
  • 网络the right to adequate housing;housing rights;The right to housing
  1. 再次,住房权的立法保护也是我国住房权保障现实的需求。

    Moreover , the legislative protection of housing rights is the requirement of the housing guarantee of our country .

  2. 这不仅是对公民的住房权国家义务的体现,更是构建和谐社会、促进社会公平正义的必然要求。

    It is not only the expression of national obligations in protecting the housing rights , but also a requirement of promoting the social harmonious and encouraging the fairness and justice .

  3. 第一章,适足住房权概述。

    The first chapter is the basic theory of the right to adequate housing .

  4. 并具有社会稳定、实现城市低收入群体住房权、彰显公平公正的功能。

    And have the social stability and urban low-income housing groups , highlighting the fair functions .

  5. 针对我国住房权司法保障的缺失,必须对现行住房权司法保障制度进行完善。

    Therefore , the system of judicial safeguard for the positive right to housing is in need of improvement .

  6. 但在我国,适足住房权的研究刚刚起步,对妇女适足住房权更是缺乏全面的研究和深入的分析。

    The study of suitable housing right is in the preliminary stage , and a comprehensive and deep research on women housing rights is devoid .

  7. 南非在公民住房权方面所取得的成绩对我国公民住房权制度的建设有着重要的借鉴意义。

    The achievements of South Africa in citizens right to housing has an important reference to us in the system construction of our citizens right to housing .

  8. 住房权的司法保障经历了漫长的历史发展过程,而西方发达国家建构了较为完备的住房权司法保障制度。积极住房权的司法保障包括两方面的涵义:一是针对住房立法的宪法诉讼。

    In western developed nations , judicial safeguard for the positive right to housing consists of two parts . The first one is the constitutional litigation with respect to housing legislations .

  9. 正是因为公民拥有住房权,在公民的住房权不能正常行使的情况下,国家负有保障住房权实现之义务。

    The citizens have the right of housing , the state bears the obligation to secure it to achieve in the case of that citizens right of housing can not be exercised .

  10. 法律规范的缺失,导致行政给付制度不能承担维护公民住房权的重任,成为阻碍社会发展的原因之一。

    The disappearance of legal norm , administrative benefit system cannot assume maintenance of citizens ' right to housing burden , become an obstacle to social development of one of the reasons why .

  11. 行政法对于维护适当住房权的使命在于:确立住房权法制化,强调国家对于生存权的尊重和保护。

    Administrative law to maintain the right to adequate housing mission lies in the establishment of the right to housing legal system , emphasizing national right to life of respect and protection for .

  12. 在积极住房权的宪法诉讼领域,司法机关一般会适用立法裁量论、合理审查基准、平等保护原则等标准来判定系争法律是否违宪。

    In such litigation , the judiciary will determine if the legislation in question is unconstitutional in accordance with the standards such as the theory of legislative discretionary , reasonable review and equal protection .

  13. 在厘清住房权定义的基础上,进而考察了适足住房权的历史演进,以期通过对适足住房权发展之纵向研究更深入的揭示适足住房权的权利内涵。

    Based on the definition , the writer observes the historical evolution of the right to adequate housing so that to have a deeper understanding of the essence of the right of adequate housing .

  14. 第一部分首先考察了适足住房权之基础理论。有鉴于适足住房权的多重权利属性,故而先以公法和私法两个角度为切入点对住房权做了解读。

    In light of the multiple attributes of right to adequate housing , the writer firstly explains this problem from the perspectives of the public law and the private law as its starting point .

  15. 适足住房权,是每一位女性、男性、青年和儿童获得和保留安全可靠的房屋以及在和平与尊严中生活的权利。

    The right to adequate housing is the right of every woman , man , youth and child to gain and sustain a safe and secure home and security in which to live in peace and dignity .

  16. 另外,考虑到学界对住房权是否应当归属于社会权利范畴的争论,本文也略着笔墨对住房权的社会权利性质进行了论证。

    In addition , given the debate that whether the right of housing belongs to the social right in the academic field , the thesis has a brief argument on the nature of the right of housing as well .

  17. 本文分析认为,生命权的内容包括生命存在权、生命安全权和一定的生命自主权,它不同于以食物权、住房权、健康权等为主要内容的生存权。

    The contents of the right to life include the life to existence , safety and self-decision , which is quite different from the right to subsistence consisting of the right to foods , the right to houses and the right to personal health .

  18. 不过,他已经开始想办法帮助房主避免丧失住房赎回权。

    But he 's already looking at ways to help homeowners avoid foreclosure .

  19. 以公有住房承租权交换商品住房或者其他住房所有权;

    Exchange of public housing tenancy rights for commercial or other housing titles ;

  20. 丧失住房赎回权一般会降低整个地区的房屋价值,而房屋评估价值降低就意味着房产税减少。

    Foreclosures tend to depress housing values for entire neighborhoods , and lower assessed values mean lower tax receipts .

  21. 绝大多数分析人士都把美国目前的经济困难归咎于房贷违约和丧失抵押住房赎回权案子激增所导致的信贷条件紧缩。

    Most analysts trace America 's current economic woes to tight credit conditions sparked by a wave of home foreclosures and mortgage defaults .

  22. 美国许多人丧失住房赎回权导致经济进一步陷入衰退,而全国住房失赎率几乎没有下降的迹象。

    A rash of home foreclosures helped plunge the United States into recession , and the national foreclosure rate shows few signs of subsiding .

  23. 在经济发展的同时,社会法制也在发展,住房保障权在国内法和国际法方面都得了长足的发展。

    With the development of social legal system , the housing security right has got great development in the domestic law and the international law .

  24. 直管公有住房承租权转租转让;直管公有住房承租权继承;制度完善;

    Sublet or transfer the leasehold of the directly managing public housing ; Inherit the leasehold of the directly managing public housing ; System improvement ;

  25. 佛罗里达的一些县正在采取措施,努力阻止事态的恶化。他们组织调停,安排银行和房屋拥有人会谈,希望找到办法解决有问题的房贷,避免房主丧失住房赎回权。

    Several Florida counties are trying to fight back against the problem by bringing banks and homeowners together to find a way to save troubled mortgages from foreclosure .

  26. 不过,白宫方面同意,在政府收购私人公司房贷坏帐的救援计划中,加上防止屋主丧失住房赎回权的条款。

    However , the administration has agreed to provisions aimed at preventing foreclosures on property mortgages the government acquires from companies as part of the bail out plan .

  27. 佛罗里达的一些县正在采取措施,努力阻止事态的恶化。他们组织调停、安排银行和房主进行协商,希望找到办法解决有问题的房贷,避免房主丧失住房赎回权。

    Several Florida counties are trying to fight back against the problem by bringing banks and home owners together to find a way to save troubled mortgages from foreclosure .

  28. 这场越来越全球化的金融危机始于美国的房地产市场危机。在此前漫长的信贷宽松时期,数以百万计的美国人无视自己的承担能力而大笔筹借房屋抵押贷款,结果很多人由于无力偿还贷款而丧失了住房赎回权。

    The increasingly global financial crisis began with a rash of U.S. home foreclosures after a prolonged period of loose credit that saw millions of Americans acquire home mortgages they could not afford .

  29. 许多经济学家认为,房主丧失抵押住房赎回权的案子大量增加是造成美国信贷紧缩的根源。信贷问题干扰了美国以及世界其它主要工业化国家的经济增长。

    Many economists cite a rash of U.S. home foreclosures as the root cause of tight credit that has strangled economic growth in the United States and leading industrialized nations around the world .

  30. 例如,经济适用房不经济;廉租房受益者非真正低收入者,农民工得不到住房保障权等。

    For example , economical affordable houses are not economic , the beneficiaries of low-rent houses was not really low & income people , the migrant workers lack of the rights of housing security .