
  • 网络stoat;ferret;ermine;Mustela erminea
  1. 那只白鼬溜进去的时候,门在它身后关上了。

    When the ferret goes in , the door shuts behind him .

  2. 谁想看我的白鼬?

    Who wants to see my ferret ?

  3. 但是,当前的H1N1全球性流感真地让这个事情变得很明显&迄今为止,人们已经将流感病毒传到了猪、火鸡和白鼬身上。

    But the current H1N1 pandemic flu has really made this very evident-so far , people have passed the flu virus on to pigs , turkeys and ferrets .

  4. 即便你确定他就是白鼬,又怎么能防止你在下次见面时,不叫他西蒙(Simon)或塞巴斯蒂安(Sebastian)?

    Even if you decide that he is indeed a stoat , what is to stop you calling him Simon or Sebastian the next time you meet ?

  5. 我的向导是斯蒂夫•诺里斯(SteveNorris),他是当地旅行社TripsandTramps的负责人,又是不拿报酬的白鼬陷阱查验员。

    I was guided by Steve Norris , who runs local tour operator Trips and Tramps , and is also an unpaid checker of stoat traps .

  6. 他穿着镶有白鼬皮的暗紫色长袍。

    His robes were a somber purple , trimmed with ermine .

  7. 刚才就是这些白鼬在房间里跑窜。

    That 's what was scurrying about the room .

  8. 人们捕猎白鼬,以获取它那美丽的毛皮。

    People hunt the ermine for its beautiful fur .

  9. 有一种冬天皮毛变白的鼬叫白鼬。

    One species that has white fur in the winter is called the ermine .

  10. 海格给他们沏了茶,还端来了白鼬三明治,他们婉言谢绝了。

    Hagrid made them tea and offered them stoat sandwiches , which they refused .

  11. 这四个伙伴后来才发现外面的大白鼬也不见了。

    The stoats outside , the four friends discovered later , had gone too .

  12. 这件长袍以白鼬毛皮镶边。

    The robe is fringed with ermine .

  13. 然而,这个区域的地形起伏而并非多山,因此确定白鼬山很困难。

    However , the terrain in this area is undulating rather than hilly , so it is difficult to identify Stoatshead hill .

  14. 持枪的大白鼬把守在围墙周围,他们还都是很不赖的卫兵。

    The stoats , with their guns , are on guard all round the walls , and they 're very good guards too .

  15. 据殖民者们介绍说,大蜥蜴以前遍布新西兰,直到老鼠、猫和白鼬把它们挤掉。

    Tuatara once ranged throughout New Zealand before rats , cats , and stoats - introduced by human colonizers - wiped them out .

  16. BrewDog酿酒厂目前已经制成12个尸体酒瓶,包括7只白鼬、四只松鼠以及一只野兔。

    Twelve bottles of The End Of History ale have been made and placed inside of seven dead stoats , four squirrels and one hare .

  17. 我有了很多宠物,例如猫,狗,兔子,白鼬,鸟,蛇,蜥蜴,甚至还有了一只山羊。

    We had a lot of pets such as cats , dogs , rabbits , ferrets , birds , snakes , lizards , and even a goat .

  18. 其它的食肉动物也可能感染流感,他说,为此他的研究组现在正在观察白鼬、狐狸和海豹。

    Other carnivores are also likely to fall foul of flu , he says , adding that his group is now also looking at ferrets , foxes and seals .

  19. 内伯尔的报告发表在《科学》杂志网络版上。他介绍了用1999年的疫苗在白鼬和老鼠身上试验的结果。

    In his paper , which was published online by the journal Science , Nabel describes the results of animal tests in ferrets and mice using the1999 vaccine for the boost .

  20. 她不在照顾自己的宠物蜥蜴和白鼬时,就在西雅图管理一个软件开发小组,赚的钱比我们任何人都多。

    When she 's not taking care of her pet lizards and ferrets , she is managing a software development team in Seattle and making more money than any of us .

  21. 我们顶着狂风暴雨从山顶下到阳光明媚、波光鳞鳞的湖区,一路上不断检查所设陷阱,我们看到了一只死去的白鼬以及两只腐烂的老鼠。

    We descended through blustery rain and buffeting winds into sparkling sunny lakeland , checking the traps as we went . We found one dead stoat and two decomposing rats in the traps .

  22. 他还是去了蛤蟆宅第,只见两只雪貂站在花园里嘲笑着他,守卫在墙头上的大白鼬向他开枪射击。

    But he had gone up to Toad Hall , and two ferrets in the garden had laughed at him , and the stoats who were guarding the walls had shot at him .

  23. 总理约翰·基于上周一宣布了这一雄心勃勃的计划,到2050年,新西兰要彻底消灭老鼠和包括负鼠和白鼬在内的其它一些害虫。

    Prime Minister John Key last Monday announced an ambitious plan to completely rid the South Pacific nation of rats and some other nuisance animals , including possums and stoats , by the year 2050 .

  24. 新西兰很多土生土长的动物在外来游客带来的天敌(如狗、猫、野兔、白鼬等)的夹击下生存艰难。这些陷阱就是试图控制天敌数量的举措。

    Many of New Zealand 's native creatures have struggled against predators who arrived with human visitors - dogs , cats , rats , rabbits , stoats and their like - and the traps are an attempt to control their numbers .