
  • 网络Housing consumption
  1. 杭州市居民住宅消费方面的生态经济需求研究

    Study of the Eco-economy needs of Hangzhou citizens ′ housing consumption

  2. 城市弱势群体住宅消费保障问题研究

    Study on Security of Housing Consumption for the Disadvantaged in Cities

  3. 军人住房补贴作为住宅消费贷款抵押物的风险评定GERT模型研究

    The Evaluation on the Risk of the Housing Credit With GERT Technique

  4. 个人住房贷款作为信贷资产的重要组成部分,如何推动它的发展从而进一步形成对个人住宅消费的支持,将成为新的课题。

    How to support the individual residential consumption becomes an important problem .

  5. 中国住宅消费未来趋势探析

    General Survey on Future Trend of Housing Consumption in China

  6. 上海城镇居民住宅消费市场的研究

    The Study of Developing Demand of Urban Housing Consumption

  7. 基于住宅消费偏好的西安城市居住空间分异机制的研究

    A Study on Urban Residential Segregation in Xi'an Based on Consumer Housing Preference

  8. 洛阳市居民住房现状及对策苏州住宅消费现状与倾向研究

    The Housing Situation of Residents in Luoyang The Situation and Tendency of Suzhou Housing Market

  9. 当前住宅消费市场的主角已经让位给青年人。

    Nowadays , the youth have played a leading part in the residential housing market .

  10. 培育住宅消费的难点与对策

    Difficulties and countermeasures of fostering housing consumption

  11. 徐州住宅消费市场的发展趋势

    Development trend of Xuzhou housing consumption

  12. 金融支持与住宅消费决策&基于专业化、分工的分析

    Financial Support and Decision-Making of Housing Consumption & An Analysis Based on Specialization and Division of Labor

  13. 住宅消费问题是当前理论与实务界蔚为关注的经济问题,社会问题。

    Residential consumption is the current theory and practice circles Wei concerned about the economic problems and social problems .

  14. 此外,最新数据显示,北京住宅消费群体接受的货物继续升级。

    In addition , The latest data showed that Beijing residential consumer groups on the acceptance of goods continued to upgrade .

  15. 第二,住宅消费中行为忠诚,态度忠诚与满意的直接前因存在差异。

    Second , the residential consumption behavior of loyalty , the attitude of loyalty and satisfaction of direct antecedent is different .

  16. 土地价格受宏观经济与土地开发投资以及住宅消费增长需求影响,但与土地购置面积及土地开发面积成反向关系。

    The land prices have been affected with the macro-economic , land development and investment , consumption demand in residential growth .

  17. 发展住宅消费,拉动经济增长拖拉机保养调整与节油的关系


  18. 美国个人所得税影响许多经济决策,包括劳动供给,储蓄,住宅消费以及资产组合选择。

    The US personal tax affects many economic decisions , including labor supply , saving , residential housing consumption , and portfolio choice .

  19. 我国“后小康”初期的城市住宅消费需求走势探讨

    Discussion on the trend of the consumption demand for urban residence in the initial period of china 's " later well-off society "

  20. 在城市居民生活水平逐步提高的今天,山西省会城市太原越来越多的居民关注居住环境质量的改善和提高,住宅消费热情高涨。

    Today , a growing number of residents concerned about the quality of the living environment and the improvement of domestic consumption enthusiasm in Shanxi .

  21. 近些年,国家在扩大内需上做了不少功夫,包括出台政策来对国家居民的住宅消费进行鼓励。

    In recent years , the country make a lot of time on expanding domestic demand , including put forward a series of measures to encourage consumption .

  22. 通过对租赁住宅消费选择的分析和投资决策的分析,阐明了租赁住宅的有效需求的必然性和有效投资的方式;

    It expatiates the inevitability of effective requirement and the ways of effective investment through analyzing the consumption selection of the renting residency and the decision-making of investment .

  23. 政府和媒体也应引导青年树立正确的消费观,使青年的住宅消费观念逐渐成熟,真正做到理性消费。

    The government and Media should guide them to have right expense idea , and help them form mature expense idea on house , and buy house reasonably .

  24. 当前,我国住宅消费需求旺盛,市场普遍繁荣,住宅业正步入新一轮发展周期。

    The current housing market demand in China is very strong and the market flourish on the whole , which signal that the housingindustry is going into a new development circle .

  25. 同时,对我国居民住宅消费观念与消费行为演变过程中存在的若干问题做了剖析,并给出相应的对策及建议。

    Besides , it has also anatomized the questions which lie in the evolving process of the residents ' housing consuming concept and consuming behavior and it has proposed corresponding countermeasure and suggestion .

  26. 对绿色生态住宅消费需求的偏好与消费效用的理论分析,证明绿色生态住宅是具有二元价值结构的。

    Through analyzing consumer preference of green ecological residence and consumer utility function theory , using the green ecological mode for reference which presented by Chen to evident that the green ecological residence has binary value structure .

  27. 本文具体分析了郊外居住、择邻而居、各代分居等我国居民住宅消费新观念形成的原因。

    The article has analyzed the reasons specifically which lead to the formation of the residents ' new housing consuming concept such as living in the suburb , each generation living separately , selecting their own neighbours .

  28. 其次,文章讨论当前我国城市住区建设流行现象的表征与存在的问题,在消费语境下分析住区建设流行现象的住宅消费社会背景以及住区规划的建筑话语特性。

    Second , the paper discusses the characteristics and the existing questions of the popular construction mold of the present urban residential district construction , analyses its social background and architectural characteristic in the consumption discourse context .

  29. 目前,住宅消费已成为大众消费的重要组成部分,但住宅工程质量问题日益突出,住宅质量投诉与日俱增。

    At present , the consumption on house has already been the important component of masses ' consumption , but the problems of housing project quality are prominent increasingly , complaints of the house quality are growing day by day .

  30. 首先,文章概述研究背景,讨论住区建设和住宅消费在实质意义上的同构,并对涉及的概念、研究范围进行界定,提出研究工作的逻辑思路。

    First of all , the paper summarizes the study background , discusses the isomorphism of the urban residential district construction and housing consumption in essence , defines the related concepts and the research range , and proposes the logic frame of the investigation research work .