
  • 网络price cap regulation;price-cap regulation
  1. 价格上限规制相较于投资回报率规制来说具有更强的激励性。

    Price cap regulation has a stronger incentive than the rate of return regulation for investments .

  2. 西方国家在自然垄断产业的规制实践中,采用了多种多样的激励性规制形式,如价格上限规制、社会契约制度、特许投标规制、标尺竞争规制等。

    In the regulation practice of natural monopoly industry , the western countries have adopted various incentive regulation forms , such as price cap regulation , social contract system , franchise bidding regulation and yardstick competition regulation .

  3. 对价格上限规制公式的生产效率因素X值进行计算,并与国外的情况进行比较分析,判断我国电信业的X值水平。

    It has calculated the productive efficiency factor X value of formula and compared with foreign countries , and then makes a judgment on the level of X value .

  4. 从激励角度看,价格上限规制的效率最高。

    From those view , PC regulation is high power incentive scheme .

  5. 由于信息不对称,目前的两部制电价以及传统的价格上限规制方法不能够有效地针对发电商的这种不完全竞争行为。

    Because of information imbalance , the Two-Part Pricing System and the high limit of price method in practice is not able to restrict the noncompetitive behavior .

  6. 第一,通过结合投资回报率和价格上限规制模型,引入药物经济学评价指标,建立了中国的药品价格规制模型。

    Firstly , the paper performs a pharmaceuticals price regulation model after analyzing applicability of Rate of Return and Price Cap regulation models and introducing pharmacoeconomics indexes .

  7. 本文分析了美国收益率规制与英国价格上限规制的理论渊源、主要特征和局限性,比较了两种规制方法异同。

    We analyzed the theory origin , main features and limitation of rate-of-return regulation in USA and price-cap regulation in UK in this thesis , and compared their difference and similarity .

  8. 对普惠性民办幼儿园采用价格上限规制方式的可行性依赖于政府的财政支持力度,如果政府不提供财政补贴,民办幼儿园就不会选择接受政府的价格上限规制。

    Whether it is feasible or not to adopt the price ceiling regulation mode for the universal and low-cost private kindergartens , it depends on the financial support of the government .

  9. 介绍了电力市场常用的两种管制手段即美国的投资回报率规制法和英国的价格上限规制法,以及新兴的特许经营权竞标措施。

    The two commonly used methods for regulation in power market , namely the rate-of-return regulation of the US and the price-cap regulation of Britain , as well as the emerging measure of special operation right auction ( SORA ) were introduced .

  10. 最后,根据模型的结论并结合价格上限规制模型,尝试着设计了我国自然垄断产业的价格规制模型,并按照自然垄断产业中不同业务的性质对原有的进入规制进行了调整。

    Finally , according to conclusions of the model and price cap regulation model , the article tries to design price regulation model of natural monopoly industry in China , and adjusts original entry regulation in the light of property of different transactions .

  11. 于是,西方学者从政府监管的角度提出了激励性管制,如价格上限规制、区域间标尺竞争、特许投标制等多种思路,对于促进企业削减成本、提高效率具有积极意义。

    Western scholars proposed incentive regulation from the prospective of government regulation , such as price cap , regional ruler competition , concession and bidding system , which had positive effects on enterprises in terms of cost control and efficiency enhancement . 2 .

  12. 本文得出的结论可以总结为:与投资回报率规制相比,价格上限规制更能降低电信业的资费,促进电信业的发展,并在一定程度上存在着帕累托改进。

    This conclusion can be summarized as : compared to the rate of return regulation , the price cap regulation can reduce the charges the telecommunications industry and promote the development of the telecommunications industry in some extent , there is a Pareto improvement .

  13. 再次,本文对投资回报率、价格上限和收入上限规制定价方式进行介绍与分析比较,根据我国电信价格规制现状并结合价格上限规制模型,尝试着设计了我国电信行业的价格上限规制模型。

    Thirdly , this paper introduces and analyzes the three methods of pricing of regulation & Return on Investment , Price Cap and Revenue Cap .

  14. 各国在电信业发展初期多采用涉及成本的投资回报率规制,但是随之经济的发展各国政府对电信业价格规制出现变化,开始用价格上限规制来替代投资回报率规制。

    States early in the telecommunications industry usually use cost involved in return on investment regulation , but along with the economic development of the telecommunications industry , governments change the regulation in price regulation , price cap regulation began to replace the investment rate of return regulation .

  15. 当前,世界上存在两种重要的价格规制模型,一种是投资回报率规制模型,另一种是价格上限规制模型。

    At present , there are two kinds of important price regulation modes all over the world . One is the regulation model for the rate of return on the investment .