
  1. 基于突发公共危机事件的企业社会责任营销

    Marketing of the Corporate Social Responsibility Based on the Bursts of Public Crisis Events

  2. 后续研究可在此基础上扩大被试行业范围,也可以进一步挖掘企业社会责任营销绩效的测量指标,重构理论模型。

    Follow-up study could be industry-wide , expanded on this basis and also can be further tapped the corporate social responsibility marketing performance measurement indicators to reconstruct the theoretical model .

  3. 武汉ABC物资贸易有限责任公司营销策略研究

    Study for Sales Strategy of Wuhan ABC Material Trade Co. , Ltd

  4. 兰州昊源商贸有限责任公司营销渠道设计与管理

    Lanzhou Great Source Trading Co. Ltd. Marketing Channel Design and Management

  5. 湖南福田动力有限责任公司营销执行研究

    Research of Marketing Implementation for Hunan Foreland Engine

  6. 如果这两家最大的科技公司最终同意出钱,那说明,对高科技卵子冷冻技术不负责任的营销取得了效果。

    The cavalier marketing of whizzy egg freezing is clearly working if two of the largest tech companies are signing up to pay for it .

  7. 企业将社会责任融入营销活动,有利于企业营销竞争力的提高,进而对企业绩效产生正面影响。

    The enterprise integrates social responsibility into the marketing activity is favorable to enhance the marketing competitiveness , and then generate positive effect to the marketing performance .

  8. 企业应该在抗击非传染性疾病方面发挥作用,降低产品的盐、糖和脂肪含量,以及采取更负责任的营销做法、不针对儿童、不美化过度消费等。

    Businesses should play a part in combating non-communicable disease , contributing through measures such as salt , sugar and fat reduction in their products , and more responsible marketing that does not target children or glamorise overconsumption .

  9. 企业社会责任;服务营销;海尔集团。

    Corporate Social Responsibility , Service Marketing , Haier Group .

  10. 承担社会责任,发现营销机会

    Undertaking the Social Duties and Finding the Marketing Opportunity

  11. 媒体的社会责任与广告营销

    Media 's Social Responsibilities and ADs ' Marketing

  12. 本文重点应用市场营销理论,对沈阳重型机械集团有限责任公司的营销活动进行研究,分析企业面临的发展机遇和挑战,设计更加适合公司总体发展的营销方案。

    This text puts emphasis on applying marketing concepts to study the marketing activities of Shenyang Heavy-duty Machinery Group Co.

  13. 为了避免这种状况,作为市场经济主体的企业,首先要建立内部的营销规范,建立起企业营销危机责任制度和营销危机预警与防范机制。

    In order to avoid such kind of circumstances , our business , being the main part of market economy , firstly should build the internal marketing rules , responsibility system and forewarning mechanism .

  14. 基于社会责任的高科技企业营销组合模式创新研究

    Based on the social responsibility of high-tech enterprise marketing mix model innovation research

  15. 第二部分是分析媒介生态失衡的根源,探讨媒介双重属性与注意力经济运作的博弈、社会责任理论和社会营销的发展等问题。

    The second part mainly analyzes causes for the unbalance of media ecology , and studies on the operation of attention economy , double-attributes of media , social responsibility theory and social marketing .

  16. 在履行企业社会责任与经济逐利的冲突推动之下,企业渴望找到一种能够兼顾利润与社会责任的营销方法。

    Driven by the contradiction between the public opinion and the economic purpose , enterprises are urgently seeking some marketing strategy to fulfill their social responsibilities and bring profit for them at the same time .