
bái dài
  • leucorrhea;whites;leukorrhea;leukorrhoea
白带 [bái dài]
  • [leukorrhea] 由于子宫粘膜或阴道粘膜的炎症或充血引起从阴道流出白色、微黄色或绿白色粘稠的排出物

白带[bái dài]
  1. 方法2004年10月~2005年2月,在我院妇科门诊就诊的1280例患者进行白带检查,按BV的诊断标准,给BV患者口服甲硝唑0.2g,tid,连用3d。

    Methods During the period from September 2004 to February 2005,1 280 gynecological outpatients accepted leukorrhea examination . According to BV diagnostic standard , each of BV patients took oral metronidazolum 0.2g , t. i.

  2. 方法:用传统的Amsel诊断方法对本院妇科病人的白带标本进行分析。

    Methods Leukorrhea samples from 352 gynecological women in a hospital were analysed with traditional Amsel diagnostic method .

  3. 门诊妇科病人不同pH值白带细菌性阴道病感染状况分析

    Infection Status of Bacterial Vaginosis of Different pH Value Leucorrhea in Gynecological Outpatients

  4. Bcl-2为一分子量约为25-26KDa的单一蛋白带。

    Bcl-2 is a single protein band which weight is 25-26 KDa .

  5. 结果CAM临床表现均有白带大量增多,但白带检验结果无异常。

    Results Six cases of CAM had leukorrhagia symptom , however , leukorrhagia examination were normal .

  6. HBV携带者血清和白带HBV-DNAFQ-PCR检测分析

    Detection and analysis of HBV-DNA from serum and whites in HBV carriers by FQ-PCR

  7. 白带异常、宫颈糜烂等出现宫颈炎性表现的患者HPV感染率明显增高。

    Leucorrhea abnormal cervical erosion and cervicitis and so the performance was significantly higher in patients with HPV infection .

  8. 妇产科医院感染病原菌分布特点及耐药性分析门诊妇科病人不同pH值白带细菌性阴道病感染状况分析

    Distribution and drug resistance of pathogenic bacteria in hospital of gynecology and obstetrics : a clinical analysis Infection Status of Bacterial Vaginosis of Different pH Value Leucorrhea in Gynecological Outpatients

  9. 它不仅可以引起诸如白带增多、白带混血、腰骶部不适甚至接触性出血等自觉症状,还可以经过漫长的过程,可能经过CIN(宫颈上皮内瘤样病变)发展成为宫颈癌。

    It can not only cause clinical symptoms , but also develop into cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ( CIN ) even cervical invasive carcinoma .

  10. 结论在妇科感染性疾病中,BV阳性率最高,并且和念珠菌、滴虫相互交叉感染现象非常严重。所以对白带检查时,最好同时进行多种病原体测定,对临床诊断治疗具有重大意义。

    Conclusion Cross infection were serious in gynaecologic infections and multiple pathogens detection is of important significance for clinical diag - nosis and treatment .

  11. 方法选择经血清学检测诊断为女性HBV携带者867例,采用荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ-PCR)技术测定其白带中和血清HBV-VA含量,并对所有检测指标进行相关性分析。

    Methods The content of HBV-DNA in the serum and whites of 867 female HBV carriers confirmed by serological test was detected by FG-PCR and the results were analyzed .

  12. 在白带MDI清洁度的改善上,A组、B组间疗效明显,之间的差异没有统计学意义(P0.05),均明显优于C组(P0.05)。

    In white on the improvement in cleanness of MDI , efficacy significantly between group A and group B , the difference between no statistical significance ( P0.05 ), were significantly better than group C ( P0.05 ) .

  13. 经IPTG诱导后出现一条约35.3×103的新蛋白带。番茄系统感染TMV诱导叶可溶性蛋白发生变化,SDS&PAGE分析表明,叶片因感染TMV而引起新蛋白的合成。

    A new protein band of 35.3 kDa appeared on SDS-PAGE after induction of IPTG . Systematic infection of tomato by TMV induced changes in leaf soluble proteins .

  14. 麻疯树核糖体失活蛋白(curcin)经匀浆、浸取、硫酸铵分级沉淀得粗品,将粗品于SephadexG-100分子筛层析得纯品,经SDS-PAGE检测为单一蛋白带。

    Curcin was isolated from the seeds of JATROPHA CURCAS by extraction , precipitation with ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 , gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 . The purified curcin showed a single protein band on SDS-PAGE .

  15. 白带增多是慢性宫颈炎的常见症状。

    The leucorrhea increases is the chronic cervicitis 's common symptom .

  16. 块带和白带严重降低合金的机械性能。

    Both bands seriously deteriorate the mechanical properties of the alloys .

  17. 非水毛细管电泳法快速测定白带丸中小檗碱的含量

    Rapid determination of berberine in baidai pill by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis

  18. 氧化带氧化铁再沉积带漂白带原生灰色岩石。

    Oxidation zone-zone of iron oxide reprecipitation-zone of bleached rocks-primary grey sandstone .

  19. 为什么最近的白带像浆糊无色无味?

    Why does recent leucorrhoea resemble sizy and colorless insipidity ?

  20. 根:乳糜尿,白带,风湿关节痛。

    Root : for Chyluria , leucorrhea , rheumatoid arthritis .

  21. 乳酪状白带或豆腐糟样白带。

    First , cheese shape leucorrhea or bean curd bad type leucorrhea .

  22. 临床主要以大量稀薄粘液性白带或不规则阴道流血为首发症状。

    The first clinical symptoms were much mucinous leucorrhagia or irregular vaginal bleeding .

  23. 桥面混凝土铺装、防撞墙及白带施工工艺探讨

    Approach to Concrete Pavement , Collision Prevention Wall and White Belt Construction Process

  24. 北美洲蝴蝶,兰黑色的翅膀上有一条宽白带。

    North American butterfly with blue-black wings crossed by a broad white band .

  25. 排尿障碍伴白带增多。

    Fourth , the urination barrier partner leucorrhea increases .

  26. 你上次的白带有血可能是有炎症。

    Your last white with blood may be inflammation .

  27. 2029例白带常规检查结果分析及其意义

    Analysis of regular examination of leucorrhea in 2029 women

  28. 白带增多3例(8.82%);

    Increasing leucorrhoea 3 cases ( 8.82 % );

  29. 患者无主诉、无明显白带增多等症状占68.32%(110/161)。

    110 cases ( 68.32 % ) had no chief complaints and increased leucorrhea .

  30. 102例白带标本细菌培养结果分析

    Valuation of Leucorrhea Specimen Culture Among 102 Cases