
bái huà
  • a birch;white birch;Asian white birth
白桦 [bái huà]
  • [Asian white birth] 落叶乔木,树皮白色,薄如纸,木材细密,可做家具

白桦[bái huà]
  1. 以北京为例,春季最常见的致敏花粉包括榆树、杨树、白蜡、合欢树和白桦的花粉。

    In Beijing , for example , the most common allergenic pollens in spring include those from the large-fruited elm tree , Cathay poplar , ash , acacia and white birch .

  2. 笔者在以往草本植物DNA和微生物RNA提取方法基础上,提出了提取白桦雄花芽组织RNA的3种方法。

    Based on the means of extracting DNA from herbage and RNA from microorganism , three new methods of extracting RNA from white birch stamen tissues are posed in this assay .

  3. 一些北欧人仍然认为白桦可以辟邪。

    The birch is still considered a protection against evil spirits by some people in northern Europe .

  4. 富含多糖的白桦成熟叶片DNA的提取方法

    A Method for DNA Extraction from Mature Birch Leaves Rich in Polysaccharide

  5. 采用SPACE模型对20世纪50年代的皆伐地,现已形成次生白桦林进行动态模拟。

    Modified SPACE Model was used to simulate the birch secondary forest from the clear cut in 1950s .

  6. 建立了适应白桦的mRNA差异显示分析体系,优化了反应条件和反应程序。

    MRNA differential display system of Birch was established .

  7. 可在白桦(乙),橡木(海外),地毯(C)和安装(一)版本。

    Available in Birch ( B ), Oak ( O ), Carpet ( C ) and Installation ( I ) versions .

  8. 白桦花芽RNA的快速提取

    Rapid Extracting RNA from Stamen Tissue of White Birch

  9. 利用GC色谱法测定了长白山白桦树皮中白桦脂醇和白桦脂酸的含量。

    The contain of betulin and betulinic acid are analyzed by GC .

  10. 用各样地的主要立地因子为基础材料,通过PCA亦对白桦林进行了排序分析;

    The main site factors of sample plots were also used to ordinate and analyses .

  11. 用AFLP标记构建白桦遗传连锁图谱

    Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps of Silver Birch Based on AFLP Markers

  12. 白桦苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)基因的分离及其表达

    Expression and Isolation of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase ( PAL ) Gene in Betula platyphylla

  13. 转基因白桦中GUS基因表达的定量分析藕节炭中3-表白桦脂酸含量的测定

    Content Determination of 3-Epibetulinic Acid in Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Charcoal

  14. 高密度林分(1650株/hm2)中白桦木材材性最有利于造纸。

    The stands with high density ( 1650 strain / hm2 ) is favorable to papermaking .

  15. 立地类型对白桦木材基本密度、纤维长、长宽比影响差异显著(p0.05)。

    Impact of sites on wood basic density , fiber length and ratio of fiber length to width of birch show significant differences ( p0.05 ) .

  16. 用落叶松和白桦代替部分黑云杉生产新闻纸用TMP

    Partial Substitution of Hybrid Larch and Birch for Black Spruce TMP for the Production of Newsprint Grade

  17. 这些EST的获得为分析白桦花期基因表达,进一步克隆白桦花发育相关基因提供了资料,为后续基因表达和功能解析的研究工作提供了基础。

    These ESTs provide materials for analysing the genes expression during flower time and cloning genes correlated Betula platyphylla flower development .

  18. 这30株转基因白桦中有28株的gus基因能够稳定表达,占总数的93.3%。

    And the expression of gus gene was stabile among 28 out of these plants in three years .

  19. 在上述最适合的转化条件下,农杆菌介导的GUS基因对白桦叶盘的转化获得了抗性再生植株,转化率为2.8%。

    Transformed plants of white birch were obtained under above conditions and the transformation rate is 2.8 % .

  20. 证明改良的反向PCR方法运用到转基因白桦T-DNA旁侧序列的可行性和合理性。

    The result proved an improved reverse PCR method applied to T-DNA flanking sequence analysis of the transgenic birch was feasibility and rationality .

  21. API胶粘剂在落叶松、白桦和柞木木材弦径面渗透的显微研究异氰酸酯水乳液胶粘剂是木质复合材料胶粘剂研究和开发的热点之一。

    Study on Penetration of Aqueous Polymer Isocyanate Adhesive into Larch , Birch and Oak Agueous emulsifiable isocyanate adhesive is one of important adhesive researches for wood based composite .

  22. 利用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定了白桦雄花发育过程中赤霉素(GA)、玉米核苷素(ZR)、脱落酸(ABA)及吲哚乙酸(IAA)的含量变化。

    The content variation of GA , ZR , ABA and IAA during the development of male flower of Betula platyphylla was measured with ELISA .

  23. 番茄栽培种AFLP指纹图谱的建立用AFLP标记构建白桦遗传连锁图谱

    DNA Fingerprinting of Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill by AFLP Marker Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps of Silver Birch Based on AFLP Markers

  24. 应用RAPD技术对东北地区白桦种源遗传变异的分析RAPD技术在林木遗传育种中的应用

    Analysis of Genetic Variation within and among Betula platyphylla Provenances in Northeast China Using RAPD Markers The Applications of RAPD Technique in Forest Tree Genetic Breeding

  25. 白桦对N的消耗量较大;而红松对N的消耗量则相对较小,N利用效率比白桦高34%。

    In the quantitative aspect , birch consumed relatively larger amount of N , while pine only required relatively smaller amount of it and the N use efficiency was 34 % higher than that of birch .

  26. 以白桦悬浮细胞为材料,通过同源序列RT-PCR方法结合RACE技术首次克隆获得白桦法呢基焦磷酸合酶FPS的cDNA全长序列。

    Birch suspension cells as material , through homologous sequence RT-PCR method combined with RACE technology cloned and obtained firstly birch farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase FPS cDNA full-length sequence .

  27. 并利用径阶株数分布直方图、Weibull分布等函数及拟合检验方法,分析不同地区白桦天然次生林直径结构的差异。

    And using the diameter number distribution , Weibull distribution function and fitting inspection method , analysis of different regions of birch natural secondary forest diameter structure differences .

  28. 施肥对白桦生长发育和几个MADS-box基因表达的影响

    The Effects of Fertilization on the Growth and Development and Expression of Several MADS-box Genes of Betula Platyphylla

  29. 运用波谱,尤其是13C-NMR分析鉴定19α-羟基乌苏酸和2α-羟基白桦脂酸的结构,归属了这两种五环三萜酸各碳的13C核磁共振谱δ值。

    The structures of pomolic acid and alphitolic acid were identified by spectra , especially 13 C NMR . The 13 C NMR signals of the compounds werc also assigned .

  30. 结果表明:在目前的空气CO2浓度下,光合和呼吸作用的最适温度分别是24℃和30℃;当相对湿度是80%时,白桦能维持较强的光合作用;

    The results showed that the optimal temperature of photosynthesis and dark respiration was 24 ℃ and 30 ℃, respectively , at ambient CO2 . When relative humidity was 80 % , Betula platyphylla could maintain strong photosynthesis .