of self-marketing .

  7. 当代大学生作为一个特殊的群体,在其成长过程中缺乏自我营销与职业生涯意识的培养。

    This article asserts most of the contemporary university students , as a special group , lack of the training of self-marketing and career awareness in the course of their growth .

  8. 在《隐形》一书中,所有大获成功(而且收入不菲)的大师级人物都在长时间工作,其中一些人的工作时间跟自我营销的精神领袖所指示的时间一样长,甚至还要更长。

    All of the highly successful ( and well-paid ) masters featured in Invisibles work long hours , in some cases as long or even longer than what the self-branding Maharishis prescribe .

  9. “自我品牌营销”不断飙升的人气仅仅是大卫o兹威格的新书《隐形:在自我推销时代中匿名工作的力量》(Invisibles:ThePowerofAnonymousWorkinanAgeofRelentlessSelf-Promotion)探讨的主题之一。

    The soaring popularity of " self branding " is just one of the topics addressed in David Zweig 's new bookInvisibles : The Power of Anonymous Work in an Age of Relentless Self-Promotion ( Portfolio / Penguin ) , which is slated for release later this month .

  10. 从电视频道自身来说,专业化频道应该注重自我的营销策划;从发展趋势来说,数字付费电视将成为频道专业化的发展方向。

    As television channel itself , a professional TV channel ought to pay attention to marketing planning ; as the tendency of development .

  11. 这给媒介营销带来了新的挑战,媒介经营者发现,单体媒介组织以自我为中心的营销立场或仅依靠产业内部资源无法达到预期目标。

    These changes of mass media in marketing have brought new challenges , media managers found that media organizations monomer self-centered marketing position or only rely on the media industries resources it is very difficult to achieve the desired objectives .

  12. 研究视角更加聚焦,对自我一致作用的解释更加细致和明确,进一步深化了自我一致理论在营销学领域的应用。

    The perspective of the research is more focused , and the explanation of the impact of self-congruity is more meticulous and clear .