
chóu zī
  • financing
筹资[chóu zī]
  1. 财务管理(FinancialManagement)是在一定的整体目标下,关于资产的购置(投资),资本的融通(筹资)和经营中现金流量(营运资金),以及利润分配的管理。

    Financial Management ( Financial Management ) is the overall goal , on the purchase of assets ( investment ), capital facilities ( financing ) and operating cash flow ( working capital ), as well as the distribution of profits .

  2. 卡尔•伊坎昨日发布了举债筹资52亿美元竞购戴尔公司(DellInc.)股权的细节。

    Carl Icahn yesterday laid out the details of his $ 5.2 billion in debt financing for Dell Inc. tender offer .

  3. 摩根建议的筹资方法均未奏效。

    None of Morgan 's proposed financings panned out .

  4. 该政党认为将税收政策和党内筹资挂钩是合乎道德的做法吗?

    Does the party think it is ethical to link tax policy with party fund-raising ?

  5. 他需要为进一步研究筹资。

    He needs to raise finance for further research .

  6. 这家美国集团还可能从其所持的汽车经销商广汇汽车(ChinaGrandAuto)股份中得到更高回报,广汇汽车预期将从计划进行的上市中筹资至少10亿美元。

    The US group could make even more from its stake in car dealership China Grand Auto , which is expected to raise at least $ 1bn from a planned public listing .

  7. 在最新的一轮成功筹资之前,韦丝找到了一名值得信赖的投资人——电子商务风投公司ForerunnerVentures的柯尔斯顿o格林。

    Before her most recent fundraising round , Weiss found a trusted investor in Forerunner Ventures " Kirsten Green .

  8. 各中小企业为了达到上市条件,扩大筹资规模,在IPO前会进行盈余管理。

    In order to meet listing requirements , expand the scale of funding , small and medium enterprises will make earnings management before IPO .

  9. 企业年金计划按照筹资和运作模式的区别广义上可分为确定给付计划(definedbenefitplan.缩写为DB)和确定缴费计划(definedcontributionplan.缩写为DC)两种模式。

    In the broad classification of occupational pension model , there are two general categories of plans : defined benefit ( DB ) and defined contribution plans ( DC ) .

  10. 此前人们曾预期,农行此次上市将打破中国工商银行(ICBC)2006年上市筹资220亿美元的纪录。

    It had been expected to eclipse the current IPO record set by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , which raised $ 22bn in 2006 .

  11. ModernaTherapeutics上周宣布,该公司已经募集了4.5亿美元的投资,如此巨大的单轮筹资额堪称生物技术类初创公司之最。

    Moderna Therapeutics this week announced that it raised $ 450 million in what is the largest-ever single round of venture capital funding for a biotech startup .

  12. 文章第二部分详细介绍了目前国内外通行的几种较为流行的社会健康保险筹资比例计算模型和方法,包括ILO模型和合成粗估法。

    The second part introduces several kinds of popular models and methods of social health insurance , including the ILO model and synthetic roughly estimation method .

  13. 本文对中国企业的境外筹资环境进行了分析,比较了各类ADR方式的特点,提出企业应根据ADR方式的特点、自身的发展以及外部环境,选择合适的境外上市方式筹资。

    Through the analysis and comparison to the characteristics of ADR , this paper holds that enterprises should choose suitable types of overseas financing instruments according to the features of ADR , their development and environments .

  14. 此后,Kickstarter这类众筹网站可以为各种各样的事情筹资,从开设博客到服装设计公司,再到拍摄独立影片,几乎无所不包。

    Since then crowdfunding sites such as kickstarterhave been used to raise money for everything from blogs to clothing design companies and independent films .

  15. 本文还提出包含筹资、资金运用二个方面的DEA融资效率评价模型来对中小企业融资效率进行评价,并引入时序DEA的概念,动态地评价企业融资效率。

    This article also contains the proposed financing , capital financing of the use of two aspects of DEA efficiency evaluation model to evaluate the efficiency of SME financing , and introduce the concept of timing DEA and dynamic evaluation of the efficiency of corporate finance . 3 .

  16. 企业期权债券筹资的风险与防范策略

    The Option Bonds Risks and Strategies for Enterprise to Raise Funds

  17. 每个IT组织都有一种方法来为他们的活动筹资。

    Every IT organization has an approach toward funding their activities .

  18. 提高筹资水平可以提高合作医疗的抗风险能力。

    Better financing is able to enhance the risk resistance capabilities .

  19. 银行财务预测是筹资计划的前提。

    Bank financial forecast is the premise of the financing program .

  20. 为一项计划筹措经费环境项目特别筹资方式

    Find money for a plan Special Financing Modality for Environmental Projects

  21. 我国社会保障筹资方式改革的探讨

    On the Reform of Raising Social Security Funds in Our Country

  22. 农村最低生活保障的制度特征与筹资机制

    System Characteristics and Financing Mechanism of Rural Minimum Living Standard Security

  23. 企业筹资决策中的税收筹划

    The Revenue Plan in the Decision-making of Enterprise 's Financing

  24. 公立高等教育筹资市场化:国际比较的观点

    The Marketing-tendency in Funding Public Universities A International Comparative View

  25. 企业筹资风险及对策分析

    Enterprises ′ s Funds Pooling Risks and Countermeasures ′ Analysis

  26. 我国公共卫生筹资改革措施评价

    Evaluation on health financing reform for public health in China

  27. 以村民自治为基础的合作医疗个人筹资研究

    On Individual Fund-pooling of CMS Based on Villagers ' Autonomy

  28. 高新技术企业在创业板市场筹资问题研究

    Research on High Technology Rising Fund in the Second Market

  29. 铁路建设筹资方式比较研究

    Comparative Research on Channels of Raising Funds for Railway Construction

  30. 试点区社区卫生服务筹资与补偿现状分析

    The current status of the financing and compensation of community-based health services