
  • 网络housing affordability
  1. 4同时满足首付约束、收入约束和住房支付能力约束的房价是合理房价。

    The house price that simultaneous meet the down payment constraints , income constraints , housing affordability constraints , is referred to as a reasonable house price .

  2. 采用无序多元Logistic选择模型确定住房支付能力和住房补贴政策作为影响公务员住房选择的关键指标。

    The result of the Unsorted Multinomial Logistic Model identifies the housing affordability and the housing subsidy standard as the key factors to affect the housing choice of the civil servants .

  3. 基于不同视角的国外住房支付能力测度研究述评

    Research Review on Foreign Housing Affordability Measurement Based on Multi-perspectives

  4. 中国城市居民住房支付能力研究

    Research on Housing Affordability of Major Cities in China

  5. 我国居民住房支付能力与住房问题研究

    Research on Housing Payment Ability and Housing Issues of Our Country 's Residents

  6. 本文即以我国城市居民住房支付能力研究为题对这一问题进行了研究。

    This thesis " research on the payment ability for housing " discusses the issue .

  7. 另外结合理论与现实情况,介绍了关于城市住房支付能力研究的重要意义。

    This part also discussed the importance of the research based on the realities of situation .

  8. 第三部分介绍了住房支付能力评价的理论和方法,从理论和实际操作两方面介绍了住房支付能力评价的方法。

    The third part introduced several research methods of housing affordability based on theory and practice .

  9. 本文最后提出基于武汉市住房支付能力的住房政策建议。

    In the end housing policy recommendations are concluded based on the local residents ' housing affordability .

  10. 虽然住宅价格是由住宅市场的供给和需求决定的,但从长期来看,住宅价格应该与城市居民家庭的住房支付能力相适应。

    Housing price depends on the demand and supply of the housing market , but from the long-term view , housing price should match with the housing affordability of households .

  11. 在商品房高房价的压力下,城镇存在着大量没有住房支付能力的群体&中低收入群体。

    Under the pressure of high price of commodity houses , there are a lot of people in cities and towns without the capacity of affording houses-the medium and low-income people .

  12. 然而,房地产市场繁荣的背后,是房价的大幅上涨,己超出居民的住房支付能力,买房难问题越来越突出。

    However , behind the boom in the real estate market , the continuous rising of price has exceeded housing affordability of the residents , and the problems of buying house are more and more difficult .

  13. 基于有效需求模型的城镇居民保障性住房标准支付能力研究&以河北省为例

    Research on Urban Residents ' Affordability under the Housing Guarantee Standard Based on Effective Demanding Model & Case Study of Hebei Province

  14. 因此,住房价格与居民支付能力始终是住房问题的核心。

    Therefore , housing price and affordable ability of people are core problems .

  15. 重庆市2005年住房市场数据分析表明,住房支付能力约束决定合理房价,而首付约束和收入约束是合理房价的非紧约束。

    Analysis based on date of Chongqing housing market in 2005 indicates that housing affordability constraints are responsible for the reasonable house price , while , in particular , either down payment or income is no-binding constraints to reasonable house price . 5 .

  16. 因此,本文从城镇居民住房保障的关键问题&居民家庭住房支付能力的问题方面入手确定了居民家庭住房保障的比例,从而进一步预测了保障型住房的年度总需求。

    Therefore , this article from the urban residents of the housing security key issues - family housing residents pay aspects of the capacity of the identified households in the proportion of housing security , thereby further predicted the protection of the total annual demand for housing .

  17. 随着住房市场化进程的加快,低收入家庭住房支付能力不足的问题日显突出。

    Along with the housing market advancement speeding up , the issues of lacking housing affordability of low-income families are becoming increasingly prominent .

  18. 论文通过计算2004年我国34个主要城市的房价收入比和住房可支付性指数,对我国城市居民的住房支付能力进行了城市排序。

    This paper ranks the affordability and house prices of households of 34 major cities in China by calculating the PIR and HAI .

  19. 住房问题是世界性难题,住房问题的核心是居民住房消费支付能力的不足。

    Housing problem is globally recognized , and the kernel of the problem was insufficient housing consumption capacity of residents .

  20. 1997年至2006年,由于工资增长不足弥补房价上涨而导致的住房成本增长,我国城镇最低收入户和部分低收入户住房支付能力下降。

    From 1997 to 2006 , in China , lowest income households and lower end of low income households suffer from worsening housing affordability , because of increase in wage failing to offset the rise in housing costs . 4 .

  21. 同时,由于住房供应结构的失衡(保障性住房比例过小),使得住房支付能力偏弱的居民的住房需求无法得到满足,也成为了现阶段我国城镇住房制度改革亟待解决的难题。

    At the same time , due to the imbalance of housing supply structure ( the proportion of affordable housing is too small ), the weak housing affordability residents ' housing needs cannot be met , which becomes a pressing problem to be solved in Chinese urban housing system reform .