
  1. 国际性银行可能还可以借此开发一个中国金融界最热门的领域&在国内筹资的私人股本基金。

    It could also allow them to explore one of the hottest new fads in the Chinese financial world , domestically raised private equity funds .

  2. 研究国内外卫生筹资模式,分析我国宏观HFS系统现况,归纳HFS各子系统存在的焦点问题,构建HFS目标测量体系,对宏观HFS进行初步诊断。(3)我国宏观卫生筹资系统逻辑分析。

    Study domestic and foreign health financing model , analyze present situation of China macro HFS , conclude the focus problem of HFS , construct the object measurement system of HFS and make elementary diagnosis of macro HFS ; ( 3 ) Logic analysis of macro HFS .

  3. 瑞士信贷表示,预计到2010年,内地企业集团在国内市场的筹资规模将达940亿美元,上述海外上市集团将占相当大部分。

    Credit Suisse said those companies would account for a large part of the $ 94bn it expected Chinese groups to raise on mainland markets by 2010 .

  4. 中国工行下月势将打破纪录,在国际国内市场上市,筹资150亿至210亿美元。

    ICBC is set to smash the record book , tapping international and domestic markets for between $ 15bn - $ 21bn next month .

  5. 并且通过对A市农村公路资金需要量的预测与国内外农村公路筹资模式的实证分析,找到A市农村公路资金缺乏的主要原因。

    A City of rural roads to lack of funding and empirical analysis of forecast the rural highway funding requirement of A City at home and abroad rural highway fund-raising mode , find the main reason .

  6. 但国内高校普遍存在筹资方法单一、被动,管理缺乏配套法律法规和专业人才等问题,不同程度地妨碍了高等教育的变革和发展。

    But the problem of the way to raising fund is single and passive , and , lack of laws and regulations , moreover , short of professional men in the management , hold back the reform and development of the higher education .