
bái jīng
  • beluga;white whale;belouga
白鲸[bái jīng]
  1. 那些捕鲸时期的危险和刺激,被赫尔曼梅尔维利先生记录在一个白鲸的故事里:“MOBYDICK”。

    The dangers and the excitement of those whaling days are written in the Herman Melville 's story of the white whale , Moby Dick .

  2. 人类掠夺自然的悲剧警示:小说《白鲸》重评

    Tragic Warning of Human Being 's Plunder of Nature : Re-criticism of White Whale

  3. 果然,她读的是《白鲸》的木刻版。

    Sure enough , she was reading Moby Dick , in edition with woodcuts .

  4. 通常而言,写作内容和写作环境没有必然联系,比如在三天的越野火车旅行中创作的《白鲸》;在新英格兰海滨小屋里创作的《魔法山》,小屋的门上没有锁,房间里没有电话或电视,除了在盐池上划船,几乎没有什么可做的。

    Often the pairings of books and settings have been purely accidental : " Moby Dick " on a three-day cross-country train trip ; " The Magic Mountain " in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the doors , no telephones or televisions in the rooms , and little to do beyond row on the salt pond .

  5. 这些天我在看《白鲸》。

    These days I 'm reading Moby Dick .

  6. 他最爱的还包括《白鲸》和迪兰·托马斯(DylanThomas)的诗作

    His other favorites included Moby-Dick and the poems of Dylan Thomas .

  7. 他听到的“出来”来自于白鲸NOC。

    The " out " sound came from NOC the whale .

  8. 这是一头被铺的白鲸,它名叫NOC。

    It 's a captive beluga whale named NOC .

  9. 为了纪念最伟大的航海小说——《白鲸记》(MobyDick)的作者赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(HermanMelville),这块化石被命名为梅尔维尔鲸(Leviathanmelvillei)。

    The fossil was namedLeviathan melvillei , after Herman Melville , the author of the ultimate seaman 's novel Moby Dick .

  10. 星巴克这一名字的灵感来源于Starbuck,《白鲸》中的第一个男性。那就是你的答案,那就是你的“大喊”。

    The name Starbucks was inspired by Starbuck , the first mate in " Moby Dick . " That 's your answer and that 's your " Shoutout . "

  11. 数十年以后,加拿大温哥华水族馆的看守人描述了一头白鲸好像发叫出了他的名字:lagosi。

    Decades later , keepers at the Vancouver Aquarium in Canada described a beluga that seemed to utter his name , lagosi .

  12. 在《白鲸记》中,当Queequeg给Pequod签字时,因为他不识字,他做了一个标记,而不是签下他的名字,在小说中就说,Queequeg,他的标记

    In Moby-Dick , when Queequeg signs on to the Pequod , he makes a mark , because he is illiterate , in place of writing his name , signing his name , and in the novel it says " Queequeg , his mark . "

  13. 摄影师HiroyaMinakuchi在日本岛根县水族馆用相机捕捉到了这一非凡的景象。今年58岁大阪摄影师是唯一一个被允许跟白鲸共泳的水族馆外人员。

    The extraordinary spectacle was captured on camera by photographer Hiroya Minakuchi at the Shimane aquarium in Japan . The 58-year-old , from Osaka , is the only person outside the aquarium who is allowed to dive with the belugas .

  14. 5月,两个猎人发现白鲸被困在冰下。

    The entrapment was discovered in May by two bear hunters .

  15. 《白鲸》中复仇主题的神话原型分析

    Analysis of Revenge in Moby Dick from the Perspective of Myth-Archetype

  16. 语用预设对《白鲸》中多重象征意义的阐释

    Pragmatic Presupposition Account of the Multiple Symbolic Meanings in MOBY DICK

  17. 在这样的背景下,麦尔维尔创作了《白鲸》。

    Under such a social background , Melville wrote Moby Dick .

  18. 浅谈小说《白鲸》中的思想冲突

    Discussion on the Conflict of Thought Reflected in Moby Dick

  19. 他的心头爱还包括美国小说《白鲸》和英国诗人狄兰·托马斯的作品。

    His other favorites included Moby-Dick and the poem of Dylan Thomas .

  20. 《白鲸》:现代生态危机的文学寓言

    Moby Dick : The Literary Fable of Modern Ecological Crisis

  21. 《白鲸》中人与自然多维关系的伦理阐释

    The Ethical Interpretation of Multi-Dimensional Relationships Between Man and Nature in Moby-Dick

  22. 来看看这个和白鲸一起游泳的4岁男孩。

    4 check out this four-year-old boy swimming with the beluga whale .

  23. 这对白鲸可以说是水中的“莫克姆和怀斯”。

    This pair cold be the aquatic equivalent of Morecambe and Wise .

  24. 讽刺的是,《白鲸记》却未受好评。

    Moby dick , ironically , was not well received .

  25. 《白鲸》中悲剧英雄亚哈船长的原型解读

    Archetypal Analysis on the Tragic Hero Ahab in Moby Dick

  26. 你怎么知道我读《白鲸记》的?

    How did you know I was reading Moby dick ?

  27. 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔;《白鲸》;死亡现象;

    Herman Melville ; Moby-Dick ; the phenomenon of death ;

  28. 这种结构有助于麦尔维尔将《白鲸》编撰成一本包罗万象的百科全书式小说。

    This structure helps Melville to compile the novel into an encyclopedic one .

  29. 同时,《白鲸》还对上帝的残酷和不公给予批判。

    Meanwhile , Moby Dick also accuses God of his cruelty and injustice .

  30. 在《白鲸》中,麦尔维尔展示了他超凡的语言运用能力。

    In Moby Dick , Melville shows his extraordinary ability to use language .