
  1. 试论财务杠杆及企业筹资效益

    On Financial Lever Principle and Efficiency of Enterprises Funding

  2. 论项目筹资结构与经济效益和风险的关系

    Discussing the relations of money-raising structure to economic results and risks of project

  3. 石油企业筹资渠道的成本效益分析

    Evaluating the Cost - Benefit of Fund Raising of Petroleum Enterprises from Various Sources

  4. 对教育成本、筹资渠道以及投资效益评估指标等方面作了详细分析。

    Then it analyzes the cost of education , channel of fund raising and the index of investing benefits Evaluation in detail .

  5. 围绕筹资风险与筹资效益进行了较深入的讨论,分析了两者之间的关系,提出了实际中企业有效规避风险,提高筹资效益的途径。

    This article explains the content of the interest of raising funds and the risk of raising funds , and analyzes their relation , puts forward the effective ways about the enterprise how to avoid the risk and to improve the interest of raising funds .

  6. 最后,从筹资能力、筹资方式、筹资用途以及筹资效益等四个方面对企业筹资活动现金流量进行分析。

    Finally , discuss the financial activity of cash flow from 4 aspects .

  7. 国际筹资中筹资运用指标体系是考核国际筹资效益的重要指标。

    Financing indicators system in international financing is a significant indicators system in ( examining ) the effect of international financing .

  8. 系统阐述了资金需求方如何确定资金需求量,如何选择合适的筹资方式以及如何综合考虑筹资代价、筹资风险和筹资效益进行筹资决策的。

    This chapter explains how the demander confirms the demand of the fund , how to choose suitable way of venture capital , and the cost during the venture financing .

  9. 在实际工作中,要合理确定负债筹资和权益筹资的比例,把握资本结构的最佳点,提高企业筹资效益,就必须深刻了解财务杠杆机制,把握财务结构。

    In practice , it necessary to understand financial lever principle , to grasp financial structure .