
  1. 然而,纳税人应该冒着影响本国政府偿债能力的风险、纾困严重资不抵债银行的优先债权人的构想,既不公平也不合理。

    Yet the idea that taxpayers should bail out senior creditors of massively insolvent banks at such risk to the solvency of their state is both unfair and unreasonable .

  2. 尽管当前政府的偿债能力有一定的局限性,但考虑到政府财政收入的良好增长前景,我国政府仍应采取更积极和更进取的财政政策,大规模发行10&30年期的长期国债。

    Our government should adopt a positive and initiative fiscal policy and issue long-term treasure bonds of ten to thirty years in large size .

  3. 没有任何经济学理论或实践分析能够预测,投资者会在什么时候对一国政府偿债的能力丧失信心。

    Nothing in economic theory or practical analysis can predict when investors will lose confidence in the ability of a government to service its debts .

  4. 问题并不在于也永远不会在于政府的偿债能力;问题在于政府的偿债意愿。

    The issue is not , and never will be , the capacity of government to repay ; the issue is the willingness of government to repay .

  5. 地方政府的偿债能力面临如此阴暗的前景,反映了一个事实,即许多贷款投入了根本无望大举盈利的项目。

    Such a bleak outlook on local governments ' ability to service debt reflected the fact that many loans were handed out to projects that were never meant to make large profits .

  6. 在英国议会星期四举行的辩论会中,英国财政大臣奥斯本指责股市下挫是对政府的偿债能力缺乏信心。

    During a debate in the British Parliament Thursday , Finance Minister George Osborne blamed the stock market drops on what he called a lack of confidence in ability of governments to repay their debts .