
ɡuó jì mào yì ɡuàn lì
  • international trade usages
  1. 国际条约、国内立法、国际贸易惯例和仲裁实践都证明商人习惯法在调整跨国商事交易方面,发挥着十分重要的作用。

    International conventions , domestic legislation , international trade usages and tribunal practices prove the existence of the NLM and its legal nature and the significant effect that the NLM has on adjusting transnational commercial activities .

  2. 国际贸易惯例是国际贸易实务课程的核心内容

    International Trade Practice Is the Core Content of International Trade Business

  3. 国际贸易惯例的性质及在我国的适用

    The Character of International Trade Convention and its Application in China

  4. 农产品国际贸易惯例专家组

    Group of Experts on International Trade Practices relating to Agricultural Products

  5. 国际贸易惯例则是在很多国家起约束作用。

    The international trade practice plays a restraining role in many countries .

  6. 浅谈若干国际贸易惯例与合同条款之间关系的处理

    Interpretation of the Relationship between International Trade Customs and Terms of Contract

  7. 国际贸易惯例若干问题研究

    A Study on Some Problems Concerning the International Trade Customs

  8. 国际贸易惯例的最新发展及其应用&《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》探讨

    New development of international trade practice and its application

  9. 第三,招标投标已成为一种国际贸易惯例。

    Third , offer-bid has become an international practice .

  10. 试论国际贸易惯例的法律属性

    On the Legal Attribute of International Customs of Trade

  11. 国际贸易惯例是在国家间的货物买卖活动中产生的惯例。

    International trade practice is the practice generated in the goods tradings between countries .

  12. 国际贸易惯例的发展趋势

    Development Trend of the International Trade Custom

  13. 不给佣金不符合国际贸易惯例。

    It does not conform to the international trade practice not to allow a commission .

  14. 国际贸易惯例及其适用

    International Trade Customs and Its Suitability

  15. 论国际贸易惯例效力

    Effectiveness of international trade convention

  16. 人们对国际贸易惯例的认识或过于抽象,或有诸多含糊之处。

    People ′ s understandings about international customs of trade tend to be either too abstract or too vague .

  17. 国际贸易惯例的效力受国内法的强制性规范和公共秩序保留的限制。

    The effectiveness of international trade convention is restricted by compulsive regulation of domes-tic law and public order reservation .

  18. 外贸体制改革的方向是放宽管制,与国际贸易惯例接轨。

    The orientation of foreign trade system reform is to loosen regulation and integrate with the practice of international trade .

  19. 我很理解,因为我是你们的新客户,并且这种做法也符合国际贸易惯例。

    I understand that since I am your new client and it is in line with the practice of international trade .

  20. 但二者在任意适用的意思表示上具有明显的差异,并由此造成了公约和国际贸易惯例适用条件的不同。

    These two laws have clear difference in their freely application , which formed different applications of the contract and the usage .

  21. 第二个层面也往往是国际贸易惯例在适用与否发生争议时最需要解的问题。

    The second level is often the most urgent problem in case of any dispute on whether the international trade practice is applicable or not .

  22. 由于对公约和国际贸易惯例的适用方式及其中国相关适用规定的片面理解,目前在中国的国际贸易司法实践中存在着一些不当做法。

    Due to the one-sided view to the application of the two laws and the Chinese relevant regulations , there are some improper practices in Chinese judicature .

  23. 国际贸易惯例之所以被认为有别于国际公法和国内法,其关键就在于它是自治性质的规范。

    The key that the international trade practice is considered different from the international public laws and domestic laws is that it is the norm with autonomous nature .

  24. 国际贸易惯例是在长期的国际贸易实践中经反复实践而形成的公认的、具有普遍适用性的行为规则。

    The convention of international trade is formed with long-time and continual international trade practice and has received public recognition , which is a series of regulations applicable worldwide .

  25. 一般来说,国际贸易惯例只是任意性的规范,即只在当事人明示或默示同意采用时,才对他们产生法律拘束力。

    Generally speaking , the international trade practice is an arbitrary norm , that is , only when the parties concerned express or imply to adopt it , it has binding force on them .

  26. 无论在什么时候,国际贸易惯例的作用有多大,它始终未被普遍接受为法律,并不具备当然的、一般的法律拘束力。

    At all times , no matter how great effect does the international trade practice have , it has not been generally accepted as the law , so it does not possess the certain and general legal binding force .

  27. 摘要国际贸易惯例是国际组织或者权威机构为了减少贸易争端、规范贸易行为,根据在长期、大量的贸易实践的基础上逐渐形成的一般贸易习惯所制定的成文规则。

    International trade customs is a set of rules enacted by the international organization or the authoritative body according to the common trade tradition from long-term and heavy trade practices to reduce the trade dispute and standardize the business behavior .

  28. 根据国际贸易的惯例,只有当买方要求时才投保特别险。

    According to the usual practice In International trade , special risk be not covered unless the buyer ask for them .

  29. 正是,根据国际贸易中的惯例,只有买方要求时才保特殊险。

    B : Quite right . According to the usual practice in international trade , special risks are not covered unless the buyer asks for them .

  30. 因而世界各国买卖法都很重视标的物(货物)风险转移的立法,包括国际公约和贸易惯例。

    As a result , each country in the world attaches great importance to the legislation of the risk transfer of the Contract of sale matter including the international conventions and the trade practices .