
  1. 近年来,致力于公共卫生的伙伴关系、行动和筹资机构的数量空前增长。

    Recent years have witnessed an unprecedented growth in the number of partnerships , initiatives , and funding agencies devoted to public health .

  2. 数据提供商dealogic的数据显示,今年第一季度,放弃首次公开发行(ipo)筹资计划的公司数量达到自网络泡沫破灭以来的最高水平。

    The number of companies abandoning plans to raise capital through initial public offerings in the first quarter of this year jumped to heights not seen since the collapse of the dotcom boom , according to Dealogic , the data provider .

  3. 高校筹资活动中的对财务控制主要是控制筹资数量、筹资结构、筹资时间和筹资成本;

    Therefore , the university financial control on money raising aims at controlling the amount , the structure , the time and the cost of money raising ;