
  1. 国际海事欺诈及预防

    Analysis on the Caves and Prevention of Maritime Fraud

  2. 预防与控制国际海事欺诈法律机制研究

    Studies on the Legal Mechanism of Prevention from and Control of International Maritime Fraud

  3. 文章对国际海事欺诈的特征、形式等内容进行了分析,并提出了制裁和打击国际海事欺诈的相关建议。

    The article analyzes the features and forms of the frauds of international maritime affairs , and provides some suggestions concerned to fight against them .

  4. 国际海事欺诈一般涉案金额巨大,牵涉面广,目前已经成为国际贸易和国际航运发展的一大障碍,对国际、尤其是广大第三世界国家的商业、航运、保险、金融行业构成严重威胁。

    Generally , cases of maritime fraud involve large sums of money and a variety of organizations , and have become an obstacle for the development of international trade and shipping , imposing severe threats to the industries of business , shipping , insurance and finance .

  5. 随着国际贸易和国际航运业的迅猛发展,国际海事欺诈也愈演愈烈。

    As the boom of international trading and international transport industry , the international maritime fraud is boom also .