
  1. 也就是说现阶段的企业预算仍然主要集中于财务预算,对投资预算、筹资预算等专项预算考虑较少,没有建立企业全面预算管理体制。

    Enterprises budget mainly focuses on financial budget , little is taken into consideration of investment budget and funding budget , comprehensive budget management system is not established .

  2. 泰国的卫生筹资采取国家预算投入和社区筹资相结合的基本方式。

    The basic way of health financing in Thailand is the combination of the governmental budget and the community financing .

  3. 一年一度的授权政府征税筹资并按预算建议支出的议会议案和法案

    Annual bill and act of parliament which give the government the power to raise taxes to produce money for the exchequer , and which then can be spend as propose In the budget