
  1. 筹建期为六个月。

    The preparation period shall be6 months .

  2. 筹建期内不得以汽车金融公司名义从事经营活动。

    During the preparation stage , the applicant shall not conduct any auto financing business .

  3. 申请人在筹建期内不得办理支付清算业务。

    The applicants are precluded from being engaged in any payment and settlement business within the approved preparatory period .

  4. 经批准有筹建期的,企业名称保留到筹建期终止。

    An enterprise whose preparatory period has been approved may retain its registered name until the end of the preparatory period .

  5. 企业在筹建期内实际发生的各项费用,除应计入有关财产物资价值者外,应当作为开办费入帐。

    The expenses incurred to an enterprise during its preparation period shall be accounted for as starting expenses except those that shall be accounted into related property or material value .

  6. 施工总工期为4年8个月(不计工程筹建期),第1台机组发电期为3年8个月;

    Construction general layout . The general construction period of the project is 4 years and 8 months , excluding preparation period , and the construction period calculated to the initial operation of the first generating unit is 3 years and 8 months .