
  1. 论坛、博客等通讯工具的应用,使网络信息像病毒一样在极短的时间内在整个网络空间内产生舆论影响,加快了危机爆发的速度,给网络公关造成很大的影响。

    The application of communication tools , such as forum , blog , makes internet information influence the whole cyberspace in short time , accelerates the pace of crisis eruption , and eventually , threats the public trust .

  2. 病毒营销并非真的以传播病毒的方式开展营销活动,而是通过用户的口碑宣传网络,信息像病毒一样传播和扩散,利用快速复制的方式传向数以干计、数以百万计的受众。

    Viral marketing is not the true way to disseminate the virus to carry out marketing activities , but through word-of-mouth propaganda network users , such as information dissemination and proliferation of the same virus , using rapid way to copy transmitted to thousands of millions of audience .

  3. 随着计算机及网络技术的飞速发展,当越来越多的公司及个人成为Internet用户后,黑客入侵、信息泄密以及病毒泛滥所带来的危害引起了世界各地的高度重视。

    With the rapid development of computer and network technology , more and more companies and persons are surfing the internet , all of the world are regarding the hurt aroused by hacker intrusion , information leakiness and virus flood as importance .

  4. 信息时代计算机病毒的特征及防范

    The Feature of Computer Virus in the Information Age and Its Prevention

  5. 性信息素加病毒诱芯技术可行性林间试验

    Field tests of the feasibility of sex pheromone plus virus dispenser technique

  6. 山西电力公司信息网络防病毒解决方案

    Anti-virus Solution of Shanxi Electric Power Company

  7. 核糖体蛋白基因转录起始位点附近碱基信息分析汉坦病毒包膜糖蛋白糖基化位点突变体的构建

    Analysis of Base Information Round the TSS of Ribosomal Protein Genes ; Construction of N-linked glycosylation site mutants of envelope glycoprotein genes of hantavirus

  8. 这个新的结构信息揭示了病毒装配的薄弱部分吗,同时也提示了强力结合的部分。

    The new structure provides information on where the weakest links in the viral assembly are , as well as where the strength of the virus lies .

  9. 此外,经世卫组织核准的实验室进行的分析可提供关于病毒可能变异的信息,以及病毒如何传播至该国的线索。

    In addition , analyses conducted by WHO-approved laboratories can yield information about the possible evolution of the virus and clues about how the virus may have arrived in the country .

  10. 同时,当前电子邮件系统的发展面临着机密泄漏、信息欺骗、病毒侵扰、垃圾邮件等诸多安全问题的困扰。人们对电子邮件系统和服务的要求日渐提高,其中以安全需求尤为突出。

    Meanwhile , the current e-mail system is faced with the security problems of leak of confidential data , information fraud , virus invasion , spam mails , etc. People have gradually increased the requirements for e-mail system and service , among which safety requirements are particularly significant .

  11. 然而当前电子邮件的应用面临着机密泄漏、信息欺骗、病毒侵扰、垃圾邮件等诸多安全问题的困扰,因此电子邮件应用中的安全问题应引起使用者的高度重视。

    But the application of the E-mail faces such puzzlement of a great deal of safe problems as secret leakage , information deception , virus invading and harass , junk E-mail , etc. at present , the security question in E-mail application should cause the user 's great attention .

  12. 通过打造这些cookie,一个黑客可以模拟一个有效的客户,因此获取详细信息并执行代表病毒的行为。

    By forging these cookies , an attacker can impersonate a valid client , and thus gain information and perform actions on behalf of the victim .

  13. 蜘蛛需要通过携带遗传信息的逆转录酶病毒来感染受试者,接着通过遗传信息来改变细胞中的DNA,而且几乎人体内的每个细胞都要被感染。

    The spider would need to infect the subject with a retrovirus , which carries genetic information . The genetic information would then have to alter the DNA in cells . Almost every cell in the body would have to be infected .

  14. 可以肯定,几个月后奈飞指责威瑞森(Verizon)影响网速的报错信息截图就会像病毒一样在网上传播开来。

    Sure enough , a few months later , images of Netflix error messages blaming Verizon for slow bandwidth started going viral online .

  15. 林恩辩称,关键是要提高军方与民间在互联网安全上的合作,目前从网络间谍到信息网络攻击和病毒比如可导致物理破坏的“超级工厂病毒”(stuxnet)的威胁越来越严重。

    The deputy defence secretary argued it was essential to increase military and civilian co-operation on Internet security , as threats increased in severity from cyberespionage to attacks on information networks and viruses , such as the Stuxnet worm , that can cause physical damage .

  16. 信息垃圾、网络病毒与信息利用的矛盾等。

    Between the junk information , viruses , etc . and efficient utilization .

  17. 信息武器及计算机病毒技术研究

    Research on Information Weapons and Computer Virus

  18. 通过对计算机病毒的传染规律的探询,利用程序中地址空间转移信息,防范计算机病毒的危害是一个有效防治计算机病毒的手段。

    Using the program space transfer information is an effective way to prevent the computer virus .

  19. 使他们惊恐的是,他们发现大部分储存的信息都被计算机病毒清除了。

    To their horror , they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer viruses !

  20. 入侵检测技术和信息加密技术、病毒防御技术以及防火墙技术一起成为了保护网络安全的卫士。

    Intrusion detection technique , information encryption , virus defends technology and fire wall technology has become a bodyguard protecting network security .

  21. 显然媒体问题比网上欺诈、窃取他人信息或散播电脑病毒更令政府忧心,后面这些问题在十大表现中的排名都比较靠后。

    Apparently media issues are a greater cause for concern than online fraud , identity theft or computer viruses , which were all ranked lower on the list .

  22. 并准确提供病毒类别、病毒名称、病毒变种、病毒危害级别等全面信息,形成网络病毒的全局视图。

    And it accurately ( provides ) the virus the category , the viral name , the viral variety , the viral harm rank and so on , the ( comprehensive ) information , forms the network virus the overall situation view .

  23. 针对商业系统物流的特点,研究了安全策略和安全方案设计原则,建立了一种物流信息安全之防病毒整体解决方案的设计思想,实现了相应的软件框架及在实际管理中的应用。

    Aiming at the characteristic of commercial system logistics , this paper research the strategy and design principle of security scheme . It establishes the design thought on the whole anti-virus solution scheme of information security , implements the corresponding application software framework , and realizing the application of management .

  24. 信息环境的污染主要包括信息病毒和信息垃圾。

    While information virus and rubbish are the main pollutants in the information environment .

  25. 临床信息,尤其是来自墨西哥的信息,说明这种病毒也可引起严重疾病和死亡。

    Clinical information , especially from Mexico , indicated this virus also could cause severe disease and death .

  26. 病毒信息管理系统包含了样本体验、工作量统计、病毒信息管理和病毒发布等功能。

    The virus information management system contains the modular of app sample testing , workload statistics , virus information management and virus releasing .

  27. 病毒式营销是一种信息传递战略,能通过用户的口碑宣传网络,使信息像病毒一样迅速地传向成千上万的受众。

    Viral marketing is a strategy of information transmission , which can utilize the users ' network and reach millions of receivers as quickly as virus .