
  • 网络International Fund-Raising
  1. 从财务失败预警指标到建立国际筹资规模预警指标体系的思考

    Thinking from Early-Warning Indexes of Financial Affairs Failure to Establishment of Early-Warning Index Systems of International Fund-raising Scale

  2. 在北京召开的“禽流感防控国际筹资大会”上,与会各国政府通过了一项宣言,指出各有关国家最高领导层要对该国的防控禽流感行动计划予以指导。

    At the international fund-raising conference in Beijing , governments made a joint declaration that national action plans must be " guided by political leadership at the highest level " .

  3. 我刚从北京的国际筹资会议回来。

    I have just returned from the international pledging meeting in Beijing .

  4. 建立科学的国际筹资财务评价指标体系意义重大。

    It is great significance to set up scientific international finance evaluation index system .

  5. 国际筹资中筹资运用指标体系是考核国际筹资效益的重要指标。

    Financing indicators system in international financing is a significant indicators system in ( examining ) the effect of international financing .

  6. 一个这样的组织是国际电影筹资会议,或IFFCON,每年在美国旧金山举行。

    One such organization is the International Film Financing Conference , or IFFCON , held annually in San Francisco .

  7. 国际证券筹资:发展国际贸易的新动力

    International Security Funding : the New Motive Force of the Development of International Trade

  8. 国际住房筹资机构联盟

    International Union of Housing Finance Institutions

  9. 国际债券筹资是包括中国在内的发展中国家争取外资的重要手段。

    This form is an important means of gaining foreign capital for the developing countries including China .

  10. 因此,国际年筹资呼吁将再次向诸如各国政府、非政府组织和私营基金会等所有利益攸关者发出。

    Fund-raising appeals for the Year will therefore be directed again to all stakeholders , such as Governments , nongovernmental organizations and private foundations .

  11. 随着中国企业利用国际资本市场筹资融资的步伐加快,企业在筹集到国际资本市场上的资金以后如何将财务风险控制在可接受的范围内就成了企业筹资时最需要考虑的问题。

    As Chinese companies accelerate the pace of access to international capital markets financing , it is most in need for the enterprises to consider how to control the financial risks within an acceptable range after raising funds in international capital markets .

  12. 国际贸易、发展筹资和运输司

    International Trade , Development Financing and Transport Division

  13. 多种金融创新工具以不同方式减少国际投资的汇率、利率风险和货币障碍,提高了资产和债务的流动性,使国际筹资变得更加方便和具有吸引力。

    A variety of financial innovation tools in different ways to reduce international investment exchange rate , interest rate risk and currency barriers , and they increase the mobility of assets and liabilities so that the international financing becomes more convenient and attractive .