
  1. 澳大利亚工人联盟,一直在组织公众活动反对现行做法,欢迎独立参议员尼克色诺芬的提案。

    The Australian Workers'Union ( AWU ), which is spearheading a campaign against the practice , welcomed Senator Xenophon 's proposal .

  2. 此外,政府还应调动全社会参与环境保护的积极性,组织公众监督机构,充分发挥群众的监管力量。

    In addition , the government is supposed to arouse the public enthusiasm for environmental protection , arrange the public to supervise the manage department , completely bring the citizen supervisal to play .

  3. 在提到政府官员和学者组织公众“试吃”转基因大米时,一位网友写道:你们已经邀请了一千人试吃转基因大米,你们站在什么立场上说窃取转基因实验材料和保密?

    You have invited a thousand people to try to eat genetically modified rice , ' a blogger wrote , referring to ' taste tests ' for the public conducted by officials and academics using GMO rice . ' What position are you in to talk about stealing materials and keeping secrets ?

  4. 在LotusLive中设计好一个表单后,该表单存放在了用户的StoreandShareLibrary。这个库可以与个人、组、整个组织或公众进行共享。

    After a form is designed in LotusLive , it is stored in the user 's Store and Share Library , where it can be shared with individuals , groups , the entire organization , or the public .

  5. 由此,本文根据科普产业的产业特征,结合媒体、非政府组织和公众对科学传播的重要影响,对科普产业协同创新主体进行拓展,提出媒体NGO公众构成的新三螺旋创新模式。

    Thus , the paper developed the innovation subjects and proposed new triple-helix model of " media-NGO-public ", according to the characteristics of popular science industry and the important influence on science communication come from the media , non-governmental organizations and public .

  6. 即非组织化公众行为模式、半组织化公众社会行为和组织化行为模式。

    That the public behavior of non-organized , semi-organized social behavior and organization of public behavior .

  7. 还依赖于他们如何有效的面对政府、公益组织、公众及其他利益群体。

    Also depends on how effectively the face of government , public organizations , public and other interest groups .

  8. 世界卫生组织提醒公众,只有在医生建议的情况下才服用碘化钾。

    The World Health Organization is warning the public not to use potassium iodide unless health officials advise them to .

  9. 企业承担社会责任有利于组织与公众走向利益的交汇点而不是彼此冲突的焦点。

    That corporate bear social responsibility can impel the joint that moves towards the interests instead of the focus conflicting between organize and public .

  10. 一些大公司无疑正在改善网络安全状况,但说到与其他组织或公众分享信息,他们却不太情愿。

    Some large companies certainly are improving cyber security , but there is considerable reluctance to share information with other groups , or the public .

  11. 英国卫生部昨天针对取消禁令的建议展开咨询,并将在未来几周内收集来自各组织和公众的反馈。

    The Department of Health launched a consultation yesterday on its proposals to lift the ban and in the next few weeks will gather feedback from organisations and the public .

  12. 民间环保组织在公众环境法律意识的培养方面发挥着非常重要的作用,有助于为环境法治的发展构建稳固的社会思想基础。

    Environmental NGOs play a very important role in the cultivating of public environment law sense so as to establish a stainable social ideological foundation for the rule of environmental law .

  13. 世界卫生组织担心公众不知道此项关于锻炼身体的调查结果,因此,它将启动一项名为“健康大行动”的计划,以此加强大众的健康意识。

    The organisation is so concerned that the public is not getting the message on exercise that it will launch a " Move For Health " campaign to boost public awareness .

  14. 民间环保组织作为公众的一个组成部分,因其专业性、公益性、草根性等特性,在环境保护中的地位越来越重要,已成为环境保护中不可或缺的一支重要力量。

    As a part of the public , environmental non-governmental organizations are becoming more and more significant both in its position and role in protecting environment due to its characteristics of being professional , public-welfare and grass-roots .

  15. 在公司股东以及政府部门、相关团体或组织、公众的压力下,国外越来越多的大公司在其会计年报或单独的环境报告中披露相关环境信息。

    Under the pressure of the companies ' stakeholders , the government , relevant organizations and the general community , more and more big companies disclose the relevant environmental information in their annual financial statements or separate environmental reports .

  16. 电子政务的发展正在成为当代信息化的最重要领域之一,对责任政府的政府组织、公众参与、行政公开、服务理念、效益评估等都产生了重大的影响。

    The development of e-government is becoming the most important field of contemporary information to the responsibility of the government , one of the government organization , public participation and administrative openness , service concept , benefit assessment has a major effect .

  17. 因为警察与国家的对应、社会组织及公众正是市民社会的具象,所以可以用治理理论作为分析“国家警事社会化”的框架,并将其定义为“警事治理”。

    Because police fit in with nation and social organization and people are the body of civil society , we can use the theory of governance in analyzing the socialization of national policing and define it as a new concept : the governance of policing .

  18. 重点从发达国家加强循环经济立法、公司与企业实践、生态工业园区创建以及非政府组织和公众参与等方面,客观地分析评价了国外循环经济的探索进程和发展趋势。

    Strengthen from developed country circulation economy legislate , Company and enterprise practise , ecological industrial park it establishes to be and government between organization and the public person who participate in respect especially , Have analysed and appraised the exploration process of foreign circulation economy and development trend objectively .

  19. 很多非政府组织都呼吁公众捐款。

    Many non-governmental organizations have appealed to the public to donate money .

  20. 警察组织形象与公众评价的对称性探析

    A Probe into the Symmetry of Police Overall Image and Public Evaluation

  21. 并分析其实施战略重点,同时提出建立和完善法规保障、组织保障、公众参与和资金保障等相应的保障机制。

    In the meantime it suggests the relevant guarantee mechanism of law , organization , public participation and fund .

  22. 文章立足于产品质量危机案例,采用内容分析法分析危机时期组织议题和公众议题之间的相关性。

    By applying the method of content analysis , the correlation between organizational topics and public topics is explored .

  23. 作为研究组织与国际公众关系的国际公共关系学科,有着自身丰富的理论和实践体系。在如何塑造国家形象方面,国际公共关系提供了很多启示。

    International public relations which deals with the relations between organizations and its international publics has its own profound theory systems .

  24. 新型的环境管理体制模式是垂直化和扁平化相结合的管理模式,突出了环境监管以及环保非政府组织和社会公众在该模式中的作用。

    And also this mode is a flat and vertical mode that emphasizes on monitoring , NGO and the social public .

  25. 在2009年,一个叫做100委员会的华裔美国人组织向美国公众询问他们对于华裔美国人的看法。

    In 2009 , a Chinese-American group called the Committee of 100 asked the American public for their opinion about Chinese Americans .

  26. 慈善组织依靠社会公众的捐赠维持运营,看似社会公众捐赠的是款物,实际上是爱心。

    Charitable organizations rely on public donations to maintain operations , seemingly , the public donate funds and materials , actually is love .

  27. 研究发现,危机时期组织议题对公众议题具有议程设置的作用,但组织议题与公众议题的角度并不完全一致;

    The study reveals that during the crisis period the organizational topics can influence the agenda of public topics , though they differ in perspective .

  28. 而各类社会组织直接为公众提供多样化的、个性化的体育休闲产品和服务,也是政府无法做到的。

    Also the government can not provide the public the a variety of direct , personalized sports and leisure products and services by various types of social organizations .

  29. 世卫组织提醒广大公众注意这些骗人手法,为此我们欢迎各方大力协助,提请注意可疑通信。

    WHO is trying to warn the community at large about these deceptive practices , and we will therefore appreciate your help in bringing suspect communications to our attention .

  30. 地方政府要与企业、非营利组织、社会公众建立伙伴关系,企业、非营利组织、社会公众等治理主体之间也要建立伙伴关系。

    Local governments must build partnership with businesses , non-profit organizations and the public . Meanwhile , Businesses , non-profit organizations , the public should build partnership among each other .