
  • 网络the state of lu
  1. 此夫鲁国之巧伪人孔丘非邪?(《庄子》)

    This must be none other than that crafty hypocrite Kong Qiu from the state of lu !

  2. 鲁国有个人长得非常难看。

    A person of the state of Lu looked very ugly .

  3. 一个鲁国人特别喜欢钓鱼。

    A person of the state of Lu loved angling very much .

  4. 鲁国的一个乡下人送给宋元公两个难以解开的连环结。

    A countryman from the state of Lu sent to king Song Yuangong two knots that were difficult to untie1 .

  5. 哀公说:“我们鲁国有很多儒生,但是学习你道家学说的人却很少。”

    Ai Gong said : " There are many Confucian scholars in our country , but very few study your Taoist doctrines1 . "

  6. 从前,鲁国有这么一对夫妇:丈夫是一个鞋匠,鞋子做得很好;

    In the past , there was a married couple in the State of Lu . The husband was a shoemaker who made very good shoes .

  7. 这个学生于是断言:“这个绳结根本就不可能解开!”宋元公派人去问连环节的鲁国人这话是否准确。

    The student thereupon claimed , " The knot could impossibly be untied . " The king sent people to check what he said with the countryman from Lu .

  8. 下令五日之后,鲁国穿儒服的人在街头一下子就没有了踪迹。

    Five days after the order was issued , you could not find any people wearing the scholar 's costume in the streets of the state of Lu any more .

  9. 庄子反驳说:“情况不是您说的那样,事实上儒生在鲁国很少。”

    Zhuang Zi retorted : " The actual situation is not like what you said . In fact , there are very few Confucian scholars in the State of Lu . "

  10. 春秋时期,鲁国一户姓施的人家,有两个儿子,一个学文,一个学武。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , a Shi family in the State of Lu had two sons . One of them studied liberal arts and the other martial1 arts .

  11. 鲁国宰相公仪休非常爱吃鱼,得知他这一嗜好的鲁国人纷纷拎着鱼,送到他家来。

    Gong Yixiu , the prime minister of the state of Lu , was very foud of fish . The people of Lu who knew his addiction1 all came to his home bringing him fish .

  12. 公甫文伯的母亲得知在鲁国做官的儿子病逝后有十六个妇人为他自杀,没流下一滴眼泪。

    After hearing that sixteen women committed suicide when her son , Gongpu Wenbo , who was a high official in the state of Lu had died , the mother did not shed a single drop of tear .

  13. 庄子说:“鲁国是儒家的故乡,但是只有一名儒生。这怎么能说鲁国儒生很多呢?”

    Zhuang Zi said : " The State of Lu is the native place of Confucianism , but there is only one Confucian scholar . How can you say that there are many Confucian scholars in the State of Lu ? "

  14. 哀公听了,反问说:“鲁国上上下下,都穿着儒生的衣服,怎么能说儒生少呢?”

    Hearing this , Ai Gong replied by asking a question : " How can you say there are very few Confucian scholars in the State of Lu , when all the people in the state wear the clothes of Confucian scholars ? "

  15. 当鲁昭公被逐出鲁国,孔子就跟随他到了齐国。

    When Chao was exiled from Lu Confucius followed him to Ch'i.

  16. 鲁国特殊的地理和社会环境是它得以产生的土壤;

    The special geography of Lu country is its social soil ;

  17. 曲阜西周鲁国青铜器

    Bronzes of the Lu State under the Western Zhou Dynasty from Qufu

  18. 这回又有一些鲁国学者求见。

    This time the scholars asked to meet him again .

  19. 鲁国有对夫妻,男的是鞋匠,鞋子做的很好;

    There was a couple in the State of Lu .

  20. 于是齐国军队认为鲁国胆小不敢进攻,便懈怠下来。

    Because of this , Qi thought Lu was timid and then relaxed .

  21. 于是就把扰乱政治的鲁国大夫少正卯杀了。

    Hence the disturbance of the political state doctor less bases are killed .

  22. 春秋时期鲁国历法考

    Textual Research on the Calendar of State Lu of the Spring and Autumn Period

  23. 鲁国国王亲自率领军队准备大战一场。

    King of Lu leads his troops personally , ready to battle it out .

  24. 鲁国一有位残障人士,大家称他叔山无趾。

    In the State of Lu there was a disabled man called Shushan The Toeless .

  25. 从前,鲁国有这么一对夫妇。

    In the past , there was a married couple in the State of Lu .

  26. 孔子,出生在鲁国陬邑(今山东境内)。

    Confucius was born in Chou , Lu ( which is now the Shandong Province ) .

  27. 事实上儒生在鲁国很少。”

    In fact , there are very few Confucian scholars in the State of Lu . "

  28. 春秋时期鲁国施氏家族探析

    Analysis of the Shi family of the State of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period

  29. 实际上,该地区的周文化因素极有可能也与鲁国有关。

    In fact , the Zhou cultural factor most likely relates to the state of Lu .

  30. 当他路过鲁国时,鲁国有些学者想登门求见。

    When he passed the State of Lu , some local scholars wanted to see him .