
  • 网络Financing Channel;Sources of Funds
  1. 改革中小企业筹资渠道的对策研究

    On the Counter Measures of Financing Channel for the Medium-and-Small - Size Enterprises

  2. 山东省社区卫生服务筹资渠道定性访谈研究

    Studying the Financing Channel of Community Health Services in Shandong Province by Qualitative Interview

  3. 在银行融资模式下,IPO业务是企业除银行业务之外的另外一条重要的筹资渠道。

    Other than bank financing , IPO is an important addition to the bank business outside source of funding .

  4. 广开筹资渠道促进我国民航机场建设

    To Open Financing Channels and Promote Airport Construction of Civil Aviation

  5. 医院的筹资渠道探讨及风险认识

    Discussion on Raise Money Channel of Hospital and Realization of Risk

  6. 开拓新筹资渠道是增加公共教育投入的重要方式。

    New financing approaches are important for raising public education funds .

  7. 经费短缺,筹资渠道单一。

    A shortage of funds , a single fund-raising channels . 3 .

  8. 拓宽筹资渠道建立稳定科学的增资机制

    Broaden Fund-raising Channels and Establish a Stable and Scientific Mechanism for Increasing Capital

  9. 教育基金会正是这样一种重要的筹资渠道。

    Education foundation is one of the important channels .

  10. 国外高校筹资渠道分析与借鉴

    Analysis and illumination of financing source in foreign colleges

  11. 高校办学筹资渠道的探讨

    On the channel of raising money for college education

  12. 拓宽筹资渠道夯实社保基础

    Widen the Investment Channels and Ram Social Security Basis

  13. 要通过改革建立稳定充足的非经营性基础设施筹资渠道。

    Set up steady and sufficient non-profit making infrastructure fund-raising channel through the reform .

  14. “迫切需要筹资渠道的是政策性银行,”他补充道。

    " It is policy banks that urgently need fund-raising channels ," he added .

  15. 上市公司的债务融资是企业筹资渠道中极为重要的组成部分。

    Debt financing of listed companies are extremely important components in theirs financing channel .

  16. 石油企业筹资渠道的成本效益分析

    Evaluating the Cost - Benefit of Fund Raising of Petroleum Enterprises from Various Sources

  17. 稳定的筹资渠道是社区卫生服务发展的重要条件之一。

    The stable financing way is an important condition to develop community health services .

  18. 实施教育成本补偿对高等医学教育筹资渠道的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Education Cost-Compensation System on Money-Raising Channels of Higher Medical Education

  19. 水电建设资金筹措筹资渠道单一;

    Capital raising channel is singleness .

  20. 山东、河南两省医院主要筹资渠道变化分析

    The changes of health financing resource of the public hospital in Shandong province and Henan province

  21. 伴随立法带来的改变是为提供心理健康服务和训练的基层医疗机构创建新的筹资渠道。

    Among the changes from the law are newfinancing initiatives for mental health services and training for primarycare-givers .

  22. 为突破这一“瓶颈”,筹资渠道多元化不失为一条客观而又现实的有效途径。

    To downplay this bottleneck effect , the pluralization of fund raising channels can be an objective and realistic alternative .

  23. 第三、扩大资金来源。完善金融债券运行机制,同时积极拓展多元筹资渠道。

    Increase the capital . Perfect the operation of financial bonds , and actively develop multi-sources for the capital . 4 .

  24. 河北省农村税费改革与基础教育经费筹资渠道的变化

    The Reform of Taxes and Fees in Rural Areas of Hebei Province and the Changes in Fund-raising for the Basic Education

  25. 另外,针对教育经费筹资渠道单一的问题,要拓宽高中教育经费的筹资渠道。

    In addition , contrary to the single source of funding , we should broaden channels of the high education funding .

  26. 首先,对于媒体栏目来说,广告是一种非常有效的筹资渠道。

    First of all , advertising is a very efficient way and effective way to raise fund for programs of the media .

  27. 对教育成本、筹资渠道以及投资效益评估指标等方面作了详细分析。

    Then it analyzes the cost of education , channel of fund raising and the index of investing benefits Evaluation in detail .

  28. 为了使社会保障体系摆脱基金缺口的困扰,消除国民经济和社会发展的制约因素,政府急需开拓新的筹资渠道。

    In order to fill the emptiness of the social security fund , the government has started to find new financing ways .

  29. 主要依靠地方自身力量,多方开拓筹资渠道,解决资金问题;

    Mainly depend on the local own strength , open up various channels of accumulating funds to solve the problem of funds ;

  30. 通过定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,本文对我国农村合作医疗各筹资渠道的资金供给能力和出资比例状况进行了宏观上的评价。

    Adopting quantitative and qualitative methods , it appraises the financing ability and proportion in contribution of funds by each fund-raising channel .